Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1464: Trial

The power in the evil dragon's eye was almost devoured by Li Zongjiu, and he swam in the ocean of countless powers.

Later, Li Zongjiu was also transformed into a hammer with his own will.

Came into the evil dragon's eye.

"this is?"

Li Zongjiu felt like he had come to the inner world of the evil longan.

However, the internal world in front of him is really eye-opening for Li Zongjiu.

Looking around, this place seems to be a training ground.

When Li Zongjiu came here, he seemed to be a newcomer.

Under the foot is muddy marshland.

It was calm at first, but all of a sudden, there was a force of terror at your feet.

There seemed to be dozens of fat figures in the muddy swamp, swept towards Li Zongjiu.


Li Zongjiu saw these flying things clearly, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

Immediately I saw what was rushed out, what was it.

"Dwarf Hydra, dare to prey in front of me!"

If Li Zongjiu didn't remember it wrong, this Hydra should also be a creature belonging to the demons, and it has been among the beasts several times, and there has never been such an existence.

Immediately the Hydra fell.

Li Zongjiu also met directly with the latter.


Between the collision of forces, a terror air wave was set off directly in place.

The next second, Li Zongjiu was also dragged directly into the quagmire by Hydra.

Difficult to get up.


Immediately after Li Zongjiu was dragged down, he felt a strong sense of oppression.

The nine heads of Hydra rushed towards Li Zongjiu quickly,

Under this illusion, Li Zongjiu's power seemed to disappear, and he became an ordinary person completely.

With the constant attack of Hydra.

Li Zongjiu felt that his body was constantly being torn, but at the same time he was constantly repairing, and then continued to be torn.

The whole process was neat and clean, but Li Zongjiu's mental strength could not last forever.

After experiencing tens of thousands of torn moments, Li Zongjiu was finally dark.

When I opened my eyes again, I had already returned to my cultivation room, and it seemed that I had never left.

"Fuck, what a hell, so fierce!"

Li Zongjiu was completely frightened. Even with such a difficult trial, even he could not resist the past.

But with such a powerful power, Li Zongjiu can feel it.

Even in his heyday, when he confronted this giant beast in front of the battle, he did not necessarily have a chance to win. After all, the opponent's strength was really not simple.

Li Zongjiu was even more surprised.

The existence of the power level of the other party.

It is not the level Li Zongjiu is in now.

In front of the Hydra, Li Zongjiu couldn't resist.

So Li Zongjiu was so shocked.

"Take a break and do it again."

Although Li Zongjiu's strength just caught him by surprise, this crazy trial of **** is actually beneficial.

Li Zongjiu can feel the power level of the other side more clearly.

What is power? It is not necessarily understandable just by using words and words. If you really want to feel it, then you still need to take the shot directly. If you hit it once, you will know that it is great.

The trial ground in front of me is enough to feel the power of it.

Li Zongjiu has never encountered such a situation.

"Come again!"

As everyone knows, Li Zongjiu's strength is already extremely scary.

Even if the current evil dragon **** enters the eyes of this evil **** to resist, he can't resist more than 10,000 times by his own willpower alone.

Li Zongjiu's will sank.

Entered into this evil dragon's eye again.


But for a moment, the Hydra reappeared in the swamp below.

Hydra turned over the river directly, and came on the waves, making the scene earth-shaking and surging.

At first, Li Zongjiu was able to catch hundreds of attacks in front of him with his own intuition, and escaped easily. Later, the movement of the opponent became stronger and stronger.

Dragged into the mud, there was no chance to escape.

The overwhelming force rolled down, almost crushing Li Zongjiu to death.

As soon as his eyes opened, he appeared again.

"Fifteen thousand times!"

Li Zongjiu remembered this number.

This is easy to remember, and you don't need to resist at all.

Just count the numbers.

So Li Zongjiu also wrote down his situation.

After seven or eight consecutive times.

Li Zongjiu himself felt a little tired.

Immediately stood up and went outside to get airy.

It felt strange that Qi Yanran in Jade Bird Road Taiwan had been in the world of this evil longan. After trying it out, it was very easy and more accepted by Jade Bird Road Taiwan.

