Li Zongjiu's title, Xunzun.

It has been spread in the fallen city, and now everyone knows that this mysterious senior is named Xie Zun!

It doesn't matter what the real name is, as long as you know that the evil deity saved them.

At the same time, the previous glorious record of the Great Yan State has also gradually passed on, making people familiar.

Everyone knew that Dayan State was the real warrior.

Fighting with such people will also be a matter of extraordinary glory and glory.

Although there are only 600,000 troops.

Later, the five nations made up again, and brought the garrison to 800,000!

800,000 troops sit in the fallen city.

Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran came to the wall.

The soldiers of the five nations know that it was precisely because of the two men's actions that they saved their homes, so they also have immense respect for the evil respect,

And this lady of evil.

"The Plague Army was dispatched this time by the Beast Temple. The force is at least 7 million, and it may have reached the scale of 8 million."

Jiang Bai was reporting on the city wall. Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran arranged a lot of formations around the same time. At the same time, they also refined some elixir in the past two days, and then incorporated the elixir into the water and let the soldiers drink it. As a result, these were never Took the elixir

Soldiers have also been greatly improved.

Each one has at least two to three levels of breakthrough.

It directly improves the combat quality of all soldiers by a factor of two. Even Jiang Bai and others have made small breakthroughs. If one or two people break through, it is only a small effect, but the 800,000 army breaks through at the same time. I can imagine how terrible this effect is. Who can imagine this? Case

Appeared yet.

Superimposed on each other will also be extremely terrifying effects.

"The number of Yuanhuang-level generals that can be counted out is more than twenty!"

Jiang Bai said.

"The strongest is the Plague General, this person is also the leader of the Plague Army, and the life-threatening groups led by his men are all fierce!"

Jiang Bai said, then they looked at the two Li Zongjiu, and wanted to see what they thought of the situation,

"What **** name is this? Did you give it?"

I don't know if Li Zongjiu directly came to such a sentence, it seems to seize the focus on the word of the plague. Is it such a name that it is more frightening?

"No, they announced it themselves."

Jiang Bai said.

Although the fallen races are half-orcs, the higher their strength, the closer they are to humans. Even these fallen races believe that they must replace the weak races, and that they themselves are truly higher races.

The most powerful, without fear!

"Well, the cultural level of these people is definitely not high."

Li Zongjiu said.

"In addition to the Plague General, there is also a Death General who is stronger than the Plague General."

Chu Yanzhang said.

"The two men were defeated by my father!"

Speaking of this, the corner of Chu Yan's mouth couldn't help but raise a slight arc of pride.

The record created by my father back then was also extremely brilliant. If it were not for the great efforts of the Great Yan State, how could this be the case today.

The Beast Temple is worried. Among the rest of the kingdoms, there are similar strengths as the Great Yan Kingdom. If all are so fierce, the Beast Temple cannot be supported, and the Beast Temple also takes time.

To repair the teleportation array, so in the subsequent battles, they gradually slowed down. Compared to the previous country, it was still a peaceful era, but these were all exchanged for the lives of the strong men of the Great Yan State. .

"This battle is also for the heroes of the Great Yan Kingdom!"

Jiang Bai and others learned about the achievements of the Great Yan Kingdom from Chu Yanhuan, and they all knew the contributions made by the Great Yan Kingdom, and they really admired it.

"In the beginning, there was a unit in the Beast Temple called Tiansha."

"Both of them are just the bottom of the world,"

Chu Yanzhang said.


Li Zongjiu was very clever when he heard the name.

"All of Tiansha are the strongest in the supreme realm. My great Yan Kingdom was destroyed in the hands of Tiansha. Of course, Tiansha was also severely hit since the war."

"Oh, in this way, this evil spirit is their main strength. As long as the evil spirit is destroyed, this person's teeth will be broken!"

Li Zongjiu nodded and said.

