Damn it, the poor little girl I bullied is a chaebol daughter

Chapter 87 535 points! College entrance examination essay!

"35th place, Zhou Xiaomeng, 420 points... Zhou Xiaomeng, your grades have dropped so much, this is not good! The college entrance examination is coming soon, I hope you can seize the opportunity of the few days left!"

It seems that Zhou Xiaomeng went to a junior college in her previous life.

The results were soon reported to her, and Gu Ran thought of this.

In this case, Zhou Xiaomeng's grades have dropped, and it has nothing to do with him.

I think it should be because of the social youth with a scorpion tattoo on his palm last time.


It's really funny.

While Gu Ran was smacking his lips playfully, Zhou Xiaomeng went forward to get the test paper, and her face was extremely ugly.

But, the ugliest thing is yet to come...

This time, after her name appeared, it took nearly 20 places before Gu Ran's name finally appeared.

"17th place, Gu Ran, 535 points!"

After Li Liang reported Gu Ran's results, the whole class was in an uproar.

"Damn, Gu Ran? Over 500 points!"


"What was your score last time?"

"I think it was 450?"

"450...535...Wow! This time it's almost 100 points higher!"

"Not just this time, if I remember correctly, 450 points is at least 100 points higher than Gu Ran's last test score!"

"That's too much!"

"It's really great, but I remember Gu Ran's grades were very good when he first entered school...You can find the reason yourself."

"The decline in grades is because of Xu Zhiting!"

"So what's going on with the two of them now?"

"Do I even need to ask this..."

Zhou Xiaomeng pinched the test paper with her fingers, as if she wanted to crush her stack of papers.

She really didn't have the courage to treat Gu Ran the same way as before, but she couldn't accept that Gu Ran had surpassed her by so many points.

But obviously, it didn't make much difference whether she accepted it or not.

She couldn't accept it last time either.

But last time, their scores were only 5 points apart.

But this time, the difference is more than 100 points!

The next time.

Their distance will definitely be even greater, gradually becoming an irreparable gap!

"Not bad, really good! I knew you could do it!"

Li Liang praised repeatedly, and after handing the paper to Gu Ran, he patted Gu Ran on the shoulder, and then his expression became a little regretful.

If Gu Ran was given more time, could he get a higher score?

Thinking this way about Xu Kun and Gu Ran, it shows how much Li Liang, the head teacher, hopes that all students can get good grades and have a good future.

And it is obvious.

Gu Ran himself wants more time than Li Liang.

But this is something that cannot be changed.

After all, this is a situation where they have to start over again.

If rebirth can be predicted, and the time can be chosen, then Gu Ran must remember all the lottery tickets for each issue first, so that when he comes back, he doesn't need to learn how to play, he can just lie down and enjoy it.

But obviously, this is not the case.

Gu Ran certainly won't ask for more.

As long as he can return to the present, he will be very satisfied.

The next trajectory of fate will be controlled by him and develop in the direction he wants!

"Tenth place, Xing Ren, 570 points, it's time to work hard, otherwise if you give Gu Ran another month to take the exam, you will fall out of the top ten in the class."


Xing Ren went up to get the test paper, and he was very disdainful of Li Liang's words.

It doesn't matter if it's increased by another 100 points, or how much, it seems to be really fierce, but there is a difference in IQ between people. I got 570 points, which is easy and comfortable, while Gu Ran tried his best. The innate gap is here, and Gu Ran will never be able to surpass me in his life.

And... there will be no next monthly exam!


"Sixth place, Xu Zhiting, 590 points, Zhiting, your scores have dropped in succession..."

Li Liang paused, sorted out his words and said: "I think you have some problems with your mentality. Are you too nervous about the college entrance examination? Adjust yourself well and relax. You have the ability to do well in the exam."

"Yes, thank you, Teacher Li."

Xu Zhiting pursed her lips and nodded in response. After taking the test paper, she turned around and quickly returned to her seat.

Zhou Xiaomeng saw that Xu Zhiting also dropped, and her mood suddenly improved a lot. She subconsciously wanted to complain that it was all because of Gu Ran, but she was forced to hold back the words when they came to her lips. She remained silent and wanted to look back at Gu Ran, but she didn't have the courage to do so.

In fact, she was just watching, and Gu Ran didn't care at all. Gu Ran was just a school bully in reputation, not a real bully who bullied boys and girls. Of course, he couldn't slap them in the face, well, at least not before the college entrance examination, and Gu Ran didn't pay attention to this at all, no matter whether it was Xu Zhiting's grades or anyone else's grades, he didn't even listen to them, because at this moment, Gu Ran had received the test paper for a long time, and Xu Kun was still shaking him like an idiot, excited like a 500-pound fat man.

"535 points! It's definitely passed the first-tier line! Gu Ran! Did you eat mad dog? The grades are so fast!"

"I ate your uncle... Lao Li is going to give a lecture, don't fucking shake me, you're shaking me to vomit my breakfast!"

Gu Ran grabbed his wrist and pushed him aside. Just then, Li Liang had just handed out the papers and was about to give a lecture. He saw Xu Kun, who had been making noises. Xu Kun lowered his head quickly, but he did not forget to give Gu Ran a thumbs up and praised him: "Awesome!"

Seeing that Xu Kun did not make any noises, Li Liang did not point him to stand, and began to talk: "There are still 4 days before the college entrance examination. In these days, our courses will be a little relaxed. Everyone should relax and adjust their mood to face the college entrance examination with a better attitude. So this time I will only talk about the key points. These questions are almost always in the college entrance examination. We have been studying them almost all the time, and I have been emphasizing them all the time, but there are always people who make mistakes... Then there is the composition. I have told you many times... Take a look for yourself, how many of your compositions have high scores this time?"

Listening to Li Liang's words, Gu Ran's head suddenly flashed like an electric shock. He quickly turned to the composition section of the paper, looking at the composition score of only 24 points out of 60 points, and gradually opened his eyes wide.

He forgot the content of the college entrance examination questions...

But he could still remember the content of the college entrance examination essay!

Because Gu Ran couldn't do three of the previous questions at that time, he was in the stage of regret, and was confused about the results of his college entrance examination and even his entire life, so he remembered it very clearly.

The title of this year's college entrance examination essay is——

"Grasp the direction"!

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