Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1499: Heiyuan swallows the sky array

Yao Shan knew Li Zongjiu's strength.

It was clear that he wanted to tease him.

Already fully grasped his life and death between applause.

In this case, it might as well save some energy.

"You shouldn't resist anymore."

Li Zongjiu looked at the person in front of him. Is this guy too clever?

Realize Shinji so soon.

However, Li Zongjiu always kept a person.

It is up to this person to act as a bait, otherwise, how can the rest of the Devourers find this place.

"Wait first, wait for your patriarch to come."

Li Zongjiu actually sat on the floor.

Yaoshan no longer had any hope in himself.

Anyway, it was dead.

"Why are you slaying the Yuan race against me and killing them all,"

Yao Shan's heart is extremely puzzled. Their pulse can be said to be very low-key. After all, under his guidance, their pulse is also used in a very secure way. Improve their strength.

At the same time, it is also subtle, assimilating this human race.

If on that day the human race is completely defenseless, or the human race directly enters the center of the human rights as a human race, it will be more convenient. It can hide its identity and it can Unconsciously grasp the top human resources.

For this pursuing phage, this method is indeed very good, but we must also know that this method is developing slowly.

It is a pity that their plan is currently less than half successful. After all, as long as the disciples of Canghai Academy have graduated, they will be recruited by other forces, and they will naturally become the top forces in the mainland.


Various situations are also possible.

Unexpectedly, it was Li Zongjiu who was stumped by it.

It seems that Li Zongjiu didn't find the conspiracy and tricks of the Yuan Yuan clan. He simply hit by accident and didn't care about your conspiracy at all.

Just clean up the person in front of you and you'll be fine.

This is exactly what happened to Li Zongjiu.

"There is no other reason. Before I said that I would destroy your entire family, then you must destroy your entire family. You don't need to be confused."

Li Zongjiu said.

While talking, he looked up at the sky.

There seemed to be dozens of black shadows, occupying the entire sky directly.

It's not that these people are huge.

It is their own devouring power that seems to be directly devouring the night sky in front of them.

All power is occupied by them.

"It's finally here."

Li Zongjiu sacrificed Wushuang Sword.

The Wushuang Sword within the Wushuang Sword also continued to cultivate, absorbing the strength of the Fire Dragon Clan, and also greatly improving the strength of the Wushuang Sword.

The power of Wushuang Sword has also been greatly improved and sharp and unparalleled.

When Wushuang Sword landed on the ground, it was already a sharp meaning, rising into the sky.


A sword-like air vacated like a whirlwind, and the momentum of the crowd directly above the sky was easily broken.


Yao Shan looked up.

The emotions in my heart were extremely exciting.

Finally, I waited for the patriarch to come, but at the moment Yao Shan was thinking that the patriarch was better not to come, because now he does not know, in the end, Li Zongjiu's strength, whether the patriarch can resist it.

If the patriarch is not Li Zongjiu's opponent.

Isn't that the end of their pulse?

Just thinking about it makes you feel terrible.

"The patriarch is careful of this person, this person is overbearing, and there is no need to say more, just kill!"

Yao Shan shouted loudly.

The next moment, Li Zongjiu also split Yao Shan into two!

The patriarch clan is named Tianyuan.

Tianyuan itself is among the top masters of the bite family, and is already extremely top-level, prefecture-level master.

Some time ago, some people from the Yuan Dynasty went to cooperate with the Dragons. They wanted to occupy Long Island first. In this way, they occupied Long Island. In this way, they completed the plan to invade the Holy Continent. .

I heard that the rebellious dragons also failed directly.

It's like a farce, but Tian Yuan itself is extremely keen to get a very unusual feeling from it.

Therefore, Tianyuan itself is extremely cautious.

But I didn't expect that Li Zongjiu would come to my door.

For the person in front of whom the origin is unknown.

And in front of him, he killed his elders.

This situation immediately surprised him.

It was also extremely angry.

In addition to what Yao Shan said, don't hesitate to kill Li Zongjiu first.

"Arranging, Heiyuan swallows the sky!"

The patriarch Tianyuan whispered.

Subsequently, the dozen or so black guardians behind him also released their power at the same time, quickly fell to the ground, and at the same time released their enchanted enchantment.

It seemed that he was surrounded by Li Zongjiu as if **** was born.

It seems that there are ten **** monsters that are good at swallowing. They are devouring everything around Li Zongjiu. In the end, the space around Li Zongjiu quickly became an empty existence at this moment.

All matter was swallowed.

If this continues, Li Zongjiu will be eternally sealed by the other party in an extremely dark world and will be imprisoned forever.


Feeling the other party's intentions, Li Zongjiu won't let the other party succeed so easily.

After all, the Yuanyuan family is also a big family, and even exists like the human family. There are countless ways to do it. Although Li Zongjiu is arrogant and confident, he is not blind. It is impossible for you to do whatever you want You play.

Wushuangjian cut out with one sword.

The power of terror runs through this world.

A fierce sword air struck.

But it also seems to be swallowed by the other's devouring power.


Li Zongjiu suddenly discovered that the opponent's array was very powerful, and he could directly swallow all the material around him.

Consumed all his strength.

Even the power erupted by this meat society was easily swallowed up by the other party.

"Then just try it, my innate will,"

Li Zongjiu put away Wushuang Sword.

This kind of engulfing power of the opponent has already fallen on Li Zongjiu's body. Obviously, he wants to swallow Li Zongjiu's body together.

But because of his physical strength, Li Zongjiu is not weak.

So it can be regarded as barely resisted.

For the time being, there is no way to devour Li Zongjiu directly.


Li Zongjiu's eyes bloomed with a will.

Seeing this, Tian Yuan also ordered everyone to increase the power of the formation. ,

"This man's willpower is firm and full, and he is suppressed!"

"Kuromoto swallows the sky!"

The protectors in the surrounding area also qied angrily.

Then his own power was released.

Immediately a force of terror bloomed.


Li Zongjiu felt the oppression of his body and became stronger.

Even the strength of the opponent's devouring has begun to devour Li Zongjiu's body.

There were many injuries.

"Hammer of Will!"


An extra hammer was in Li Zongjiu's hand.

When the hammer appeared.

There is a sudden burst of powerful power.

As soon as the patriarch of Tianyuan was stunned, the next moment was a shocking will that burst out.


Li Zongjiu's Hammer of Will.

Instantly broke through the imprisonment of the formation around.

Some black clothing protection methods were directly sent to Zhenfei by Li Zongjiu's power.

The stronger the force they exert, the stronger they will be after the resistance from the earthquake.

Behind Tian Yuan, there is a Yuan Eater.

The Beast Eater looks like a snot with a magnification of 10,000 times. It is transparent and empty, but it can devour everything.

The rest were all Zhenfei, but Tianyuan himself was unharmed.

He even seized the opportunity and directly flung the Beast Eater behind him towards the person in front.


"Dead to me!"

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