Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1209: Surrender

"Can't go back to the city! Take them to Qingshiyu!"?

Xu Mo ordered, and at the same time was thinking about how to solve these stone armor people.

Before Qingshiyu came here, Xu Mo and others had already arranged for it. Since it is necessary to kill these Shijia people, it is naturally necessary to make adequate preparations.论 If it is on the terrain, the bluestone magpie is lower in the terrain, and the rocky cliffs on both sides are about 30 feet, and there is also a natural fuel mineral in this bluestone magpie.

Enough to bury these Shijia people.

It has been set here long ago. If it encounters the attack of these stone armor men, it is to send them to this place.

The direction of the six Chiyan birds quickly turned.

And Li Zongjiu looked at Yunfeng with a slightly wrong expression.

Is to say.

"Old thing, these Shijia people are here for you. Is there something on your body that these Shijia people care about?"

Li Zongjiu said.

"I did kill a few stone armorers before, but the things I obtained were all useless antique utensils. For me and others, they were not very useful." Yun Fengqi also wanted Pretend to be stupid.

Li Zongjiu took a leap and landed on the back of this Chiyan bird from Yunfeng. The Chiyan bird itself could not bear the two people, but after Li Zongjiu came up, he couldn't adapt. Reaction.

Obviously, Li Zongjiu's weight was so light that he didn't even fall on the Chiyan bird at all, which made the Suzaku army driving the Chiyan bird quite surprised.

"What do you want to do!" When Yun Zongjiu jumped over, Yunfeng immediately became tense. This guy looked very gentle, but now he has nothing to do with him.

"I have a hundred ways for you to say it, but today I use this one."

Li Zongjiu arrested people directly and hung in the air.

"If you don't hand it over, I'll throw you away."

"Don't you do it, I'm the owner of the Yun family. If you do this, the court will not let you go!" Yun Feng Qi shouted repeatedly, kicking his legs constantly.

"You let go of our owner!"

"Asshole, let go of my dad!"

The elders of the Yun family, as well as his daughter, can't stand it anymore. This Li Zongjiu is too much. It was not such a despicable way to force her father to hand over the things.

"I count to three, one, two, three!"

Li Zongjiu said lightly, but Yun Fengqi hadn't responded yet. Hearing that Li Zongjiu has already counted three to three, your speed is too fast!

Where can someone count like this, can't you be slower!

The voice fell, Li Zongjiu let go of his hand, and Yun Feng's response was quite fast. He directly reached out and grabbed Li Zongjiu's hand, as if he had caught the last life-saving straw.

"Don't, don't, strong man, I'll give you something, I'll give you something, you pull me up!"

Yunfeng started up quite quickly. If it fell now, the Suzaku army would have no time to rescue. The Shijia people below had already gathered nearly twenty.

Yun Fengqi was put back on the bird's back.

"It's just a robber, a robber!" Ji Yunfeng started cursing and grinning, and after Li Zongjiu's eyes looked at him, Yun Fengqi didn't dare to continue talking. If this guy was unhappy and vengeful after taking things, he would again If he dropped it, wouldn't the wind rise?

Is going to die in vain.

"They came after it, probably because of this thing. Although I know that this thing will not be in my hands for a long time, I didn't expect that I would give up so soon."

Said here that Yunfengqi was also very reluctant, and was very emotional.

"Twelve Tai Xuan Jing?"

Li Zongjiu accepted the book in Yun Fengqi's hands. This book is said to contain the secret place of the Emperor Wu, but it is necessary to collect 12 books. Li Zongjiu, who was in the previous life, also heard of this thing, but there was no appearance of the Shijia people at the time, or in other words, these Shijia people were originally unable to leave the underground palace, but this time they took the initiative to attack, Also attacked the city, this

It also made Li Zongjiu very surprised.

"You know the Twelve Tai Xuan Jing !?"

This time it was Yunfeng's turn to look at Li Zongjiu for a long time. I did not expect that this young man who looked so vulgar and unexpectedly knew the prestige of the Twelve Tai Xuan Jing, and it seemed to be somewhat knowledgeable.

"Before I was not interested in this thing, so I didn't collect it. Now it seems that this thing is also a bit interesting, and there has been a change."

Li Zongjiu of the previous life did not collect these 12 Tai Xuan Jings.

Mainly because of laziness, and there is also a reason, that is because no one has collected them after waiting for a long time, who would have waited to collect them, so he went to grab them directly, otherwise it would be very trouble-free. .

So Li Zongjiu had been waiting, but he never thought that after waiting for hundreds of years, there was no surname, so Li Zongjiu gave up afterwards, after all, Xiu Wei has reached the peak.

Before breaking through the sacred realm, he did not dare to break into the palace of the Emperor Sheng Wu.

Because according to Li Zongjiu's conjecture, there must be something in the palace of the Emperor Shengwu enough to let the supreme powers die. Only the supreme powers can be opened.

Li Zongjiu firmly believes that even without the inheritance of Emperor Shengwu, Li Zongjiu can break through this supreme limitation and reach the most holy realm!

Looking at the total volume in his hand at the moment. "I always thought this thing was fake." If this 12 Tai Xuan Jing is a scam, it is also a normal thing. Li Zongjiu will not be surprised at all, because this thing is really very difficult to identify. nobody

Success, then it may be false. "How could it be fake? The Twelve Taixuanjing corresponds to the twelve **** generals under Emperor Shengwu's hands. Each tomb of the **** generals has a map hidden in it. Emperor's Palace

Hidden! "Jian Yunfengqi also intentionally said this, and he couldn't let the inexplicable young man in front of him take advantage of it in vain. Now that he can't get it, he will simply announce it and let everyone know All right


Therefore, these words were also intentionally told to the people of Suzaku.

However, it is Kaoru Ye that controls the Chiyan bird at this moment. He is grateful for Li Zongjiu's life-saving grace, and he should not have heard the words of this cloud and wind.

"And the Twelve Taixuanjing attracts each other. If these Shijia people are chasing after each other, then it means that among these Shijia people, the Twelve Taixuanjing also exists."

Yun Fengqi looked at Li Zongjiu and said.


Li Zongjiu glanced at the wind and wind. The old thing was talking wildly, so that he jumped to death.

"If I can't find these 12 Tai Xuan Jings, you can just wait for me."

Immediately, Li Zongjiu said with a smile, then he jumped directly and swept down.


This jump also surprised everyone.

"What is he going to do!" Xu Xu Mo turned back to see Li Zongjiu who jumped down, and also widened these dark and beautiful eyes.

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