Taking a look at Qi Yanran, obviously this means that when you take the time, you will destroy this thing called Tiansha.

In that case, there are indeed many masters in this beast temple.

There are two major organizations in the Dark Temple, and now there is a Tiansha in the headquarters of the Beast God Temple.

Generally speaking, in such an organization, there will also be seats for elders and deacons, and the number should be about half of that.

Enlarging the power of Tiansha by five times is exactly the strength of this beast temple!

One day evil destroyed the Great Yan Kingdom.

If all the great powers at that time were united, they would not necessarily lose.

Li Zongjiu also explained his analysis.

In fact, the human race has some power.

But who knows, such a thing happened.

It just makes people feel helpless, and even angry, these people are too angry.

Hearing Li Zongjiu's analysis, everyone also hated his teeth.

"Some of these people, one day, I will unscrew their heads!"

Jiang Bai has a bad temper.

It's just going to be mad at these.

The rest are the same.

Destroyed Tiansha, it is simple to say, there is a big Yan country, and hundreds of supreme masters can't stop it, it is just to destroy Tiansha and see the strength of Tiansha.


Qi Yanran said.

A blue bird in front of him was flying back quickly, and it fell on Qi Yanran's shoulder in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Qi Yanran's bird, Chu Yanzhang was also very curious. Where did this bird come from, and it seemed very smart.

When Qi Yanran's voice fell.

The entire fallen city was also shaken strongly.


Even the wall was shattered directly by the shock.

Everyone couldn't help but clenched the weapon in their hands and stared at the situation ahead.

In the end, the black was pressing like a black tsunami.

At a glance, there are endless and endless! !!

Countless fallen monsters are also unveiled at this moment.

A glutton rushing ahead.

Destroyed by hundreds of tons of destruction vehicles.

All over the body were covered with extremely sharp horned blades. Touch it a little and you'll be easily broken in half.

No one can resist this lineup.

It's too scary.

"Is this the Plague Army?"

Some soldiers on the city wall obviously felt that there were mountains one after another, and they were rolling towards them.

Immediately falling on the body, crushing himself crushed, in these cases, they are out of breath.

"very scary!"

In comparison, the human race is simply too small, not enough for the troops in front of them to step on one foot by one foot.

Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran were slightly dignified.

Because there are so many in front of me, I really don't know if it will work.

They are also looking forward to the effects of this formation.


The plague general hidden behind the army stood on top of a giant beast, facing the fallen city that looked fragile like a pile of tofu dregs in front of him, naturally, he didn't look at it in the slightest.

Immediately the Plague Army rushed towards the fallen city frantically.

The two generals, Plague General and Death General, were chatting freely behind the army. "Have you heard that the stupid assassination of the Temple a few days ago, the blood of the Flying Scales army annihilated, lying down, it was almost, returned to his own Assassination Temple and began to kill people crazy, and then blew themselves up and destroyed them. All their managers are bombed

died. "

Said the plague general.

"There is such a thing, the content is very exciting!"

Death General is a young man with a pale face, that is, this face looks as if it is covered with flour, but you can't pull out the flour.

Their Tiansha and Dark Temple are the two major components of this Beast Temple.

Above the two major organizations are elders.

Although it is said that the Plague General and the Death General are the bottom of the world, it is not a big deal to discuss things like blood destruction.

The most important thing is that this thing is too exciting.

No one had thought that these people would be able to do such a thing.

"How come, is it controlled by someone?"

"It's possible, but I also heard a message that the blood destroyed them. It is estimated that they encountered the array mage, so this will happen!"

"Mage Master? Isn't that thing dead?"

Death General said in surprise.

Just as the death general's voice dropped, on the ground in front of it, there was a sudden loud noise.

As if there was a fireball falling from the sky.

More than a dozen flaming birds appearing in the air,

At the same time, an extremely violent flame spewed down. And these plague armies also became extremely slow in pace and acted extremely slowly, seemingly stepping into a deep mire.

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