Jiang Xueli chatted with Gu Ran, which also delayed her time for dinner.

On the way from the classroom to the cafeteria, her steps were brisk and her whole body was full of joy.

She knew that Gu Ran's grades could be improved.

But now that she really saw Gu Ran's score rising, how could she not be happy.

Although it is still far from reaching the same score range.

But if you are smart, your scores will only get higher and higher.

The chances of her wanting to go to the same university as Gu Ran are getting higher and higher!

Of course Jiang Xueli had thought about it.

If Gu Ran's score couldn't be improved, she would ignore everything and force herself to apply for the same application as Gu Ran.

But when I think about it, the risk is also very high.

What if Gu Ran's score is not enough to meet the admission criteria of his choice, but he is admitted?

As for controlling points...

Jiang Xueli was not sure about this, and was even more afraid of screwing it up.

After all, these two words, controlling scores, are not something that can be achieved simply by having good grades.


It is the safest way for Gu Ran to raise his score.

This way.

She also doesn't have to have anything unpleasant happen to her because of "failing the college entrance examination."

Even if she had made plans to ignore it...

He just didn't ask Gu Ran about his favorite school.

But think about it...

Gu Ran still doesn't know how far his grades will eventually improve. It's normal that he doesn't have a favorite college yet.

There’s no need to rush.

Gu Ran will have it in the future.

I also have plenty of time and opportunity to learn about it!

Thinking to himself.

Jiang Xueli's mouth curved slightly, and her whole body was filled with joy.


Not long after she left, her imperceptible smile suddenly disappeared again.

The pace became slower and slower until it stopped.

She was still far away from the canteen at the moment, at least a hundred meters away.

But she still recognized it at a glance. The figure standing in the corner at the entrance of the cafeteria was Gu Ran.

And opposite Gu Ran...

It's Xu Zhiting!

Zhou Xiaomeng, who was hiding behind the tree behind the two of them, looked sneaky even from a distance.

But at this moment, Jiang Xueli couldn't see anyone else, so she automatically ignored them all.

At this moment.

In her eyes, only Gu Ran and Xu Zhiting were standing together.

Jiang Xueli didn't know what was happening between the two of them.

Not to mention hearing it, she couldn't even see clearly.

It can only be vaguely seen that the two of them are arguing about something...

She unconsciously took steps towards the direction of the two of them.

A strong desire for knowledge burst out in Jiang Xueli's heart.

I especially want to know what is happening between Gu Ran and Xu Zhiting.

But she hasn't taken a few steps yet.

Gu Ran, who was in the distance, turned around, paused again, as if he said something, and then walked into the canteen without looking back.

After Xu Zhiting stood there for a while, she went to the opposite direction...

Are you really arguing?

Or is it a quarrel?

After the two of them left, Jiang Xueli walked towards the restaurant almost unconsciously. She kept recalling the scene where she just saw Xu Zhiting and Gu Ran standing face to face, trying to find some conclusive evidence from the memories.

It felt like an argument and a quarrel.

But that's just a feeling...

What if it feels wrong?

It's a trip down memory lane.

She couldn't find any conclusive evidence to prove that Gu Ran and Xu Zhiting had just quarreled.

Just two people standing face to face, and then separated without looking back, it felt like a dispute, but what if it was really other circumstances and I felt wrong?

Jiang Xueli has been paying attention to Gu Ran silently.

Even though she had no friends, she had heard rumors about the two of them.

Of course he knew about the relationship between Gu Ran and Xu Zhiting.

If it were the usual Gu Ranjie...

I will definitely not quarrel with Xu Zhiting!

But the old Gu Ran was still following Xu Zhiting every day!

This time of contact with yourself.

Jiang Xueli has never seen Gu Ran and Xu Zhiting together, and has never even heard Gu Ran mention it...

What is going on?

The more Jiang Xueli thought about it, the more puzzled she became. She kept getting distracted and somehow ended up standing at a window to eat. It wasn't until she waited in line that she came back to her senses and realized that this window was selling junk cakes. of.

"Hello, I want one..."

The rows were all arranged, so it was okay to just eat this, so Jiang Xueli bought a crumb cake.

Take the cake and leave the window.

Jiang Xueli also quietly made up his mind.

She was going to ask directly about the situation of Gu Ran and Xu Zhiting.

Just make up for the class tonight!

After all, instead of making random guesses, it’s better to just ask what’s going on…

Although he might not be able to ask, Gu Ran might not answer him, and it might make Gu Ran feel that he had crossed the line... There might be many bad consequences.

But Jiang Xueli was already a little overwhelmed and didn't want to think so much.

Maybe it's because he has been silently watching the relationship between Xu Zhiting and Gu Ran for such a long time.

Jiang Xueli's heart is particularly sensitive when it comes to Xu Zhiting.

She really, really wants to know...

"No, you have a problem with your brain, don't you, big brother!"

As soon as Gu Ran entered the cafeteria, he was dragged away by Xu Kun, who had been looking for him for a long time. Xu Kun said that he had prepared food for him. Gu Ran thought to himself that he was worthy of being my good son. As a result, Xu Kun dragged him out of the cafeteria through another door and came to the small water hut on the side of the cafeteria.

On the edge of the holly pond in the corner behind the hut, there were two buckets of instant noodles!

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