Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1172: Five Poisons

Lan Kun and others were going to attack the Five Poisonous Drugs, and Li Zongjiu was accompanied by them.

The strength of the Five Drug Sects is not simple. It is not easy to deal with it. It is inevitable that some accidents will occur, so Li Zongjiu also moved forward. The reason why he came to Tancheng was to help Lan Kun.

At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid this city from being cleaned up by the Holy Yan Dynasty. The previous city was cleaned up. After the severe Yan Dynasty fell, these people had no chance to escape.

Once all the ministries in the dynasty are stable, they will naturally start to clean up these uncertain factors. If the strength is not strong, it will be a matter of time to be cleaned up.

As for the reasons, when you really clean up you don't need too many reasons.

This siege operation was also led by the Elder Lanyi of the Wilderness Department. At the same time, the Green Tigers and the City Guards of Tancheng also joined together. This joint operation also used a common name, namely, the Qing Dynasty insurgents.

Kill these people.

Most of the masters in the Five Drugs Sect have been sent out. What's the situation now, I haven't received feedback for a long time.

When the leaders of the five drug cults remembered it and wanted to send someone to inquire about the situation, no progress had been made for so long.

As a result, he was told that two major armies had been killed.

The people of Wucheng and the Green Tigers.

All five poisonous mountains were blocked by the joint.

These five poisonous religions are hidden here, only a hundred and twenty miles away from Tancheng.

Moving forward at full speed, the army arrived just two hours later.

And some of them have just returned to the Five Poisons, because they just completed the task of sneaking into the Qinglong Army, and this task is much more difficult than expected.

After their successful sneak attack, the people of the five drug cults themselves were wounded by more than half. Although they had long expected the power of the Qinglong Army, they did not expect that the Qinglong Army would respond so quickly.

Therefore, although he fled quickly, he also suffered great losses and serious injuries.

With this news, the remaining troops passed back the Five Drugs.

The leader of the Five Drugs Sect Gao Hun was surprised when he heard the news, but soon Gao Hun also showed disdain in his eyes.

"It's a dead end. I want these people to die half before they get to my Wudu Mountain!"

The Wuduo teaching has been here for so many years, and the secrecy in various aspects has been very good. At the same time, Wudushan has been built into a real place with no return. .

For the enemy, they can definitely feel the horror of the Five Poisonous Mountains.

The poisonous array established on the Five Poison Hills alone is enough to bury 100,000 troops.

Lan Gu and others were also following the crowd. At the moment, they did not have the opportunity to ventilate and report, and they could only follow honestly.

"Be careful, there is a poisonous array ahead."

Li Zongjiu raised his hand to stop the progressing team. Zhao Lei quickly gave orders to stop the people behind.

"This formation is subtle."

Li Zongjiu took a look at the layout of the poisonous array in front of him. This round of arrayed arrays is not something that ordinary people can arrange. On the top of Wudu Mountain, Gao Soul led the remaining masters of Wudu Education. At this moment, all poisons converged on the Wudu Mountain, staring at the huge lineup below. So many people gathered, even if they were a few miles apart Clear


"Teacher, they will soon enter our five poisonous serial soul array."

"Once you enter, you will start the formation immediately, so that none of these people can escape!"

"Is it so easy to break into the Five Poisons !?"

In addition to the masters of the Five Drug Doctrine, there are also hundreds of disciples of the Five Drug Doctrine who all feel as if they are close to their enemies, waiting for Li Zongjiu and others to die in the mountains.

After a while, however, the army remained stagnant.

Only one person entered the battle, which touched the induction of this formation.

"It seems that these people are not stupid. If you want to send someone to die first, then complete them, five of you, and quickly start the formation."

"Yes, the leader!"

Immediately, the five elders directly operated the power and manipulated the formation, and immediately the poisonous formation started.

Lan Kun and others immediately saw the dark fog rising in front of them, and they didn't know where these thick black fog came from.

Instantly condensed, immediately in front of the eyes, and then everyone's body continuously receded, looking at the scene in shock and vigilance.

"These gases are highly toxic and must not be inhaled!"

For monk Yuanli, if he inhales these poisonous gases, it will have a great impact on the root of his own cultivation. He would rather be chopped up than be poisoned once.

And most people are unwilling to choose to practice poison. After all, after this poison cultivation, it will definitely have an adverse effect on your body, maybe some strange changes will occur, but these poisons are a way to quickly improve your strength. Many people

This is even more difficult to give up.

Who doesn't want to be a strong man quickly?

Even if there are certain risks.

"Hey, he'll be fine."

When seeing this situation, Zhao Lei couldn't help but startle x.

Just now Li Zongjiu has determined that there is a poisonous array in front, and even a trap, but now he continues to move forward. Now that this poisonous array is opened, it is so powerful.

No one would dare to imagine that if the army was trapped in the poisonous array just now, but did not know what the horrible consequences would be, the number of people who could survive would not exceed one percent.

Even in the end, hundreds of people can survive.

"Relax, I'll check."

Lan Kun said.

Holding Wantu Sword in itself is in this evil rebellious atmosphere, which is quite horrible, so the influence of these poisonous gases on Lan Kun itself will become smaller.

Before Lan Yi agreed, Lan Kun had already stepped into this poisonous array.

Lan Yi didn't say anything when she saw this, but Lan Kun's move was indeed impulsive, and it was extremely dangerous to rush in.

But now Lan Kun's identity is different. It is not enough after the name of the owner of this little city. Of course, there are also some things that need to be done to increase his reputation in Gaocheng and improve his status and reputation.

This is another reason why Lan Kun decided to bring people to kill the Five Drug Cults so quickly.

It is also equivalent to killing the city, and also adds a little glory to Lan Kun itself. Otherwise, it is difficult for others to convince you.

In front of Li Zongjiu, the poisonous gas was transformed, and several terrifying poisonous beasts rushed towards him. He originally thought about a fire and burned the poisonous array in front of him, but Li Zongjiu suddenly became interested in this array, so he let these poisonous beasts take shape.

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