Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 156: Southern Xinjiang Drug Education

From the moment Li Tianqing shot, he already felt that Li Tianqing's strength was not simple.

After all, the cultivated Yuan Jue is Liupin Yuan Jue. The gap in these realms is not understandable by ordinary people.

So when Li Tianqing shot, Lu Tengfei also felt a hint of threat. However, in Lu Tengfei's view, this strength is not enough to threaten him. Lu's family has been slaughtered from that northern Pucheng city for many years. He can have such a status as today. What kind of scene has he never seen? , District

Can these hundreds of people be able to scare him off.

"Very good, I do n’t know where the cats and dogs came from, dare to yell with Grandpa, and see that I won't waste you today!"

Lu Tengfei growled suddenly.

But with Li Tianqing standing in front of him, the breath released from Lu Tengfei's body did not move these people in the slightest.

"Huh?" Li Zongjiu's eyes suddenly locked on the man behind Lu Tengfei. The man was wearing a simple dress and looked like an ordinary guard, but his eyes were wrong. Only the empty killing in your eyes. Once this

If a person awakens, it is as if he has awakened a killing monster!


The guard yelled suddenly, his eyes opened, and the steel knife in his hand suddenly pulled out, just to see a violent air wave blasting towards Li Tianqing.

In the face of this move, where Li Tianqing needs to take his own shot, Li Gui, as the guard of the Li family, has already been killed with a knife.

But in the face of this knife's air.

Li Gui broke out with the same knife, but heard a loud noise, Li Gui's figure flew out, and the long knife in his hand also broke into two pieces directly.


Li Gui's figure fell to the ground, and there was more blood in this chest.

"Come on, stop the bleeding!"

When Shen Nanqiao saw this, he shouted quickly, and immediately a professional physician from the Shen family went to work and immediately sprinkled powder on Li Gui's body.

There was a flash of light in Li Tianqing's eyes, and this man's swordsmanship was so fierce. If it was more severe, he might be hacked directly.

Fortunately, Li Gui is wearing a nice inner armor.

This is also what Li Gui himself usually saves money and saves money. He directly helped Li Gui and recovered his life.

"court death!"

Li Tianqing sighed angrily.

The Tianshi Lion King in that body is already working to the extreme.


A fierce roar burst from Li Tianqing's body.

However, just when Li Tianqing was about to make a move.

But he saw that Lu Tengfei slashed at Li Tianqing.

"Go ahead, grab that Shennan Bridge!"

Lu Tengfei came this time to find someone to settle the account. It turned out to be the accountant. Naturally, he had to find the Lord, that is, Shen Nanqiao. As for other things, I will talk about it later.

Immediately, this Lu Tengfei rushed to Li Tianqing with the strength of his nine masters.

Li Tianqing was naturally not afraid.


The two snapped a slap.

Suddenly the air wave flew.

Li Tianqing stepped back by three steps, which relieved the opponent's strength, but under this competition, Li Tianqing did not fall into much disadvantage.


Lu Tengfei thought that he had enough power to give this Li Tianqing to Zhenfei, but it seems to be a little worse now. The internal force of this Li Tianqing seems to be a solid earthen wall, which is hard to push at all.

The cultivation of this ordinary person does not have such solidity in the strength in that body.

Therefore, Lu Tengfei also realized instantly that the Yuan Jue practiced by Li Tianqing was not low-level. Otherwise, it would not be possible to conduct such a tenacious confrontation with people who were two grades apart.


At the beginning, the guard like a beast yelled, the guards behind him drew their swords, forming a sharp stream of swords and killed the Shennan Bridge.

"Fight! Take them!" Gu Gu roared loudly, and then he rushed out first, trying to stop the fierce guard, but the fierce guard once again slashed the sword, the sharp knife , Lightning fast swept over Gu Man's head


Although Gu was very brave, he also knew that if he rushed up now, that knife would be enough to cut off his head.

On one side of the body, the knife gas rushed past his ears, which directly made Gu Gu's ears roar.

However, the Li family's guard was also entangled with the Lu family's guard.

