Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1186: Imperial City Shock!

Xu Mo waited for half a minute at the door, and Xiao Zhao came to meet him in person.

"General Xu, please inside!"

"Director Zhao!"

Xu Mo took another look at the young girl who was in front of her eyes. When she came last time, she didn't know the terror power this little girl had in the city.

Later, after knowing it, he was exclaimed again and again.

It is completely impossible to see that such a little girl has such a clever means. Although Li Zongjiu is said to be paving the way behind, but the real effort is always Xiao Zhao himself to complete such a large layout.

It must not be easy!

"Please come in."

Before he entered the main hall, Li Zongjiu stepped out of the hall.

"Girl Xu Mo?"

Li Zongjiu looked at the tall girl in a red uniform.

The last time I met was in Incandescent Mountain.

It also gave the latter a chance. The thousand-year-old fire-flower was given to this girl. When Li Zongjiu saw this Xu Mo, she knew that the thousand-year-old fire-flower did not give the wrong amount.

With Xu Mo's strength, he can also exert the true power of this thousand-year fire-flower, but it does not weaken the effect of this thousand-year fire-flower.

"Li Zongjiu!"

When Xu Mo saw Li Zongjiu again, he found that Li Zongjiu at the moment, although not much changed, was still like this, very ordinary clothes, but the arrogance of his face was even worse.

If it weren't for Li Zongjiu's ability to do so, Xu Mo would really like to play against Li Zongjiu, and then learn a lot from this unruly guy.

"Not good, something happened to my friend!"

Xu Mo's trip did not come with Li Zongjiu, and even sneaking out at this moment has violated the military regulations. If it is found, the consequences will be very serious.


"The one named Lan Kun was put into blood prison by the emperor!"

Xu Modao, and immediately after Li Zongjiu heard the words, his eyes were full of murderous.

It was only at this moment that Xu Mo had felt the shocking energy hidden in Li Zongjiu's body, but he did not know how to solve such things today.

I didn't even know if it was right or wrong to inform Li Zongjiu of the incident.

"Well, you're a Saint Yan Emperor, you really can't be an emperor!"

Li Zongjiu was already angry.

Tell you nicely that you don't listen, you have to force him to do it, you have to make Li Zongjiu angry once.

Today, it is necessary to make clear to the mind of this Emperor Yanyan what his identity is.

"Go, call me all the emperor class, let Hong Shisan lead the team, go to the blood prison, and fish me out!"

"Yes, master!"

Xiao Zhao's heart is also as excited as the galloping horses. This moment has finally arrived. Since Xiao Zhao laid out the White Deer Mansion, he knows that there will always be a confrontation with the royal family one day.

It seems that this day is today.

Whether it is life or death, this matter must be done.

Immediately, Xiao Zhao immediately summoned the Yuan Emperor's strongman, and also issued a summons order. This summons order is aimed at some people who have not yet become the staff of the White Deer Mansion, or some people who are idle.

These people are unwilling to be obedient to the White Deer Mansion for a long time, and want to be free, so they have not joined for the time being, but they can be summoned by means of high hires.

The total number is about 25 people!

Twenty-five Yuan emperors are strong.

Enough to overthrow a king city.

With the power of the White Deer Mansion, it is enough to mobilize such a large number of masters in a short time. It is indeed quite scary. It is no wonder that the royal family will hate Li Zongjiu so much and hate the White Deer Mansion.

"What are you doing!"

Immediately, Xu Mo had already eaten it. Looking at Li Zongjiu's appearance, he seemed to be going to rebel.

She Xu Mo, as the commander-in-chief of Suzaku, how could she watch such riots happen in front of her.

"Li Zongjiu, don't be impulsive!"

Xu Mo took the Suzaku **** crossbow from the waist down instantly. Between the movement of the Suzaku **** crossbow, there was already an arrow on the rails, and easily pulling down the trigger was enough to erupt the power to kill the Yuan king.

"Li Zongjiu, listen to me. We will work together to find a solution, but if you rob the prison, you will be complicit in sin!"

Xu Mo was so anxious that he never thought that Li Zongjiu would make such an extreme decision. The Suzaku **** crossbow in his hand also pointed at Li Zongjiu's forehead. She must ensure that Li Zongjiu would not do anything.

Otherwise, she would rather take Li Zongjiu first and never let Li Zongjiu do such a thing.

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Li Zongjiu swayed gently, breaking up the Suzaku **** crossbow in Xu Mo's hands, and turning it into parts and fragments on the ground.

Xu Mo's eyes were startled, Li Zongjiu's realm was indeed high.

"Zongjiu, stop, don't force me to do it!"

Xu Mo's hands were standing in front of her, and she also had strength on her wrist.

And just when Xu Mo was about to block Li Zongjiu.

However, Xiao Zhao was used to summon the tobacco pill that was used for convening and then vacated, and then there were more than a dozen figures who quickly landed in the courtyard.

And they are all around Xu Mo.

He looked at Xu Mo with a strange look.

While Xu Mo looked around, most of them didn't know it, but there were a few people, but in the city of King Shengyan, he was famous.

"The Black and White King Su Wuji!"

"Broken arm alone!"

"Lingnan King!"

"you guys……"

Xu Mo's eyes widened. These people are all well-known Yuan emperors in the Holy Yan Dynasty. But at this moment, they have all turned to Li Zongjiu and assembled in Li Zongjiu's house.

Although Xu Moxiu is already quite strong in order to reach the sixth king of the Yuan Dynasty, how can there be a slight chance of victory in the face of these groups of Yuanhuang strong men.

Therefore, Xu Mo was completely shocked, stopped in place, and also recovered his own power.

If there is only one person in the other party, Xu Mo would rather fight to death than shrink back half a step, but you, an ant, gossip against a group of elephants.

Even with courage, it's useless.

"Li Zongjiu, if you do this, you will not only be able to help Lan Kun, but also the whole city! And your White Deer Mansion and even your family."

Xu Mo is still persuasion, and now there is only one way to persuade, and there is no other way to talk about Li Zongjiu.

"Well, you just rest here with me."

Li Zongjiu said.

"Hong Shisan, you took everyone to the blood cell, you must rescue Lan Kun!"

"Yes, master!"

Even as a powerful emperor, they have never done such a bold thing, but if they really want to do it, they are not afraid, and few people will counsel.

Not to mention, just to save people, not to kill people.

What about the Shengyan dynasty? This list of things is very happy for the Yuan emperors.

It's better than running into some Yuanshou Forests to find some ore treasures, and then face some terrifying Yuanshou.

To attack the blood prison, why do so many strong men dispatch together? It is just that Li Zongjiu wants to waver and declare war on this royal family!

"Hey, I haven't done such awesome thing in my life. Today I will try it. I heard that there are a lot of masters in the palace."

Nangong Promise also came to hear the news.

I knew all the previous things. When I saw these people, they were already ready to set off, and it was also a thigh shot.

"Oh, this is absolutely impossible!"

Nangong Wuji wanted to stop but could not do anything because he himself was caught by Li Zongjiu directly.

"You follow me into the palace. Let's find the Emperor Shengyan and have a good chat."

Li Zongjiu said.

"Ah? What did you say !?"

Nangong Wuji thought he heard it wrong, but the next moment Li Zongjiu caught Nangong Wuji directly.

"set off!"

The figure rose into the air.

Near thirty, the figure rose into the sky.的 The masters in the whole city are also shaking!

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