It feels like Li Zongjiu.

The former Jade Bird Road was in the face of Qi Yanran, only to let you Li Zongjiu detect it, but now it is out of recognition of your strength, so I will let you check it, otherwise, With your arrogant attitude, anything you want to investigate is enough to make you fly instantly.

"It looks like it will take at least two or three months to recover!"

Li Zongjiu grew more angry as he looked.

One person was recruited at random to make people call Tiefeihe. After all, Li Zongjiu and others were not very familiar with it, so calling Tiefeihe was also the most direct and effective.

"How did you find the news of the Bit Eater you were looking for?"

Li Zongjiu asked.

Tie Feihe hurried in, and at the same time seemed to be very worried and very anxious.

"Returning to the young master, the situation of the Yan Yuan clan is already a bit frowned. Now it is proved that the Yan Yuan clan is most likely in the southern Xinjiang region."

"Southern Xinjiang?"

Li Zongjiu remembered that a lot of things happened in this southern Xinjiang before. To say that there is still a genius in this southern Xinjiang, I don't know what the situation is now.

Today, Li Zongjiu is almost at the peak of the Holy Yan Dynasty, but Li Zongjiu has only one person. Among the major places, there must be local masters. When there are masters outside, he himself Hidden directly, never escape the world.

If there is a big problem in the world, or when it is cheap to pick up, these people will come out directly, and the first name is larger than the other, usually you may not remember it all at once, but after he jumped out, One said, alas, it looks like something very original.

"It seems that we have to go to southern Xinjiang!"

Li Zongjiu's eyes flashed murderous.

What happened in the southern Xinjiang has nothing to do with him. All he has to do is find out all these bite gens and kill them all.

Only in this way can the hatred be eliminated.

To these bold people, a lesson.

This is how the evil deities Li Zongjiu did things. ,

Make sense?


Let's go to **** and talk about it. Li Zongjiu didn't have so much time to do these things with you.

"Why do you look anxious?"

Li Zongjiu looked at Tiefeihe in front of him.

Tiefeihe came true.

Tell the story over and over again.

Xiao Zhaohe Yunqi went to find Zhongying Mountain.

However, he was never seen by Zhong Maoshan, and was later trapped in the formation, sending a signal for help.

After learning about this, Li Yan quickly rushed to Cuizhu Mountain.

But so far, Li Yan also seems to be trapped in this Cuizhu Mountain.

So Tiefeihe cannot wait any longer.

This matter must be settled. If Li Zongjiu comes out and finds that this little thing can't be handled well, wouldn't it be even worse if he abandoned himself.

"What a guts, it just happened to me that I felt a little bit cramped, to loosen my bones!"

Li Zongjiu sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Lead the way, let the old man in Nangong come with him, too,"

Li Zongjiu said.

The next moment above the White Deer Mansion, a huge flying boat appeared immediately.

When this flying boat appeared.

People throughout the city are also clearly seen.

Several figures flew over the flying boat.

The guards in the city were seeing the flying boat in front of them, and they were all surprised, but they saw that the flying boat appeared from the White Deer Mansion.

They are all relieved.

"I found it, I finally found it!"

Inside the city of King Shengyan.

In a place where the wind and the snow were falling, a sturdy old man blinked his eyes when he saw the flying boat.

Tianwu Zhou!

But he looked for a long time, and immediately the old man jumped into shape and jumped out of the window.

The Yingyingyanyan who left the ground.

"Well, you haven't paid yet!"

Tian Wuzhou just emptied.

Tie Feihe and others are feeling the power of Feizhou brought back by the Master.

My heart is also very exciting.

Deserves to be the owner of his own.

The crowd had not yet stabilized, but suddenly saw a figure falling on the deck.


Nangong Promise surged.

In just two years, he has already cultivated to the peak of Yuanhuang.

However, the coming people's momentum towards Nangong Promise was not in their eyes at all.

This made Nangong Promise, startled.

The old man in front of him seems very strong.

"Master, master I'm back, master."

Blue Stone Dragon was right in front of this deck, shouting at Li Zongjiu inside.

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