Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1638: Change

Shan Ju Xiao Zhu was originally just a place for the Tsing Yi women to test their formation.

I want to apply all the formations I have learned.

Therefore, using this landscape and wooden house, a set of eight-door Tianxuan array was formed.

However, for many years, the construction of this small mountain dwelling has not attracted the power of these eight Tianxuan arrays.

The formation method itself is relatively advanced, so it is hidden deep.

It would be more difficult for ordinary people to find this method and urge it.

Unexpectedly, today, I met a person who could discover the mysteries of the Eight Heavenly Profound Arrays.

This person is Li Zongjiu.

When Li Zongjiu discovered this formation, he was also surprised, because he was amazed at who put such a delicate formation here.

This eight-door Tianxuan array, the level is quite high.

At least the eleventh level.

Therefore, Li Zongjiu itself spent a lot of time to find a way to urge this formation, and directly mobilize this formation.


Although Bamen Tianxuan Array does not know who arranged it here, Li Zongjiu is now at the right time.

It is precisely with the help of the power in this formation that the self-cultivation is completely consolidated in the realm of the innate eighth level.

Li Zongjiu runs the form of the sky and god.

The gradual decline of strength made Li Zongjiu very surprised.

Absorbed the horrible aura.

Finally, Li Zongjiu stabilized this power at the level of congenital eighth level.

And can clearly feel his own strength, how powerful this breakthrough.

"It's really incredible."

Li Zongjiu thought.

Without these Eight Heavenly Profound Arrays today, Li Zongjiu estimated that it would take a lot of Soul Beans to stabilize his realm.

If not, this force must also fall back quickly, which is equivalent to a breakthrough failure.

Fortunately, it succeeded.

"But these eight Tianxuan arrays seem to be a little bit worse."

When Li Zongjiu tried to absorb the power of this formation just now, he almost burst all the eight Tianxuan formations.

Suddenly the power that came out was too strong.

However, the structure of the eight-door Tianxuan Array itself is not so strong and complete, so once this power is turned to a particularly large level, the entire formation will also be in a state of collapse.

Obviously, when people set up this method, in fact their own technology was not very good.

Li Zongjiu's mental power actually poured into the array of these eight Tianxuan arrays.

Soon I found these things specially arranged to create such power.

Li Zongjiu quickly changed some feng shui levels.

The eight-door Xuantian Array is to directly integrate the surrounding things into the formation method. With the help of golden wood, water, fire and earth, the five elements are used to urge and trigger this aspect.

So Li Zongjiu is now shooting, and only needs to transfer something.

"Sister, is he modifying your formation?"

Beside the woman in Tsing Yi, the eyes of a girl in purple clothing are also surprised and surprised. Unexpectedly, this person's courage is so big.

Isn't this the axe in the class?

You know, her sister is the leading formation master in this red soul main city. This person is also too arrogant and arrogant. ,

Even in the eyes of this formation mage, it will be regarded as a provocation.


The woman in Tsing Yi signals the latter not to speak.

Bamen Tianxuan Zhen itself is an early work.

She knows all the shortcomings and shortcomings.

But it has never been modified.

It's just as an appreciation, an appreciation of one's own work, so let this thing always exist here.

I didn't expect this person to just arouse this method.

So quickly found the weakness in the formation.

"Watergate, Stone Gate, Forest Gate, Bamboo Gate, Mountain Gate, Dragon Gate, Qimen. Tianmen!? All of them are so precise, this person's foundation is particularly good, not only that, but his talent is also very high!"

The latter said in surprise.

Under these adjustments, Li Zongjiu also strengthened these weak points.

Achieve true endlessness.

The point of the Eight Gates.

However, the corner of Tsing Yi's woman's mouth slightly raised, and her mental power suddenly poured into it.

In this way, it is directly in these eight doors, and joined the door of fire!

When the fire door appeared.

Li Zongjiu also realized that there were high people around, maybe it was this person who arranged the Eight Heavenly Profound Array and joined the Fire Gate? , It will cause the Eight Gates of Heavenly Profound Array itself to attack each other, causing chaos.

The opponent's shot is to test Li Zongjiu's reality.

But Li Zongjiu is just a casual interest, but not to play games with you.

If you want to do this kind of destruction yourself, then you are free.

He Li Zongjiu still has a lot to do.

So Li Zongjiu ignored the fire door that he suddenly joined.

You can also see that there will be problems.

But Li Zongjiu hasn't shot yet. ,

The Tsing Yi woman in the bamboo forest suddenly angered.

This guy actually didn't shoot.

This girl in Tsing Yi can be angry.

The flame was extinguished instantly.

"I didn't expect this person to be so arrogant!"

The woman in Tsing Yi apparently did not expect that Li Zongjiu, a congenital eighth class, could still have such great arrogance.

? They are not as proud as you are in this world.

I really don't know what to do. I thought about promoting Li Zongjiu. I thought Li Zongjiu would be a very interesting person.

But who can think that this will happen in the end, Li Zongjiu ignores her completely!

Let the latter itself be very unexpected.

In this red soul main city, no one has ever dared to treat her with such an attitude. ,

"Haha, I didn't expect that someone could make my sister angry like this. If this person knows the name of the sister, it is estimated that the intestines will be regretted. Such a good opportunity, but they can't grasp it. This person's luck is How much back.?"

Ziyi said with a smile.

"Sui Yuan."

The Tsing Yi woman said lightly.

"In two months' time, new people will be recruited. In this city, can there be a rising star?"

"I have recently gone to the trial tower to look for it, but it's just a dozen killers, not a rising star."

"If you can't find the talented one, will the next Spiritual Void Sky come again? It's going to fail."

"What's the matter of Lingxu Tian? If there is a sister, even if you've been to Lingxu Tian, ​​you won't necessarily be your sister's opponent.

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