Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1367: Take me as a disciple

Li Zongjiu did not go with Fu Ding, but just let Fu Ding bring his sister over.

After all, Fu Ding itself is now comparable to the Yuan Kings. Even if you encounter some fallen warriors and the like on the road, you can easily drop it.

Round trip is only two days.

Fu Ding actually carried a small bamboo sedan made of bamboo and brought his younger sister.

"Senior, this is my younger sister. About half a month ago, when I was fine, I was unconscious. All doctors have looked for it, but there is nothing I can do."

When Li Zongjiu saw Fu Ding's younger sister and placed it on a piece of Wen Yu as big as a bed, in order to conserve her body, these things were also sent by Chu Yanji's trustee.

After all, if it weren't for Li Zongjiu, Chu Yanji would not have today's achievements and status. The person most thankful is, of course, Li Zongjiu. Of course, Li Zongjiu will not be polite about these things

Resources in the sacred martial arts are much richer than expected.

And because of this battle in the martial arts world, many masters have also fallen.

Caused this look today.

After the fall, these resources of the martial art world will also appear more abundant.

In contrast, the area of ​​Shengwu Continent is really just a small area of ​​projectiles.

Looking at it is very backward.

"let me see."

Li Zongjiu came to the front of Sister Fu Ding.

The little girl's eyes were closed tightly. Although her face was a little dirty, she could still see that she was a delicate little face.

But now this little girl can't afford to go to sleep.

Breathing is all normal.

Even the heartbeat is normal.

Li Zongjiu conducted a check, and when he saw it at first glance, he already knew that the little girl was probably in big trouble.

"Your sister has a strong constitution,"

After Li Zongjiu observed it, he said slowly.

"Very strong?"

The latter was also slightly surprised. Fu Ding and his sister lived in a small county in Dawu from an early age. Both parents died, were homeless, and it was already very good to have a bite to eat. Where can I go to practice, or something, but since I was young, I found that my body is a little different. Although I sometimes get very serious injuries, my recovery is different from ordinary people. ,very

Will soon be able to repair itself.

Even if his body is very tired, as long as his willpower is still persisting, his body will persist for it.

In some normal people, the body is the body and the will is the will.

Even if you want to continue to grit your teeth, the body will tell you that you are no longer good.

Fuding is different. He can completely control his body with his own will. Even Fuding is quite surprised.

Now even the seniors of Xie Zun have said that his sister has a very strong physique.

What exactly does that mean.

It doesn't matter to him whether the younger sister can practice or not. Fuding only needs the younger sister to be healthy.

"Although I don't know what kind of physique it is, now, your sister's physique is being devoured by a mysterious way."

"As time goes by, your sister will die out completely, and your sister's talent will be passed on to others."

Li Zongjiu said.

Even with Li Zongjiu's cultivation, he could not directly find out the people behind him. This shows that either the other party's method is very advanced and hidden, or the other party's strength is many times stronger than Li Zongjiu's!

The specific reason was not clear to Li Zongjiu. The general situation was the same, and the other party was prepared.

"How come, senior, you have to save my sister,"

Fu Ding said quickly.

"As long as the senior can save my sister, Fuding is willing to pay everything!"

"It's not a matter of cost."

Li Zongjiu waved his hand, and suddenly the swinging hand stopped,

It seems that there is a new idea.

"If you want to say that, I have a way to try it, but if it doesn't work, it depends on you."

Li Zongjiu said.

"Please give pointers!"

Fu Ding said quickly.

If in this world, even Li Zongjiu can't do things, not many people can think of it.

"It's very simple. When you come to cultivate, when your cultivation is strong enough, you can join hands with your sister to defeat the person who secretly took your sister's talent, and even backwash him!

Li Zongjiu said.

Other people can't do this. Only Fu Ding can do it, because Fu Ding is connected with his sister's blood, and they can form a relationship and trust with each other.

Even in a rather strange environment, we can recognize each other.

To save Fuding's sister is a very mysterious ideology.

It ’s like everyone ’s. In fact, the breath itself is scattered between the heavens and the earth. If you have enough strength, you can see these breaths.

Now some people do not know how many miles away, seized the breath of Sister Fuding, and began to devour, so Sister Fuding would fall into such a coma.

The emergence of this incident is indeed quite rare. Even Li Zongjiu has failed to reach this state and embody ideology.

Gather your own will.

Recently, Li Zongjiu is also studying things in this area, so I have a little understanding.

Juvenile Vodine, strong will. Therefore, if you take this step, it will naturally be relatively easier. The most important thing is that Li Zongjiu has mastered the methods, so it is definitely necessary to find someone to experiment with. good fortune


"Cultivation, but I won't cultivate."

In Fu Ding's heart, he also started to think about how to let himself practice, if he can save his sister by practicing, then of course it is necessary to practice well!

"I should find a master, I want to worship!"

Fuding's eyes glowed.

"But where should I find a master."

Li Zongjiu watched the boy talking to himself there, and didn't know whether it was deliberate or pretending. This was too much. It turned out to be in this way to ignore the evil.


Li Zongjiu coughed deliberately to remind the boy in front of him.

Fuding is not stupid.

Immediately he went to worship Li Zongjiu. "Please respect seniors, take me as a disciple!"

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