Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1293: Unparalleled momentum

The first to kill were two black lights. The black light was also surrounded by horrible black thunder lights. One was to kill the three elders of the bird shrine, and the other was to kill the ice bird.

After these two black lights appeared.

The people in the metropolis also felt a very strong momentum.

What are these people in front of?

"Tian Yao Clan, is this the power of Tian Yao Clan?"

Duxu's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he had not yet reached the state of His Holiness, he was not far from the state of His Holiness.

I can clearly feel that these people have gradually surpassed the state of His Holiness.


Li Zongjiu reached out directly.

Mixed yuan bell.

Zunyuan Zhongpu unfolded a magnificent light. After this light appeared, these two figures that fell rapidly were also directly wrapped.


The two figures exploded directly above the mixed bell, and a loud noise broke out.

But then the two figures showed their original shape.

Possessing the body of a dragon bird.

"Tian Yaozu!"

When the three elders of Jinjingong Temple saw the appearance of the two finches, they also took a breath of air. After so many years, they finally saw the legendary race.

You need to know that the existence of this demon clan, even the natural enemies of the dragon clan and their tenque clan, can only deal with the demon clan if they join forces.

However, both the Tianyue and Tianque clan have gradually come to an end. Only the Dragon clan is still brilliant.

Although it is a lot worse than the most brilliant time, it is definitely in a strong state compared to the rest of the races on this continent. This time the Demon Clan reappeared, it was apparent that they wanted to use the power of the Tianque Clan to enhance their own strength, and then beat down the Dragon Island. This dragon is enemies


But who knew that from the beginning, he encountered Li Zongjiu directly.

Originally, Li Zongjiu didn't care if you were a demon or a demon. As long as you don't touch his Li Zongjiu's people, it doesn't matter what you do.

The figures of the two finches were directly trapped in the mixed yuan bell.

The Zunyuan Bell also directly showed a huge body, and the original state also showed a sense of transparency. You can see the two finches trapped inside.

No matter how the two finches struggled, they couldn't break the stunned bell in front of them.


Suddenly three black lights fell directly on the Yuanyuan Bell, and they dropped the Yuanyuan Bell to the ground directly, making a very strong sound.

Without saying anything, Li Zongjiu directly sacrificed Wushuang Sword, and killed the three shadows entangled in the Yuanyuan Bell.


Li Zongjiu's body is surging, carrying a terrifying momentum.

Cover the three black shadows in front.

"Leave it to me!"

The three elders of Que Jinggong said that her three elders were not eating dry food. Now that the enemy has appeared, it is natural that they must be beheaded and killed. Anyway, he is also a respectable power.

Li Zongjiu is naturally casual, as long as these people are caught and tortured out, where Qi Yanran is, it is just the purpose of this trip. Now I have arrested two and the remaining three. Can kill directly.

However, Li Zongjiu looked at these people's actions seem strange. In his own breath, they are more like some lifeless puppets. What is it? Let's kill it again.

The hundred bird scepter in the hands of the three elders also directly transformed into the figure of thousands of birds, and one of them was directly selected and trapped. As for the other two, they were also given to Li Zongjiu.

In Wushuang Sword, the sword is settled.

A surge of surging gas came suddenly.


Li Zongjiu's sword rolled in his hands.

Immediately, the two people in front of him were forced to fly and kill at the same time.


Li Zongjiu's sword spirit was shattered, and one of the figures quickly rushed towards Li Zongjiu. The speed was extremely fast.

The body shape was swept away directly, and at the same time, it was photographed directly with one palm.

Floating Palm!


Palm strength fell through.

The mountain peaks that Li Zongjiu and others had waited for were shot into a pile of debris.

Huge dust rose up.

The enemies in the sky were directly engulfed, and the entire battlefield suddenly became more chaotic.

Du Xu and others can only barely feel the shock of the dust that is flying in the sky.

If Li Zongjiu's direction was just in the palm of his hand, if they are here, even if there is a large mountain guard, they will be instantly crushed.

"I depend, this guy is so fierce !?"

Du Tianhe and others were suddenly shocked. Before watching the boy, he was invisible, and who knew it was so fierce.

The palm of your hand just exceeded Du Tianhe's limit.

Therefore, Li Zongjiu's strength is far above Du Tianhe and others.

It can even be clearly seen that Li Zongjiu's strength is even stronger than that of the three elders of Shijingu.

Because the three elders of Shijingu Shrine only deal with one.

And Li Zongjiu dealt directly with two!

And at the beginning, Li Zongjiu also trapped two directly with an artifact, which was equivalent to solving four in an instant. The strength is amazing and I look forward to it.

Li Zongjiu was flying in the dust, releasing the horrible sword spirit one after another.

The speed of the two finches is also extremely fast, and even between these movements, the space is directly torn through the cracks.



The two big finches attacked from side to side, limiting Li Zongjiu to it, and the space around Li Zongjiu gradually began to collapse.

Li Zongjiu was also directly in danger.

Immediately, Li Zongjiu pushed out the Wushuang Sword in his hand.

A fiery red breath rolled up Wushuang Sword and killed one of the finches.

The hot sword gas spreading over the sword body.

As a result, one of the demon clan swept away in the distance, and its tail was chopped off by a sword. This broken tail demon clanted and rushed towards Wushuang Sword.

A flame figure appeared.

Eyes narrowed.

Unparalleled momentum.

It's the Fire King!


The Fire Ghost King did not expect that when Li Zongjiu was in trouble when he appeared, the Fire Ghost King also took the initiative to grab the Wushuang Sword in his hand and killed the Broken Tail Monster.

However, the remaining one suddenly grabbed Li Zongjiu's shoulders, his tail was like a sharp sword, and he pointed toward Li Zongjiu's neck.


Facing this violent tail, Li Zongjiu also sneered and grabbed each other's tail in his hands. ,

Pull hard.

Ragged his opponent's tail in a stiff manner.的 The body tempered by the power of chaos is so powerful!

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