Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1506: Double supreme

Li Zongjiu spent seven days in the city.

Because both Li Tianqing and Shen's are taking this last key place of Fei Sheng Dan.

Often at this time,

People who take elixir also emit a smell on their bodies, which will attract some powerful primitive beasts, so Li Zongjiu did not leave, but instead settled in this city, and also for Zhou Bachuan and others Refined elixir.

After this batch of elixir was distributed, plus these people, it was very hard training.

Therefore, their strength will soon be able to break through.

The overall strength will also rise to a level.

Zhou Bachuan and others are sincere with Li Zongjiu, and now adding this elixir has greatly increased their strength, and even more respect for Li Zongjiu has become a belief.

Also on the seventh day.

In the courtyard of the Li family, two breaths of terror came at the same time. When this breath rushed into the sky, it almost absorbed the vitality within a thousand miles. ,

Directly above this sky, a horrible vortex of elemental power was formed, when the power of these vortexes condensed.

The masters in the city also looked up,

Even the Tianchi Emperor Lion resting in the Wuxuedan Sect came quickly, because this movement was indeed too large, and such movement suddenly appeared.

The Tianchi Huangshi itself was also extremely surprised.

Because this is a sign of breaking through the realm of supremacy.

"Extreme spirit ... someone in the Li family broke through?"

"Who, who broke through, this is too exaggerated, does the Li family want to be double supreme and mean to break through at the same time!"

People in the city also said they couldn't believe it, after all, this situation was too terrible.

I never thought that such a scene would appear before my eyes.

It is the three elders of Shijingu Shrine. When they saw these supreme breaths appearing in the sky, although they were shocked, they were not unacceptable.

As long as Li Zongjiu is there, nothing is impossible.

Immediately when I saw the movements above the sky, I could only sigh that Li Zongjiu was really terrible, because one of them was exactly the breath of Li Tianqing.

Clouds appeared above the sky.

It is precisely because this force broke through too quickly that it attracted the attention of Thunder and Calamity between heaven and earth. For any abnormal thing, such a thundercloud will also appear directly. If you suddenly break through, it is too strong.

Under heaven, I think you have a problem here, and it will directly kill you.

So this is exactly the cause of the thunderbolt that is appearing right now.

Li Zongjiu flew to the roof.

In the face of this thunderous thunder, these thunders are enough to easily destroy any one of the supreme peak strong.

Without Li Zongjiu's presence, this scourge alone would be enough for Li Tianqing and Shen's to die in ashes.

"Let me down!"

As soon as Li Zongjiu raised his hand, he immediately dispelled the robbery clouds above the sky.


Rao is a robbery cloud above the sky, and has issued a very unwilling voice and will, but it is also the same, directly dissipated in the presence of Li Zongjiu's power.

"It's really asking for trouble."

Li Zongjiu said dismissively.

Then he also retracted his hand. Above the sky, this thundercloud also gradually disappeared, and the color of the sky became clear again.

All the people in the Lost City were relieved directly, because if the Thunder Cloud really blasted the power of Thunder just now, even if the Li Tianqing couple could resist, for them, it would be Jane It would be a real disaster.

Fortunately, an expert shot and directly dispelled the thundercloud in front of him.

Wait, just wave like this, this Thundercloud is gone?

However, some Aboriginal people in the Lost City have actually seen this situation for a long time.

This explains one reason, that is, Li Zongjiu, the young master of the Li family, is back.

And right here in Li's house.

Except for Li Zongjiu, no one in this world is expected to be so arrogant.

Li Zongjiu's strength, they have no way of knowing.

But judging from today ’s news.

Today, the two masters in the supreme state are obviously born in the Li family.

Now the Li family has its own supreme powerhouse.

And still double supreme. ,

Before that, maybe there are some preparatory forces, some invited masters, have such strength, such as the three elders of the bird **** palace.

But these are also external forces. In case one day goes away, something goes out and can not protect your family, then you are not in trouble.

Now there are two supreme powerhouses. These powerhouses also belong directly to the Li family.

Therefore, they can be regarded as the strength of the Li family itself.

Li Tianqing felt a breakthrough in his strength in the practice room.

