Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1112: Cannon rain flies

So these people have been a lot more honest these days.

However, they also heard that this general, known as the God of War, was abolished. It was the general of the Mad Lion City. Zhou Bachuan,

The record of Bachuan this week.

It is also very shocking.

Even Sun Hong, who has always been blind, was completely shocked that day.

Zhou Bachuan only took twenty people, leaving the rest to wait outside, and rushed into the battlefield with himself.

Suddenly in this battle city, blood flowed into the river, sword sword light.

The fight lasted for an hour.

Shouting and killing sounded loud.

In the end, the body covered the entire street. Although the subordinates brought by Zhou Bachuan were seriously injured, none of them were killed. Twenty-one people walked on this **** street, stepping on their blood and holding their heads. come out.

The evil spirits of the twenty-one people at the time were the fiercest they had ever seen in so many years.

Really cruel people do not need to kill people every day, they only need to kill once at this critical time.

Such a battle is enough for these people to remember again for several years.

"Shit, this is awesome!" Sun Honghong and others couldn't help but think of the scene of the day. They were shocked in their hearts. They were shocked once they thought, and speechless. Who knows that this week is muted No sound, big man who always likes to walk around wearing armor

Of course possess such strength.

Although something like armor is defensive, it is more ornamental, and true defensiveness is far less than a talisman or adding something like inner armor.

Of course, if it is a specially built armor, it is a different matter.

It's just that Zhou Bachuan looks like a poor people, and he doesn't seem to be able to build that kind of super armor.

Li Zongjiu and others were eating at a restaurant in the city. Wan Youlan also came and brought some considerable information. At present, there are some strange places in the city, which are all considered to be the town's magic fairy palace. Entrance,

It's just that these places reveal a trace of weirdness, which makes people dare not approach it easily.

Therefore, there is no way to investigate, but now it has been blocked and no one is allowed to approach.

"What role does Zhou Bachuan have? So powerful?"

Li Zongjiu has some interest in Zhou Bachuan.

Although Li Zongjiu had not heard the name of Zhou Bachuan, about 300 years ago, there was a very powerful army force that once appeared in the sight of the mainland.

This is a wild army without any affiliation.

But it has its own banner.

Called Bachuan Army.

The biggest battle of the Sichuan army was to conquer Liukou Island! This Liukou Island was the culprit of the cholera continent at that time. The Sichuan army said nothing, but four hundred people directly landed on Liukou Island, and then launched a fierce killing of four days and four nights, killing the other nearly 30,000. Bandit

Kou, all beheaded.

Since then, it became famous in the first battle, but this Bachuan army disappeared after calming down Liukou Island.

No one knows where these Bachuan troops have gone.

"I also checked the information, and there is no accurate information." Wu Wanlan said frowningly, when Zhou Bachuan appeared, he had felt something wrong, but could not find any clues. For Zhou Ba Few people led by Sichuan know their origin


"It's okay, then take these people with you. If Ba Chuan wants to go in this week, then go together. You tell him that not only he can go in, but he can also take people in.

Li Zongjiu said while eating.

Wan Youlan nodded.

Based on Li Zongjiu's temper, naturally he wouldn't care about what little moves Ba Zhou will do this week. Now it seems that Li Zongjiu is very interested in this man named Zhou Bachuan.

After meals.

Li Zongjiu and others followed Wan Youlan and came to three strange places in the city that may become entrances.

The first place to come was a dry well.

The dry well has been dry for hundreds of years, but some time ago, the dry well began to seep black liquid from the ground.

And these liquids are constantly emitting a foul odor.

It's unbearable.

Finally, it was closed forcibly.

However, just yesterday, the black water in the well spewed out directly and permeated the vicinity, and it was quite corrosive.

Fortunately, the outbreak of this mysterious black water has only been maintained for a little time. If it continues, then I really don't know what will happen.

This black water well happened to be on the site of Sun Hong,

This is also the first time Sun Hong saw the true content of Xun Zun.

To be honest, when I saw this Li Zongjiu at first glance, Sun Hong's mind was inevitably a little contemptuous. Even a child with no hair on his face even dared to call himself an evil respect.

But when Sun Hong saw Wan Youlan always flying behind Li Zongjiu consciously, he naturally dared not say more.

"This well used to be a dry well. Recently, there have been such strange things. Many people say that this is a well of cursing."

At this moment the manhole cover had been opened, and the black water under the well was swaying slightly.

"I see how this place could be the entrance. Only a fool would jump from here. Anything that falls will be corroded by these black waters."

Sun Hong said.

Li Zongjiu took a closer look, then looked at Sun Hong.

"What's your name here?"

Sun Hong froze, and didn't understand why Li Zongjiu suddenly asked this question. To say that Li Zongjiu was really damn, even he didn't know his name.

"I am General Sun Hong!"

When Sun Hong was talking, he also had a little pride and slightly raised his chest.

"Okay, help me go down and explore!"

Li Zongjiu said.

When Sun Hong hadn't understood what Li Zongjiu's words meant, Li Zongjiu had already grasped this Sun Hong, and then threw people directly towards Heishuijing.


Sun Hong had only one time to scream.

Then a thumping sound fell directly into the black water well.

When Sun Hong's men saw this situation, they immediately wanted to do something, but Wan Youlan only glanced back at these people, and these people were too embarrassed to dare to approach.

"Isn't it here?"

Sun Hong's body was not eroded by this black water for a long time.

There was a foul smell.

"In the future, you will manage it."

Li Zongjiu followed his fingers. This man was a subordinate of Sun Hong. He had been loyal for many years. He originally thought that he had no chance to get ahead in this life, but suddenly he came directly to the top, making this person very surprised.

"Yes ... yes, subordinate Hou Baoshan obeys!"

"These black waters are the blood of the demons. There should be a pool of blood here."

"There are some broken meals around the formation, so these blood flows out, Li Yan, you can repair the formation here."

It was easy for Li Zongjiu to kill a Sun Hong, and he didn't even take it seriously.

Clap your palm and go.

Li Yan is here to temporarily repair the seal formation.

In the next two places, nothing was found.

It is the place of the nine cities, but someone has already come.

However, these people did not find the land of the nine cities, because the land of the nine cities has been covered up by the stray array arranged by Li Zongjiu and Li Yan.

Above the sky.

The war ship from Haotianzong patrolled back and forth in the air, but did not see any signs of the city.

"Are you sure this is it?"

Yang Antai stood side by side respectfully.

Liu Yuan and others followed him.

Only a man in a purple-gold robe sat on an extremely luxurious chair.

A purple inscription tiger lay beside his feet.

The tiger tail fluttered slightly, but it had a very powerful blow.

The Haotian warship of Haotianzong was independently developed, but it was actually processed on behalf of other places, and some of the items were forcibly taken from other warships and installed.

"Returning to the Deputy Sovereign, it must be here, but I don't know why it can't be found, but it must be in this area. So big a city, can't it run!"

"Then a cannon rain flies."

Deputy Sovereign Lu Baixuan said lightly.

Immediately with a wave of his hand, countless black paint cannons on the Haotian warship immediately protruded out, and started a wild bombing towards the forest below.

"Boom!" For a moment, the ground shook!

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