Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1656: Demon Siege

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Li Zongjiu still lives back to the mountain house and small building.

Under the large formation of Shanju Xiaozhu itself, they can also ensure their own cultivation and progress with stability, so that they can also break through the heaven and earth as soon as possible.

The sites in the city before the command of the Mi Shi have also been changed and changed, and the masters have been disbanded, and most of the Mi Shi troops under their hands have been disbanded, and the remaining part has been incorporated by the new command.

As for the leader of Mi Shi, they are only living in the record, which is also very realistic, very real, and this rhythm is obviously faster than the outside world.

At the current rhythm, it has not been around for seven days. All the prestige of this Mi Shi command has disappeared, and I can still bluff people with the latter's name.

But it won't work now.

Everyone knows that this Mi Shi command is just a dead man.

The only thing that is alive is eternity, and the rest of the people don’t even look at it. After they die, they are basically dust to dust, and earth to earth.

Things are so simple and clear.

Hong Long is also trying to recruit gang members.

Ao Tian also joined the gang.

Can it be regarded as the facade of a strong man of heaven and human realm? It's here.

Li Zongjiu has dealt with these two major crises and is preparing to take a break.

Suddenly, I saw the sky above this red soul main city turned into a blood-red color.

You can see this blood curtain appearing above.

When everyone saw this scene, they were all very surprised.

Some newcomers have never seen such a scene.

But some of the experienced old people also broke out at this moment a very incredible light, did not expect such a thing, even happened again.

"What is this?"

Li Zongjiu also clearly knew that there must be something wrong with this, otherwise, there would be no such changes.

Hong Long also had wide-eyed eyes. He had really seen such a situation for the first time in this big world for so many years, but the reasons for the formation of such things were also very clear.

"Demon Siege, this is Demon Siege!"

Demon siege! ?

When Li Zongjiu heard it, there was such a thing.

When Li Zongjiu set up some trials for the students of Tianzong Academy on the Golden Island, he also used similar magical powers.

But in this big world, Li Zongjiu was very surprised by creating such a shocking siege.

How embarrassing this Xuantian Emperor is, it is necessary to get something out of this calm time. If you look like this, it must be quite lively, otherwise it will never stop.

Why bother so much?

The reason is that such an effect is needed.

"What rules."

Li Zongjiu saw that, above this red soul main city, outside this red light curtain, there were already some dark things similar to raindrops, which were falling rapidly.




You can see these raindrops falling down, but with a bang, they fell directly to the ground, and a terrible momentum directly erupted.

Some things fell directly on this red defensive cover and instantly turned into fly ash. ?


Hong Long said.

"The only rule is to live. The defensive cover of the main city of Red Soul can only be maintained for three minutes. After three minutes, these monsters will also rush into the city."

Hong Long said.

"They don't have any emotions, they just know the killing."

"It's already a blessing to be able to survive. If you can resist in this siege battle, you may become the leader of the Red Soul City!"

"If you can't resist this monster's attack on the city, then this red soul main city will completely disappear and be wiped out!"

There was a trace of surprise in Li Zongjiu's eyes, but he didn't expect this demon to attack the city, so tragic.

It is impossible to escape.

Outside the main city of Red Soul, within a radius of a hundred miles, there are countless demons descending from the sky.

No matter how fast you are, as long as you don't move in an instant.

It will be surrounded by these demons.

The only way to survive is to stay in the city.

All these demons are falling from the sky.

When Li Zongjiu first came, he was wondering why there was no wall in this main city. Now it seems that this wall is useless when it comes.

The other party is falling directly from the sky, what use is the city wall.

And how can this ordinary wall resist the congenital level, or even the attack of the strong man of heaven and earth, is absolutely impossible, and only your own strength can resist it.

At the same time, in this demon siege battle, the special effects of your gang station will also be directly invalidated. The only way to survive is to bring all the brothers to a real life and death battle.

boom! boom! boom!

The red light curtain above the sky, it seems that at this moment, they also directly gigantic ripples.

Many people have already begun praying, praying that they can escape this disaster.

And they are all very fast and around, at least people with more trust, forming a team.

This is what experienced people will do.

Those who have no experience with Xiaobai are basically giving away.

? The demon in the distance has been rushing towards the main city of Red Soul.

Li Zongjiu took out the Wushuang sword.

"Then kill it. Since there is no way to go, there is no other way."

Li Zongjiu said.

There is no problem with self-protection.

As for how to protect the city, look at the city owner and his own ideas.

Faced with such an attack, Lord Chishen must have a strategy.

The city guards in the city also quickly assembled.

And they all converge in one direction.

This direction is the statue of the main city of Shing Mun Square.

Under the statue of the city master, all of them will also be blessed in power. At the same time, the statue of the city master itself is also a very powerful magic weapon.

Under the statue of the city master, if everyone gathers, it can naturally become a very strong force to resist.

"Shall we also go to Shing Mun Square?"

Hong Long asked.

"No, just here."

"Call all the gang members here."

Li Zongjiu said, if after such a demon siege battle, and then all of his own gang died, it would be too miserable.

So it's good to be able to keep one.

After all, after joining his young gang, as a gang leader, it is natural to take a look.

Otherwise, no one from this gang will be willing to join in the future.

Three minutes passed quickly.

There are not many masters coming to Shanzhu Xiaozhu.

Li Zongjiu's side has gathered many gang masters.


The red light faded.

The entire Red Soul main city also erupted at this moment.

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