Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1177: Propose marriage

The problem of the five drug cults also ended today,

And since this period of time, the problem of the blood family's desire for independence has also been successfully solved. With the death of Lan Gu, a messer, everything has returned to peace.

If Lan Gu is still alive, he will be frightened by things in the city.

It was supposed to be Lanyu, the master of the city who was heavily poisonous.

Miraculously resurrected with blood.

Although I can't deal with it for now, but at least the injury has been recovered, but it should not be too laborious, and only needs to be given a certain amount of time to be able to return to its peak state.

Waking up Lan Yu also learned from Lan Tianying's mouth what happened recently, and expressed his gratitude for the arrival of Li Zongjiu. If it wasn't for Li Zongjiu, it wasn't just him who died.

There are so many human lives in the Wilderness Department here. For the rest of the blood lineage and others, Lan Yu also gave severe punishment, and also promoted Lan Kun to enter the elders' seat. For the record of Lan Kun in the past few days, with a powerful backstage like Li Zongjiu, get Elder position, also

It's very simple.

And Zhao Lei also directly sent troops to patrol the city, and finally retreated without any problems. This time, the culprit who wanted to rebel has been caught, so there is no need to stay here.

You can even go back in advance to return to life.

However, before leaving, Zhao Lei also came to Li Zongjiu and expressed his desire to join the White Deer Mansion.

"If you want to enter my White Deer Mansion, you must first prove your strength. If you can smooth the Huo family, I will let you join."

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

Huo's eyes in Li Zongjiu's eyes are nothing but a bug that likes to swell his stomach, and there is no threat in his eyes. However, Li Zongjiu will not refuse such a person with lofty ideals to join the White Deer Mansion. It is always good to be strong and powerful. As long as these people are sincere enough, if there is any rebellious movement, Li Zongjiu will not have the slightest.

Soft hands, and there are ways to deal with these people.

Before joining, you must first have the strength to join.

In front of Li Zongjiu, the Huo family was just a small bug that was difficult to turn over, but in front of Zhao Lei, the Huo family was still a behemoth.

Even now most Huo masters have been killed.

It's not so easy to deal with, but as Li Zongjiu thought, if you can't help Bailu Mansion to solve the problems, solve these troubles.

It wouldn't be impossible for White Deer Mansion to ask you to come and eat.

This is not an easy opportunity, but it is also an opportunity.

"Zhao Lei takes command!"

"You can rest assured, as long as the Huo family is solved, follow-up problems will be handed over to me to settle. I will give you a month. Within a month, the resources of the White Deer Mansion will be mobilized with you."

"If it can't be done in a month, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

This approach has reduced the great difficulty, which is equivalent to Zhao Lei's joining the White Deer Mansion in this month, but now he needs to complete a trial task.

If you can't complete it, you can only be sorry.

"Master Xie Guoshi!"

To say that this state teacher is really quite unscrupulous. After all, the name of the state teacher is to think for the entire royal family of the Holy Yan Dynasty, but Li Zongjiu never seems to consider this aspect.

When doing things, I never thought that I was the master of this Holy Yan Dynasty. I just needed to achieve my own purpose.

Immediately, Zhao Lei led the Green Tigers to evacuate, and at the same time began to think of ways to resolve the Huo family.

Hearing the meaning in Li Zongjiu's mouth, solve the Huo family.

The first is to completely eliminate Huo's position in the army, so that Huo's family cannot pose a threat.

Difficult to control the Qinglong Army.

And the second meaning is to directly solve the Huo family.

Only then will there be no future problems.

"The Huo family has always been indifferent to doing things. This time, then let me see how much skill you have!"

Li Zongjiu spent an extra few days in Yuncheng.

To say that the danger of the city is temporarily lifted.

But there are still more important things waiting for Lan Kun to handle.

Two days later, Lan Kun expressed his thoughts at a family meeting, and wanted to propose to Sheng Yan the Great!

This incident also caused a stir at the family meeting.

Even Lan Yuyan looked at Lan Kun with a strange look.

"Your kid, you're soaked in a princess!"

"Yes, it's bold enough, like a man!"

Even his father, Lan Yu, couldn't help but praise that his child can find the one he loves, which is certainly a happy thing.

It was just this subject that made Lan Yu have a headache instantly. Who is wrong? It is the princess of this dynasty.

"No, this is absolutely impossible!"

The Elder Lan Yi opened his mouth and stopped.

Lan Gu was dead, and the position of the elder was vacant, so Lan Yi was directly pushed up.

"The relationship between us and the Holy Yan Dynasty itself is surging undercurrents. If we conclude a relationship with the royal family, we must be jealous of the royal family, not to mention, the royal family will certainly not agree!"

Lan Yi said.

Lan Yi is also very thorough about this kind of thing. It is not a simple matter to solve such a problem.

After all, such problems exist.

And this kind of problem may worsen at any time.

"The elder said this is wrong, why not? Am I the future city owner of the city, not worthy of his princess of the Holy Yan Dynasty."

Lan Yuyan's heart had a little opinion. In the hearts of the Lan family, he obviously put himself in a very high position. He even had a kind of empty space and a sense of arrogance. ,

After all, the glory of Wucheng was not imaginable by ordinary people.

Being able to survive between the great dynasties is enough to prove everything.

"That's not the case, but it still needs careful business ..."

Elder Lan Yi has not been seriously injured, and now he is slightly weak, and he cannot make heated arguments, but everyone is more convinced of Lan Kun's potential.

Lan Yu frowned.

Then I looked at a figure sitting in the corner. When I met today, I said how Lan Kun had invited this person specially, at least I should ask what he meant.

"Elder Li, what about children?"

No one dared to underestimate Li Zongjiu throughout the entire Lan family.

He never even dared to be proud in front of Li Zongjiu.

As for why, as long as you come to experience how Li Zongjiu brings them these days, you can know.

The existence of such powerful people is simply against the sky.

"Huh? Oh, my thoughts, my thoughts are the same as Lan Yuyan."

Li Zongjiu is studying the formation method with all his heart. Fortunately, Li Zongjiu has strong mental strength, so he can recall the information he had previously captured.

Lan Yuyan did not expect Li Zongjiu to give such an answer.

Is it because Li Zongjiu is more concerned about her? Suddenly, I was supported by Li Zongjiu. This made Lan Yuyan's heart feel indescribable. The recognition of others was nothing to Lan Yuyan, and he didn't even care about it. ,on

It seems to be affirmative enough.

"Father, you elders don't need to worry. When I come back this time, I just want to get a name and leave the rest to me."

Lan Kun said.

To say that before this, I directly mentioned that Lan Kun is just an unnamed puppet of Wu Cheng Lan's family. Who knows who you are.

Not even the elders.

But now Lan Kun's identity and status have been confirmed and affirmed, and at the same time, he has also been recognized by Wucheng. Naturally, he also has a reputation and status.

To some extent, it can be regarded as a door-to-door pairing. When it is given out, it also has at least a name.

This is exactly what Lan Kun wants.

Now Lan Kun has become the heir of the city owner.

The truly deserved Shaocheng owner of Wucheng!

"Okay, go back and take the three flintstones in the family treasure house as your gift!"

Lan Yu also laughed loudly. In fact, as long as Li Zongjiu opened his mouth to support, this matter was mostly not a problem. If anyone wants to fight at this time, it is not giving Li Zongjiu face!

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