Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1118: Ice Demon

The mouse demon lay on the ground in front.

He was crushed by Li Zongjiu's hammer and couldn't move for a long time. Seeing that Li Zongjiu and others approached him, he severely cut off all of his chest.

After that, the Rat Devil used these two hands to constantly move the ground.


The fire ghost king directly ignited the mouse head demons in front of him.

It didn't take long to get out, and was burned clean.

"These demons that can climb out on their own should be those ancient strongmen who sealed with their own blood, so this time, the power of the seal was weakened."

Li Zongjiu said.

"Keep on going." The three of Li Zongjiu went on immediately. Although Li Zongjiu didn't know the exact location of the Warriors Sword, according to the power of the Warriors Sword, the demons and powers suppressed under the Warriors Sword Definitely not easy


Just when Li Zongjiu and others were exploring.

On the other side, Zhou Bachuan brought his men and his followers to the map.

I came to a tomb about two meters high.

The map material in Zhou Bachuan's hand is extremely special. When viewed from the outside, it is a blank piece of paper, but once it enters the town's magic palace, it can be displayed.

"This is it, the corpse of the old master is buried here!"

Zhou Bachuan's eyes showed a sense of excitement.

After waiting for decades, I finally found it.

"It's been almost 10,000 years, I waited to wake up from the ice, and the world has completely changed. Master, Bachuan will pick you up today!"

Zhou Bachuan's amazing speech was enough to surprise anyone.

The owner of this cemetery, at least, is a character from 10,000 years ago.

How could it have something to do with Zhou Bachuan and others.

But now it seems that Zhou Bachuan and others are not people of this era.

The battle between ancient things and the demons can be said to have various situations.

Such as Zhou Bachuan and his party.

In fact, these people are also a strong follower in ancient times. They attacked an army of the Demons, but the Demons that they fought on that day were good at cold power.

The ice of Zhou Bachuan's troops was directly sealed. Under the ice, the master of Zhou Bachuan and others sealed the ice demon with his own blood, and used the last force to inject vitality into the glacier, allowing Zhou Bachuan and others to approach here. Under the ice of thousands of years, still

Is alive and able to be reborn!

At the same time, he left his last wish. If he had the chance, he still wanted to return to his hometown and sprinkle his ashes on the Heihe.

The territorial division between the dynasties has not yet formed in ancient times.

But the owner lives near the Heihe River Basin. The specific address is hard to find, but although Heihe has changed, at least he is still there.

After Zhou Bachuan and others woke up, it can be said that it took more than ten years.

In the end, based on what the owner left, this map found the existence of the town's magic fairy palace,

After Li Zongjiu came down, Zhou Bachuan was also very excited.

"General, do you do it now?"

"Open the tomb!"

Zhou Bachuan's voice was as firm as iron stone.

"Welcome to the master!"

The tomahawk in his hand gathered the horrible power, and suddenly slashed down towards the front.


The tombstone was shattered, and the tomb in front was also split directly into two halves. When it was split into two halves, an extremely cold chill permeated directly.


The owner sealed the ice demon with the last bite of blood, and wanted to take away the host's body. I thought that this was going to face the attack of the ice demon, so these people were already ready.

Even if it is an extremely fierce battle, the master's final wishes will be fulfilled.

A cold current burst out from the tomb and rushed directly to the five soldiers around Zhou Bachuan.

Fly out nearly fifty meters away, but fortunately the cold current was blocked by the shield in my hand.

The body rolled over, and the sharp knife at the waist was also in his hands.


Zhou Bachuan held the tomahawk in his hand and chopped off the cold current around him, and at the same time chopped it in front of the ice monster that had just escaped.

The giant axe opened and closed.

The newly recovered Ice Demon has not yet figured out the situation, but just senses that it is approaching dangerously, and protects the whole body with the force of ice.

"A diamond axe!"

The axe in his hand suddenly burst into horrible golden light.


An axe smashed the ice cubes that the ice demon defended, and finally the axe fell on the ice demon's head fiercely.

But this axe is only half embedded.

Come on.

A trace of blood seemed to be squeezed out of the blood vessels.


The ice demon banged directly on Zhou Bachuan's body, and sent Zhou Bachuan's entire person to Zhen Fei. Together with the axe, he flew out with a large bone.


He was hit **** the ground.

The ice demon slammed at it, and several ice arrows blasted at Zhou Bachuan.

Immediately, five shields superimposed quickly in front of Zhou Bachuan.

Bang Bang!

Five people tried to protect Zhou Bachuan.

Just as the ice demon was about to kill all six people, he suddenly flew out a horrible sword from the broken tombstone.

Instantly penetrated half of the body of the ice demon.

Shatter half the body of the Ice Demon directly!


Frost's eyes were full of anger, and he glanced back at the grave, then the figure rushed forward suddenly.


In the blink of an eye, the figure of the ice demon disappeared before his eyes.

Only Zhou Bachuan and others were left, and this tombstone was broken.

"It's the master's shot!"

Seeing the scene just now, Zhou Bachuan and others are also proud of their owners. Even if 10,000 years have passed, the remaining strength can easily inflict severe injuries on this ice demon.

Ice Demon's body disappeared.

Zhou Bachuan and others must be unable to pursue.

Eventually, the owner's body could only be found.

"Take away the master's body first!"

Zhou Bachuan and others got into the tomb.

Prior to this, the tombs had extremely terrifying powers, which were specially used to seal the demons. If no one opened them from the outside, it would be impossible for these demons to escape from them.

But now release the ice magic, Zhou Bachuan and others do not regret it.

After the owner is buried, he will hunt down the ice monster with all his strength!

Before a pair of coffins, Zhou Bachuan and others with tears in their eyes, kneeled directly on both knees!

"Master, Bachuan is late!" Zhou Zhou Bachuan and others stung a few heads severely. If the master did not save his life, none of them would live to this day. When he woke up in this era, they came Until now, they naturally have their own tasks

You need to complete these tasks.

Put the coffin in front of you into an empty storage ring.

"After you go out, summon everyone to guard the master's body. You must never let anyone approach! Nor can you let anyone know."

Zhou Bachuan said.

"General !?"

"I went to inform Lord Xunzun that this ice demon has been trapped for 10,000 years, and his strength is still so strong that he cannot be taken lightly!"

"Master Xie Zun is kind to us, and we cannot disregard them!"

Zhou Bachuan said.

"Let's follow you, General!"

"Protection of the master is the most important thing. Go, this is the order!"

After a lot of hard work, fortunately, at the last moment, the owner's body was found relatively smoothly, and then we need to complete other things. Later, Zhou Bachuan also let a few soldiers return with the map in the same way. With the map in his hand, he almost has a pass, so he can come and go freely, but there is only one map. have to

Catch up with Li Zongjiu and others.

Carrying the tomahawk in his hand.

Zhou Bachuan and his trip can be regarded as fulfilling a great wish. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

Outside the nine cities.

"No, we have been tricked!"

Suddenly, Supreme Master stopped.

Obviously this city is in sight, but they have spent at least two more hours here!

How could such a thing happen, and even blinded the two Supreme Realms?

Immediately after the supreme extermination of the soul awakened, he was extremely angry.

Absolutely also awakened suddenly, the random soul-breaking supreme blasted a palm directly toward the front.

The direction of the attack was in the land of nine cities. ,


The land of the nine cities was wiped out under this palm.

"Fake!" Their two supreme powerhouses, not only circled in situ, but also walked in a fake direction!

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