Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1012: At your own risk

Attack him mentally?

Everyone was blinded, and more than 300 students were present.

If you exert your spiritual power at the same time, even a strong emperor can't resist it, and these new students also have a great alchemy talent.

Everyone's strength is not weak. Although it may not be as strong as Li Zongjiu, it can be pushed to the elephant even by the ants.

No doubt, this is an extremely dangerous move.

If Li Zongjiu is powerful, then Li Zongjiu is actually only a sophomore.

It's just one session higher than them.

However, it was one session higher, so dare to be so arrogant.

Among the freshmen on the spot, there were a few prideful guys who just sneered.

"Brother Li, then you must be ready!"

The geniuses themselves are all tense, and they are not convinced of each other. The fact that you were able to win the chief of the Three Dynasties Dan Society by Li Zongjiu does not mean that he was unable to win it, just because he did not participate.

It is precisely because of this idea that the hearts of these people are extremely arrogant, and even Li Zongjiu is no longer in his eyes, thinking that this guy is just lucky.

"Listen to my password. After five breaths, attack together!"

There is a young man in a purple-gold robe, and the air between the eyebrows is also very strong.

And there is a fan of this born leader.

The other freshmen also obeyed this person's instructions.

Nan Peixuan glanced at the boy. It is said that the boy's background is not simple. He is the favored son of a prince sitting in the north.

This time I came to the King City, so as to venture into the King City.

But this son should have seen the scene, but he couldn't imagine how terrible the young Li Zongjiu in front of him was.

After no interest.

The entire classroom space became chaotic.

It can even be clearly seen that the ripples like water ripples are shaking in this space, and waves are gradually flowing.


Li Zongjiu stood still in place.

Let the more than three hundred forces suddenly bombard Li Zongjiu's body.

Li Zongjiu's own strength is condensed here, as if it were a huge pool, and these horrible forces are now accommodated.

More than 300 people attacked at the same time, but they failed to shake Li Zongjiu's slightest!

"My day! Is this kid a monster!"

Ling Yan stood aside, originally wanted to stop Li Zongjiu from doing such a dangerous move, but after thinking about it, Li Zongjiu has never lost. Since it was said, it is not entrusted.

But I was really sure, and I just witnessed the miracle.

Sure enough, Li Zongjiu took over these forces in front of him.

It can even be said to be a breeze.


Suddenly, Li Zongjiu's rebate has been sent to everyone, with twice the power of each of them, in return to them, directly to the people in front of them.




More than 300 people at the scene vomited blood, fell, and screamed!

Seriously, there were those who were in a coma directly.

At this moment, they were truly aware of the horror of Brother Li's strength, which completely exceeded their imagination.

Just by this trick, it is no longer known how many people have transcended the realm of cultivation, can reach this intensity, and send every force back to them with great accuracy.

One person resisted more than 300 people.

So scary!

"My class is over."

Li Zongjiu used their strength to teach them a good lesson. What does this class mean? That is, tell them not to fight casually with the strong, you are not worthy.

In addition, Li Zongjiu is also very direct. In giving back to their spiritual power, they also directly gave them some spiritual insights. If they can understand and enter, they will naturally gain something.

If you ca n’t understand it, but just treat this spiritual force as an attack, an external force, you will find nothing.

After leaving this sentence, Li Zongjiu turned and left.

Ling Yan and others were stunned and looked at the mess in front of you. Your kid came to this classroom and injured so many people, so he left and fluttered away.

Your kid is really brave.

"Well, you guys, can you come tomorrow?"

Ling Yan shouted at Li Zongjiu's back.

"Don't go."

After Li Zongjiu fluttered a sentence lightly, he just walked away, where there is so much time every day to accompany you to do these things. Originally, Ling Yan was thinking about entanglement with Li Zongjiu, at least to get this thing down, but the scene was so chaotic, so many students were injured by Li Zongjiu. If this were to be said, wouldn't it be human Shocked chin


But unexpected things happened. The students who were injured by Li Zongjiu, some of them even meditated on the spot and started practicing cultivation, regardless of their injuries. It seems that they want to refine these powers in a timely manner. If this feeling disappears,

For them, it will be a very important opportunity to lose.

Watching one by one entered the state of meditation practice.

At first Ling Yan didn't understand what Li Zongjiu was teaching them, but now it seems that Li Zongjiu really gave them a very valuable lesson.

"It is actually able to put so many people into a state of perception. What kind of teaching method is this?"

Ling Yan was shocked to see this scene.

However, in order to achieve Li Zongjiu's level, at least Li Zongjiu's mental strength is required. If not, how can this be achieved.

Therefore, there is no way to replicate this method. Only Li Zongjiu can succeed.

When Li Zongjiu stepped out of Tianchen Medicine House.

There were a few movements ahead.

We came to meet Li Zongjiu, and extremely arrogantly blocked Li Zongjiu's way.

"You are Li Zongjiu."

The person who came face to face was cold-looking and taller than Li Zongjiu's head. He stared at Li Zongjiu with arrogance.

"Look for death."

Li Zongjiu looked at the four people in front of him.

These little young people really don't know what they think.

It is foolish to dare to stop Li Zongjiu's footsteps.

In the city of King Shengyan, no one has dared to stop Li Zongjiu's way for a long time.

"We are from the Longevity School and have been instructed by your brother. Please attend tomorrow."

After speaking, he stared at Li Zongjiu with his nose, and whispered directly into Li Zongjiu's ear. "If you don't show up, you will be at your own risk."

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