Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1312: Secret weapon

The bloodless words fell, and there were six black shadows, suddenly digging into the fortress of the Black Snake Ridge fortress.

Immediately, the killing raged.

It was only a moment. There was a shout of killing throughout the fortress. The soldiers in the fortress did not even know who the enemy they were facing.

Just beheaded in the dark.

Fear and panic are spreading throughout the barracks.

However, Jiang Bai had been prepared before. Obviously, it was also thought that the enemy might use their ordinary soldiers to vent their anger. They had long been ordered to use the final weapon directly if anything happened.

A deputy commander in the army immediately sent someone to open up the final weapon.

The so-called final weapon is actually a cannon that can release lightning properties.

It's just that this Yuanneng gun is quite powerful, and Yuanneng gun also has a service life. Once used, it will wear once.

As this extremely important secret weapon, Jiang Bai was able to arrange this thunder and lightning energy cannon here, in fact, he wanted to surprise him.

The bloodless figure stood on a hillside and stared at the scene below. Suddenly, the cold smile on Wuxue's face froze, and then he leapt, and fled away.


The defenses of half of the fortress were blasted into fragments, and there was still the light of thunder and lightning, rushing out, and one of them was quickly moving towards the bloodless.

Because this Thunder element cannon also contains the effect of this tracking.

And can search for the breath of nearby fallen people.

If on the battlefield, this cannon would be enough to kill tens of thousands of fallen people.

However, this cannon tonight only bombarded five half-orcs.

The strength of these half-orcs has reached the level of the Yuan king, but under the attack of the thunder and lightning cannon, they were easily killed.

"Escaped two!"

The deputy saw the light of thunder and chase out, but did not seem to chase the other party.

Can not help but secretly hate, suddenly stomped.

In just a few minutes just now, the soldiers stationed at the Black Snake Ridge fortress have already suffered thousands of casualties!

This is a great loss.

If the thunder and lightning energy cannon is not used to drive people away in time, it is estimated that it won't be long before the entire fortress will be killed. ,

Thinking of this, how much can be considered a disaster.

"Report the situation quickly to the general!"

The deputy commander took a look at the Thunderbolt Element Cannon in front of him. This Thunderbolt Element Cannon was completely scrapped. The last chance was used.

The next time these people attack again, they will have no strength to stop them.

Bloodless and another member of the assassination team also evacuated quickly. Hiding in the distance, fortunately, the two were fast, so neither of them was injured by the lightning cannon. Otherwise, it only needs to be contaminated a little, and then the energy will keep on moving You come here and do n’t know

How are these horrible weapons, these weak human races made.

"Master Bloodless, our troops!"

Fortunately, the assassin who escaped saw his own companion being bombarded by the other party, so he was directly fixed in place, and he was also bombed clean.

Not even the ability to escape.

Therefore, he himself has a lot of worries, but fortunately, he ran fast just now.

Although no blood has the confidence to resist this move.

However, as an assassin, the whereabouts of the assassin must not be exposed, otherwise, what is the difference between those wastes.

To truly live in the dark, come and go, this is the highest state.

"It seems they have some arrangements, and leave today for the time being."

Wuxue said faintly, looking at these people should also have precautions. In this case, there is no need to take action at this time.

Today he lost five of his men, and bloodless will never give up.

After a while, I was able to come out and perform a mission. Of course, bloodlessness would not be so boring. I would just kill the target and then go back to life obediently, at least it would be more fun to play.

Such a rare opportunity is, of course, to release some of the darkness in my heart, and to let all these people in front of me bear the sins they have suffered!

Living in the dark for a long time, of course, these mentalities will become quite distorted, and these people without blood themselves are no longer normal people.

Not giving life to your eyes, this has become the norm

"No, you guys can't go today."

Just when the bloodless two were about to leave.

But it was a voice that stopped them directly, as if the voice appeared out of thin air, appearing directly above the head and appearing in the ear.

Let both of them have a slight meal!


There was a cold light in the bloodless eyes.

At this moment, with his perception, there is no way to sense the existence of the other party, which shows that the strength of the other party is far above him, and even this hidden technique has surpassed him.

"it's here!"

Bloodless quickly captured a figure, the same as the corner of his mouth, and in bloodless view, he forced the opponent out.

"Oh, I did not expect that there are still people who are not afraid of death."

When he saw that Li Zongjiu was just a human teenager, the bloodless smile was even worse.

If it is a pale-haired old man, then from the bloodless experience, it is necessary to deal with it carefully, because the other party is most likely a master who has cultivated for hundreds of years, but a child?

He had countless bloodless battles on the battlefield. He had seen all kinds of fierce characters, and some difficult human race masters eventually died under his sharp teeth.

However, the masters in the children are basically some people who pretend to be forced, and none of them is really powerful.

"Master Bloodless, let me interrupt his limbs first, and leave it to you to torture slowly."

Another assassin said respectfully, and then looked at Li Zongjiu with a murderous look.

No blood nodded.

In the next second, his body disappeared.


Instantly appeared in front of Li Zongjiu.


When Li Zongjiu saw the man who rushed over, he slap in the past.


The assassin's head instantly left his neck and flew towards the distance.


There was also a look of surprise in the bloodless eyes, but then it became fierce, opened his mouth, and the shape of his head changed instantly, becoming a mouse. Sharp teeth, flashing cold light!

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