Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 192: Rainy night interception

Seeing that Yinglie was arrested, he did not expect that the other party had a living mouth.

This also made Lu Manxuan frowned, but on the surface there was no relaxation at all.

"Oh, if you just grab someone, you will search for Qianwei Thatched Cottage. If you come here once a day, I ca n’t open the Qianwei Thatched Cottage. If the city owner wants to search, he will bring the search documents first. Come on! "

Lu Manxuan waved.

"Elder Gong, drop off!"

Gong Xing took a step forward and directly reached out for guidance.


The words are already very clear.

If you still want to break in, then you will really fight directly on the spot.

This kind of thing happened, which no one wants to see, but Lu Manxuan also knows that these people can't be blocked for too long. If this Ao Yong wants to search, there is always a reason, after all, this Ao Yong But the robber was born.

At the same time, Ao Yong's methods can do more than that.

Ao Yong stared at Lu Manxuan for a moment, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, President Lu, I hope you don't regret your decision!"

"The Lord of the City formally ordered the three streets of Ming, Qing, Mingyuan, and Mingwang to conduct an indefinite closed-out search. Anyone who found suspicious identity all entered me into the city dungeon's dungeon and slowly reviewed it!"

"Until the killer is caught, the martial law order will always be valid!"

These three streets are also the streets around Qianwei Caotang. ,

If you want to come to Qianwei Thatched Cottage, you must also pass through these three streets. Now that you are ordered to martial law, even if you have a slight case, you may not dare pass by here easily. And it ’s a suspicious person. What is suspicious? That ’s not the city ’s mansion. As long as the city ’s mansion thinks you are suspicious and there ’s a problem, basically come one by one. What can you do, can you still escape

.为了 For this reason, catch the passersby around. In order to avoid trouble, customers who come will also choose to buy medicinal materials elsewhere. If you can think of buying medicinal materials, they are basically to save lives. Who can do this?

Wait indefinitely.

"Mr. Lu, think clearly, come to me again!"

Ao Yong stared at Lu Manxuan and said with a laugh.

This is the benefit that power brings. In a word, you can use this method to make your huge Qianwei thatched cottage impossible to sustain!

"Block the three streets at once!" Zhao Zhaoma waved his hands, and the people under this hand also acted quickly, one by one, the road was blocked, and each face was not good, so the invisibility also increased. Out of their workload, so this hands-on

At the time, there was no trace of mercy.

"You, where do you live, what do you do here?"

"What's hidden in the bag, open it for me!"

When directly confronted by Lu Manxuan and others, these city guards were already working. Many people heard the martial law on the spot and ran back home quickly.

Some customers in the Qianwei Thatched Cottage also hurriedly left the herbs. There are a few bolder ones who leave after choosing their own medicinal materials, but most people are in a hurry. It seems that the business of Qianwei Thatched Cottage has also been greatly affected, even this. Next few

Heaven will have the same threat here.

This makes Lu Manxuan and others look very unsightly.

"Is this Ao Yong afraid of being crazy? It's so much against us!"

"The Bei Yao Lou is not a good thing. It is said that there is a problem. It looks like there is something wrong with it."

Lu Manxuan said in a deep voice.

This matter is not complicated. If there is no interest, how could this Ao Yong be so positive, there must be some reason in it, but the means of the other side, although it is relatively mean, is very effective.

“Let ’s take a look before you say, do n’t conflict with them for the time being.” I blocked three streets, and it was n’t just their Qianwei Caotang that was affected, but also many merchants. These people alone are nothing, but if this Ao Yong has done too much. When they are truly united, I am afraid

This Ao Yong also couldn't eat and walked away.

"Mr. Chief Li, they just left, they all left ..."

This Lu Manxuan was preparing to go back and tell Li Zongjiu what was happening here, but the apprentice pharmacist girl ran quickly and said.

"Leave, how did you leave?"

Lu Manxuan heard the words and suddenly hesitated.

The martial law was just around here, and the streets were full of people from the city guards. If you were not careful, you would run into it. Is this guy doing something?

"Just ... just open the window, and then ... leave for a moment and leave ..."

This trainee girl is probably a bit nervous, dancing and dancing to the scene just now, Li Zongjiu and others just left Qianwei Caotang so easily.

"Speaking of leaving early, I let them in, so it won't be like this, really ..."

Lu Manxuan also has a big head.

Since they left the Qianwei Thatched Cottage, it has nothing to do with their Qianwei Thatched Cottage. Of course, if there is any medicine to buy, Lu Manxuan is also very happy to serve Li Zongjiu and others.

After all, it is a businessman. If you come to talk about the list, it is naturally the happiest.

As for what is vengeful.

For Lu Manxuan, he didn't care.

Today, if you don't look at Li Zongjiucai's arrogance and give it a total of 200 million, I would not change it.

That wouldn't be so costly.

The leaving Ao Yong and others also walked this way, Zhao Sima came to Ao Yong.

Very respectful.

"Give me a look at the Qianwei Thatched Cottage all the time, and if you find anything, take it down immediately. If you resist, then kill yourself!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Zhao Sima said immediately, watching that Ao Yong and others set off, and then said, "Congratulations, my lord!"

Ao Yong on foot looked up at the sky.

It turned out that black clouds were surging and it was raining.

"It's weird. It was cloudless just now. It's raining again now, so bad!"

When Ao Yong waved his sleeves, his four-pin elixir must have been taken away by that **** Li family boy. It does n’t matter if you kill someone, it ’s okay to take money, but this elixir is not rich Can buy it.

For this Ao Yong, it can elevate the realm and allow himself to have a higher level of existence.

How can such treasures be reconciled?

If you wait for Li Zongjiu and others to leave this northern medicine city, there will be no more chance.

So it is two days to get started.

Therefore, all of these four masters, Ao Yong, were all around.


Heavy rain.

Four people around Ao Yong are holding umbrellas to protect Ao Yong.

When five people turned into this alley.

The five could not help but stop.

In front of the alley, a figure stood, holding a black oil-paper umbrella in his hand, it seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

The rain fell, but splashed out three inches from the shoes.

Powerful vitality body protects from raindrops!

In front of him was the pouring rain, which blocked the rain, making it difficult for Ao Yong to see what the little man in front was like.

However, the intention of this person is already very clear.


Ao Yong sneered, then looked back behind him and walked out of the four again, blocking their way.

Openly, kill the Lord of a city!

"You guys are so big, you washed the Beiyao building with blood, and you want to take the initiative in this city!"

Ao Yong sneered.

The four masters around him have already been divided into two sides, three people walked behind, and the other one greeted the one in front.

Put away the umbrella and took out his ice blade from his arms.

Li Zongjiu smiled slightly when he saw this. "You don't have to die, as long as you make smart decisions."

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