Basically five hit one. The Lu family's guards can basically only parry one or two, and then they ca n’t hold it any more. It is a matter of time before the defeat, and the Li family is not in a hurry. They seem to have long rehearsals. Several people One group,

In an orderly manner, there is also a tacit cooperation between the moves.

If you meet a strong one, it is the three who defend the two offense.

If you have a good fight, then two people defend and three people attack!

Fortunately, this yard is large enough, nearly a hundred people are fighting, and before the banquet table can be hit, all are in front of this forest. Many flower beds and trees have been brought down by this chaotic sword.

The fiercest guard slammed the siege.

Three Li family guards were knocked down in a row, and the bows and arrows of several Shen family hunters were avoided.

Suddenly leaped towards the Shen Nan Bridge, holding the long knife in his hand above his head. At this moment, even if Shen Nan Bridge is holding a diamond shield, it is estimated that it will be broken!

"Damn!" Shen Nanqiao faced the knife.

Almost locked by the opponent's momentum, he couldn't move.

After all, this Shen Nanqiao itself is nothing more than a Bapinyuan.

Even the realm of the Yuanshi never reached.

Faced with the guardian murderousness of Yuanshi Liupin.

How can I hide.

However, Shen Nanqiao's immovable footsteps seemed to the rest of the people as if Shen Nanqiao was calm and calm, and he was not afraid of danger. On top of this momentum, he did not lose the other side.


The Lu family guard fell from the sky, and the sword fell suddenly.


Knife gas aspect.

It was almost dozens of feet wide, and it was a loud noise, which broke into the ground, and the ground suddenly burst into numerous fragments.

A large drop of sweat dripped from Shen Nanqiao's forehead.

On the top of the head, the center of the eyebrow is facing the tip of the knife.

A little bit of fall is enough to cut the scalp.

However, even so, the momentum in front of him also numb the scalp of Shen Nanqiao.

"You kid, why don't you shoot early!"

Shen Nanqiao would like to swear, this nephew, must be shot until now, pretend to force it!

Why not change the time and place, and force you to pretend that you have to shoot at this time.

The Lu's guard also looked at the person in front of him, and groaned, seeming to be extremely surprised.

When I saw the **** of Li Zongjiu, he easily clamped the split knife.

The blade was sharp, but in Li Zongjiu's hands, it seemed like a piece of paper, and he never looked at it.

"Crazy blood !?"

After such close observation, Li Zongjiu discovered that this person's uniqueness turned out to be planted with wild blood.

The effect of this mad blood cricket is similar to the effect of Li Zongjiu's blood madness.

However, this mad blood pupa is a kind of worm made from blood, which is implanted in the body. Once urged, the essence and blood in this body will be stimulated to achieve an effect of overdrawing its own potential.

This is a very stupid and expendable behavior, but for these ordinary guards, they can have a powerful power, and when it breaks out at a critical moment, it will have the effect of reversing the war situation.


The bodyguard, who was poisoned by mad blood, shouted at Li Zongjiu.

Li Zongjiu frowned.


The moment he let go of his hand, a punch hit the guard's face.


This guard flew directly out, but it didn't explode until the trouble, but the first half of the skull was already broken directly, twisted into a ball, and rotted into a ball of flesh.

From this flesh, a red cockroach-like bug crawled out, at least half the size of a slap.

When people around me saw this, they all screamed in dismay and felt extremely disgusted and scared. I did not expect that this Lu family had such evil methods.

"The means of drug education in southern Xinjiang?"

When Li Zongjiu saw this scene, he felt a moment of groaning in his heart, and a recollection came to his mind. The drug education in southern Xinjiang caused disasters.

In the previous life, Li Zongjiu can be said to sit idly by. This southern Xinjiang drug cult used poisonous drugs all over the country to control many family forces in the south.

The southern part of this dynasty once fell into a darkness.

In the previous life, Li Zongjiu did not care. Although he said that there was a lot of friction with the drug poisoning in southern Xinjiang, he was not hostile to it.

Now, thinking of the footsteps of drug conquest in southern Xinjiang, the Lost City of the South and Wuxuedanzong are almost invaded and devoured! The Lu family is an example.

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