Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1446: Millennium Dragon

Longzhi listened to what the other party said.

It is also a slight frown in itself. For Longzhi, the human race and the dragon race are also in an equal state.

You know, a long time ago, the reason why the dragon race retreated to this dragon island was precisely because of the rise of the human race.

However, these dragons themselves are in a closed state, and with the addition of these dragons, they do not have any new knowledge to learn, it is like a closed door.

Accept some extremely stubborn and pedantic ideas.

Trying to stand at the top of this world without ever knowing it all.

Always aggressive.

Although Li Zongjiu does not intend to entangle with these dragons, it is just some boring reptiles anyway, but this guy is too arrogant.

One bite bad.

"It doesn't matter what kind of family you are, and you are slaughtering your own kind like this, you are so noble in your mouth?"

Longzhi said coldly.

Although I saw many corpses of fire dragons when they came, in fact, these fire dragons were unwilling to join the evil dragon **** camp, so they were killed by some dragons in front of them.

For Long Zhi, facing these people is also very angry.

However, the strength of these five old dragons is not weak.

If Longzhi is in the normal state, it is not a problem to set a block of five.

However, since the other party is guarding the place, there must be a master of the bite family, if it is in the case of the bite enchantment, it is not easy to pass the defense blockade of the five elders.


"If it wasn't for you in the Dragon Prison and the stubbornness, why would you have caused such a **** case, you are the culprits. I wouldn't say nonsense. Since Jinshan can't solve you, let me wait for it."

Then three of the five flame dragons rushed towards Longzhi.


The three big flame dragons immediately burst out a fierce flame, covering them with Li Zongjiu and Long Zhi.

Long Zhi raised his hand to be a light curtain, blocking the flame from the Yuanli light curtain, and then his eyes suddenly sharpened.

A flip of the wrist summoned a bright ring.

Among the dragons, everyone has their own treasures.

It is also normal to have some special treasures in your hands.

Dragon teeth.

The weapon in hand is the legendary Tianlongfang. It was just made into a bracelet. As for the so-called Tianlongfang in this hand, its origin is also very simple. It is said that this is from a higher-level demon clan than the dragon clan, which is also a dragon clan. Call it

For Denon.

The ability of these dragons can easily destroy the entire Dragon Island with just one breath.

However, this legend is nothing but a legend among dragons.

Terrans are naturally unable to know.

This legend is extremely powerful, and the Tianlong tribe above the heaven and earth is the same mystery, but it has never been seen before, but it has all kinds of things left by the dragon, such as this dragon tooth. The original form is as big as five feet, but after grinding, it turned into such a small root in the hand, and it is said that this dragon tooth is just a tooth left when the tooth was changed during the childhood of the dragon. Before falling

On Long Island.

It is difficult to tell exactly what it is.

But after Longzhi took out the dragon teeth.

The elders of the three big flame dragons were obviously frightened. They kept attacking with flames, and the flames of the flames formed trapped both of them.

Li Zongjiu did not take a shot, because Li Zongjiu's own goal was only the Yuan Clan. The people of the Bit Clan did not appear, and Li Zongjiu did not need to take a shot.

Observing the situation in front of him, Li Zongjiu stepped on the seven stars to cut the moon and held his hands in front of him.

The breath of the Yuan Dynasty is very weak, and the power of camouflage is also very powerful. If you hide, it is not easy to find them.

It was also because of the battle fluctuations of Longzhi that Li Zongjiu was accidentally covered.

Now Li Zongjiu also knows that there must be a Bit Eater on this Flame Mountain. Now that they have all come, wait for them to show up.

Long Zhi was also completely unconcerned about Li Zongjiu's situation.

The entanglement of the three millennium dragons, Long Zhi can also master it very well.

The dragon's teeth do not invade, and it is easy to break the endless flames of the other party, and a large **** mouth is drawn directly on one of the dragons.

Immediately, the blood was splashing out.

"Fifth child!"

The first injured was the fifth child, and the other two quickly grabbed at Longzhi when they saw this, but Longzhi vibrated.

Easy is to dodge the two dragons.


"Fire and Hell!"

The bodies of the two big flame dragons are suddenly intertwined.

Subsequently, a huge flame net was formed directly, and this flame huge net was interwoven up and down, forming a terrible world flame.

Li Zongjiu saw that the hidden killing of this trick was actually a big move.

Once you step on this flame, you immediately fall into the flame giant net, and then the whole person will be caught in the giant net.

And it comes from all directions at the same time, leaving you nowhere to borrow.


However, Longzhi stepped in a volley-like footwork directly in the flame chain. Just above the waves of fire, his body was swimming like a dragonfly, constantly passing across the water, but Never fell into the water.

"It's Tianlongbu, it's now, swallow, and do it!"

The injured fifth child saw the footwork performed by Longzhi, which is also a fire-fire **** that is good at restraining the flame dragons.

Sure enough, Longzhi exhibited it.

At the same time, an abyss crawled out of the injured fifth child's ear.

The other two dragons also had silhouettes on them.

At the same time, he moved his decision.

"Enchanted Enchantment!"

Suddenly this enchanted enchantment appeared.

Both Li Zongjiu and Long Zhi were shrouded in it.

Longzhi knew for a long time that the other party would use this trick.

Immediately throwing out the dragon teeth in his hands, the dragon teeth once again turned into a light curtain, directly protecting Longzhi.

However, the resistance time of Tianlongya will not last long, and it may be directly sealed into this flame **** at any time.

Now I can only hope that Li Zongjiu can help.

"She is already in the middle of it, she can't escape!"

"Everything is lost, how can you wait for me!"

If you are a stronger person in the Eater Clan, you can even control the range of the Eater Enchantment more precisely.

For example, now, they directly enveloped the two people in the sea of ​​fire.

Longzhi and Li Zongjiu.

Although Li Zongjiu is a human race, it is clear that they do not intend to let him go.

Li Zongjiu is going to be killed together.

Maybe this Li Zongjiu's Yuanli Xiu is very strong. Otherwise, Long Zhi will not invite people in such a hurry, and he will have the courage to come back.

But unfortunately, there is only one end in the enchanted enchantment.

That is a lamb to be slaughtered.

But in this raging fire.

Originally waiting for the fruit of victory to appear, the flame dragon five elders, and the swallow standing on his back, several people were also full of confidence.

After all, they are all old monsters who have cultivated for thousands of years. Of course, the grasp of this war situation is of course the essence. Hundreds of years ago, these dragons also often went to the Shengwu continent to have some activities. At least they also needed to accumulate some combat experience, but then they were not allowed because there would often be dog blood incidents of people falling in love ,and so

Later, Long Island was banned directly. Otherwise, it would also pollute their blood.

Various things are possible.

At least in their eyes, the human race is a mean race.


A figure emerged directly from the firelight.

Among the people, they suddenly fell on the five elders of the Flame Dragon. And the swallowing of that bite family, four eyes.

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