Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1543: Sacred mountain fall

There were no problems in Jinchang City.

When Li Zongjiu arrived.

Chu Yanji, who has been waiting outside, can't wait to come at this moment.

"Master, evil senior!"

Chu Yanxuan saluted in front of Qi Yanran, and it was obvious that Qi Yanran was also here. Obviously, Chu Yanxuan was also very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Now several years have passed.

Chu Yanzheng at the time was already more mature.

Today, the Great Yan State is at least maintained in a fairly prosperous state under the control of Chu Yanzhang.

However, the recent events of the Yuanjue Empire have plagued the remaining powers.

Haunts the existence of the entire martial arts world.

It is impossible to prevent these primal beasts from establishing empires. It is estimated that no one can do it, not to mention that in this case, there is a lack of heaven. Since these primal beasts can have such talents, such rules are born.

Then the rest of the martial arts world will naturally follow the sky.

How about letting you build the Yuanju Empire.


Originally thought that these primal empires were just a joke. After all, they were a group of beasts. Let a group of beasts take care of another group of beasts. Can this establish a system?

Do you really think you can stand on both feet?

That's a long way off.

But obviously the other party did not even care whether the empire was long-lasting or not, so after the establishment, it has already begun to block the resources of the 100,000 mountains directly.

After sending powerful primal beasts, sit within the bounds of this border and do not allow any human race to approach. If anyone wants to go in for treasure hunts or the like, they will be killed directly by these powerful primal beasts.

Obviously, this is a very threatening behavior. If it continues for a long time, then this future must also start a decisive battle between the human race and the primitive beast.

The last calamity of the fallen race has brought such a heavy blow to the human race, and it has only been restored for a few years now. There is no preparation at all. Who knows that in such a short time, another ape race appeared.

"What's the situation, so urgent."

Li Zongjiu asked, now is not the time to greet.

It's about solving things.

When he was about to say something, Chu Yanzhang himself paused for a while. This incident was a huge disaster for the entire Holy Martial Arts community.

I can't believe it.

Even when they knew this, everyone felt a full shock.

The sky of the entire sacred martial arts seems to have become blood red at this moment.

"Holy mountain ... the holy mountain was breached."

Chu Yanzhang said.

Just six words.

But Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran were both shocked.

"The Holy Mountain was breached?"

Li Zongjiu did not expect that this was the case.

Even the entire saint martial arts community did not expect,

As the most powerful force in this world of saint martial arts, it is also regarded as a guardian place by all major forces.

A place sufficient to protect the entire Holy Martial World.

Just two days ago.

Directly attacked by the ape.

What kind of lineup or what kind of offensive method did this sacred mountain break through, and the rest of the people have no way of knowing it. Only this time, it is also huge for the entire martial arts world. Blow.

Xun Pengtian Sheng and others in the sacred mountain have not yet appeared, it is estimated that it is already more ferocious and less rare. Otherwise, how could this sacred mountain land be occupied by these primitive beasts.

It's really unexpected, and there will be such a situation.

There is also tremendous pressure directly on the entire human race.

The other major powers are also dispatching messengers, looking for people to discuss everywhere.

Now ordinary people don't know yet;

It has already been directly suppressed, if not, telling them directly will also cause very unnecessary panic.

The authorities must first grasp the situation first.

"Now from the east, the two holy immortals of Beikong, as well as Voding, have also traveled to the range of the holy mountain, and the masters of all parties have gathered, but the current situation is not optimistic,"

"Even the sacred mountain has been captured. If these people go, what role can they play? Quickly summon them back, guard the city's border defense, prevent Yuanshou, and attack!

Qi Yanran said.

At the time, the holy mountain had Xun Pengtian Sheng sitting on the town, even the masters of the fallen race, never attacked the holy mountain.

At least it can also form a state of stalemate between the two sides,

However, with the appearance of these apes, it was so quickly that the Holy Mountain was taken down.

The most curious thing about Li Zongjiu himself is how these apes came.

Is it possible that another space channel has been opened, and the other party also has a strong person in the heavens and the human realm?

Li Zongjiu didn't know how strong these apes were and how they came in.

However, Li Zongjiu knew that if they were not stopped, it would cause another disaster to the entire Holy Martial Arts World, even the mainland of Holy Martial Arts.

"That's enough. Obviously there are still some powerful beings, but they are unwilling to show up."

Li Zongjiu himself hated each other for such inaction.

But after thinking about it, in fact, this is really no problem. If there is a Yuanhuang-level beast to attack a city now, Li Zongjiu will not go. ,

Because naturally, someone is going to solve this problem.

Although it may be difficult for them.

But it is not impossible.

As for the price paid, in your opinion, this is a very serious price.

However, at a higher level, this cost is irrelevant. It is also a person with different strengths. That is why it is difficult to sit and chat together. Everyone has different references, different world views, and how they are consistent.

"King Yan, General Jiang Bai, eight hundred miles in a hurry!" A guard hurriedly came to Chu Yanji and said.

Although it may not be the time now, this situation is urgent.


Chu Yanzhang ordered.

"The Beast Army besieged Baima City! Two million people were trapped inside the city."

White Horse City is already the second line of defense.

After this change, Chu Yanzhang also evacuated the people at the border for the first time, and also sent troops to the border fortress, but now it seems that the border has fallen, and even this is used for the time being The sheltered White Horse City has also been surrounded by these primitive beasts.

Obviously it was time for an extraordinary crisis.

"Yan Ran, you go to Baima City to see the situation, I go to the holy mountain,"

Li Zongjiu said immediately.

Qi Yanran also nodded, both sides couldn't wait, no time could be delayed.

"Master, I will go with you!"

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