Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1518: Battle-hardened

Where is there such a play.

All the sights I have seen before are all these abyss-like monsters from the turbulent and dark pressure.

And the speed with which these abyss-like monsters rushed was extremely fast.


Several people wanted to talk about Li Zongjiu, but the abyss in front of them did not give them any chance.

The first wave was already hitting instantly.

Wang Jian was also the arrow in his hand, shooting a ring of fire in front.

Many traps are triggered directly, and these abyss are also torn apart.

But there are too many of these abyss.

The prepared stone was also broken instantly at this time.

The shield in Luo Fugui's hand was also firmly grasped. There would be no looseness at all. If he let go, he would be dead.

Xia Xue stepped on Luo Fugui's shoulder.

Then a series of extremely cold sword air was released, and the abyss in front of them was directly killed, but the number of these abyss was too large.

"Can't stop it, take medicine!"

Luo Fugui shouted, after all, he was the main attacker.

The attacks on these abyss fell on Luo Fugui's body like an endless one, so that where Luo Fugui could endure, he immediately shouted.

Luo Fugui also directly swallowed the overlord Dan rewarded by Li Zongjiu.

If you want to resist this beast tide, you can't support it without taking elixir. Amount =

It's only two minutes, but it feels as if it's been as long as two days have passed and it's hard to resist.

After taking Tyrannosauria directly.

Luo Fugui's own gas field exploded instantly.

'boom! ’

Within twenty meters of the circle, a vacuum zone was cleared out directly, and all the abyss races around were all blasted and shattered.

"Give me down!"

Luo Fugui smashed the shield in his hand fiercely to the ground.

A crack appeared in front of him immediately.

Some abyss races also fell into this crack.

And Wang Jian is also swift and swift. He directly bows and hits the arrow, and there are flame arrows falling into this crack.


The raging flames, coupled with some of the explosive power, directly killed this and an abyss.

After that, Luo Fugui was also a shield, sweeping the other direction.

A crack broke again.

Xia Xue also quickly released the sword Qi in his hand.

The sharp and terrifying sword gas directly frozen the abyss in this crack into ice cubes, and the sharp breath followed by it was all broken up.

The effect of Overlord Dan can only last for three minutes.

After three minutes have elapsed.

Luo Fugui originally thought that he would enter this state of weakness, but he did not expect that his state had not weakened slightly, and he had improved a little!

"I rely, this medicine, thief! You eat it, too."

It turns out that the overlord Dan in this hand is not only able to increase your power over time, but even allows you to absorb the power. So after the effect of this elixir ends, not only will it not enter a weak state. Strength will also be improved.

It is different from the elixir that purely increases the power of the outbreak.

It is indeed the elixir made by Xie Zun. In this hand, it is really shocking. I can't believe it. There is such a powerful elixir.

"Take it in turns, a panacea, we will last five minutes!"

The effect of the elixir can only last for three minutes, but the beast tide will last for twenty minutes.

Until now, they have only held it for five minutes. If they rely on this elixir alone, they may only be able to survive one round at most!

Therefore, in addition to taking the medicine, you should also activate your potential as much as possible.

This time it was Xia Xue who took the elixir.

At the same time, Xia Xue also gave Luo Fugui two pills.

"If you can't stop it, we'll all die."

In such a tense moment, Luo Fugui did not waste time and was not pretending.

Immediately after Xia Xue took the elixir, she immediately felt the gathering of powerful power and condensed directly on her body. Then Xia Xue also rushed out, turning around around, and cleaning up these abyss. Clean.

Under Xia Xue's sword, there are no so-called complete corpses, basically all of them are directly scrapped.

Xia Xue couldn't hold on for five minutes.

It was barely four minutes. ,

Then it won't work.

Just stepped back.

"Let me try it too!"

After Wang Jian said, after taking the elixir, Li Zongjiu gave them the elixir of overlord, because the effect of the elixir can also keep them alive, or let them easily kill and kill, more Reap the abyss.

In the ten minutes before and after, Xia Xue and Luo Fugui also directly killed and killed nearly 600 abyss clan, which are worth one day's record.

I dare not imagine.

After taking the elixir, Wang Jian really entered the harvesting state. The bow and arrow in his hand can easily shoot a row with a single arrow!

In an instant, the abyss of the previous column was penetrated, and after the penetration, it also directly formed the power of terror explosion, so these abyss also exploded!

The people on the main battleship, watching the cooperation of the three people, were also full of blood, it seemed that they were completely infected by the struggle of this kind of power.

These people have such a stubborn will to fight, it is really admirable.

Zhang Ying was even more shocked.

It took only one day for Li Zongjiu to train these young people who have not even had much experience in the rivers and lakes to become masters of battle.

Compared to relying on his own talent at first.

It takes more than ten minutes to fight against an abyss, but now they have found a way, and they can even use the sword in their hands to solve the enemy in front of them in two moves!

Even two tricks are counted.

There are faster, basically one move for one, two for one move.

Simple and efficient.

This simple and direct attack action is not something you can do directly.

But it takes a lot of battles and countless repetitions to turn all the tricks into this one, and finally merge into one.

This is the real simplification.

Go straight.

In just one night, these people have become experienced veterans.

Zhang Ying looked at Li Zongjiu's figure. Is this the realm of superiors?

It's really incredible.

Of course, the premise is also a strong guarantee of strength. Otherwise, if ordinary people use this method, it is basically an act of seeking death.

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