Suddenly old tears burst into tears.

When I think of the heavy rain and frost experienced in my youth, even the emergence of various crisis situations and various hard trials, I can improve my strength and revitalize my family.

But who knows, to this day, his own cultivation speed has not improved much, although it seems to have improved, but actually how much it has finally improved.

The latter's mind also knows that it is very difficult to continue to be strong.

Today, it is just because of taking a miracle medicine given by Li Zongjiu.

Not one, but half.

Just half of this, let me go through some geniuses, afraid that I will embark on the path of thousands of years.

If it had been known so easily, why was it so hard at first?

The thought of the Li family can also be regarded as Guangzong Yaozu now. In his hands, the glory of the Li family was released to the peak, and he felt the ease of his body, even the feeling of gold on his face.

Not only that, the power of Ascension Dan still remains in the body.

There is currently no way to completely digest it, but future cultivation must also be easier, at least this energy can help oneself to a higher level.

"This kid's refined elixir is really nothing to say!"

After the breakthrough, Li Tianqing and Shen's did not go out directly.

Rather, I have stabilized my realm in situ. After all, this is a breakthrough, and it is not good to go straight out. I have to familiarize myself with my power.

However, Li Tianqing knew that Shen had broken through to the supreme realm.

That was quite shocking.

Why, before that, the Shens themselves were nothing more than the realm of Xuanwang.

It ’s all because of the elixir given by Li Zongjiu. He was forcibly promoted before he took this elixir, so he broke into the state of supremacy, so it is justified. Understandable.

But your Shen family has even reached the state of supremacy, which makes Li Tianqing a little embarrassed.

If the couple were as strong, it would be difficult for the man to lift his head.

So sometimes you have to install it even if it is installed.

The self-esteem of men also makes Li Tianqing work harder.

Li Zongjiu continued to stay in the Lost City for almost half a month. During this half month, Li Zongjiu also often walked with Nangong Wuji and others.

At the beginning, Nangong Wuji and others came to help out, so they did not leave here, and naturally it was impossible to live in the Li family compound. The Li family compound is quite strict now, and only the Li family members can enter and leave.

After all, more than half of the Lost City is already the site of the Li family, just arrange these people in some top-level inns.

In addition to playing chess and fishing with Nangong Wuji.

Li Zongjiu also took some time to point out some of the potential Keqing masters.

After all, although these people are concerned about the money, they can be regarded as contributing to the protection of the Li family.

Of course Li Zongjiu will not forget them.

On the sixteenth day.

Li Tianqing finally exited the customs, even earlier than his wife Shen.

After all, the latter can't stand it anymore, although the fifteen days of refining has also made him directly promoted to the second-class supreme realm.

But for Li Tianqing, the breakthrough speed is too fast, and it must be stopped and stabilized.

Hurry up but don't reach it. Cultivation of such things can't be too anxious.

Li Zongjiu also came back and talked with Li Tianqing about the difference between the Supreme Realm, and at the same time gave Li Tianqing more than a dozen books on martial arts.

If you practice any kind of tricks, you will be able to dominate the world.

These things Li Zongjiu never took out.

"Why isn't your mother aware of it? Isn't she too greedy like this? No, I have to remind her, but haste!"

Li Tianqing is actually a bit worried about the latter situation. It won't be any side effects of this medicine, so he is sick now.

"Let me see."

Li Zongjiu also used his own will to investigate the situation of his mother, Shen.

It was found that Shen had no problems, but because his own talent was inspired, so the absorption of this elixir was more abundant than his father Li Tianqing.

Therefore, the customs did not come out so quickly, because it still needs some time to cultivate, this Shen's own strength can also be upgraded to a more powerful realm.

"Oh, it's okay. The mother has more talent than you. Now she has a thick accumulation of hair and fully absorbs the power of this rising Dan."

Li Zongjiu said.

"What! How could it!"

Li Tianqing's eyes suddenly became jealous, how could he be stronger than him.

However, when Li Zongjiu watched it, Li Tianqing also quickly adjusted his gaze and calmed down gradually.

"Well, it is indeed my woman."

Li Tianqing pretended.

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