Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 217: Dixuan Business League

Li Zongjiu looked at the carved lines under his feet.

The power of this pattern is not bad, unlike ordinary people can portray it. If the person who portrays the pattern is in Feiyun City, it must be an extraordinary figure.

But this is nothing, the number of people in this city exceeds one million.

Occasionally a wizard or the like appears, which is nothing, of course, it does not rule out that there are masters living in seclusion here, that is also very normal.

The formation is running, and all the forces are gathered in a medicine tripod in the center of the ground.

This drug tripod is all made of black gold.

This black gold is a more precious metal than that gold.

This is also doped with some other things, so this black gold tripod can bear the high temperature. If such a tripod explodes, then this power is enough to smash the things in this dense room.

Of course, the premise is that there must be so much energy.

"It seems that in this Emperor's Chamber of Commerce, there may be a master, or maybe a master is invited with money." Xiu Guang is the forging process of this black gold tripod, which is definitely taken in this Feiyun City If you do n’t come out, you do n’t have such a large workshop or such talents. It must have cost a great deal of money and you have to transfer from other places.

There are organizational benefits, often once these organizations are established.

That person ’s strengths gathered, no matter what they did, they became a lot simpler.

Whoever is invited here doesn't care about Li Zongjiu.

Now the most important thing is to refining a Sipin Pill.

To improve the strength of the Li family, at least one Yuanzong-level strong person must be created, so as to ensure the absolute security of the Li family.

Siamese medicines are already ready.

Displaying them one by one, in order to ensure the final success of Siamese Nedan, Li Zongjiu also deliberately cut off a small leaf of a leaf from the seven stars.

Even a little bit of this is enough to bring great energy boost to these four Pinpin medicines,



When this yuan pattern converged, a flame emerged and fell under the black gold tripod, Li Zongjiu's Yuanli also merged into it, and began to control this powerful flame.

The flames burned, and the temperature of Heijingding also kept rising. In this confined space, Li Zongjiu also tried, = leapfrogging alchemy.

Even with past experience and current practice, Li Zongjiu only has this half of the chance. However, in the area of ​​alchemy, the spirit of Li Zongjiu's previous life is that as long as he does not die, he will die. Regardless of the success rate, as long as there is a chance, he will try it, as long as he is not killed. , Then you have to put

Courage to practice.

The end with this spirit, that is, this spirit has become the spirit of previous lives.

"The probability of 50% is relatively high in alchemy. With the assistance of these things, I can control the success rate to more than 60%!"

Li Zongjiu took a deep breath and started to refine this elixir.

When the temperature of this black gold tripod keeps rising, it can even be seen that the air above this tripod has begun to deform, forming a wave of heat, which continues to diffuse.

At this moment, Feiyun City. As the only business alliance in Feiyun City, Dixuan Business League is naturally a well-deserved overlord. Joining this Dixuan Business League, it is natural to be able to share a piece of money in this Feiyun City. Then, then

Let you eat nothing!

For example, although the Xu family said that they had never joined the Dixuan Business League, it was because they were not qualified. But I am not qualified to join the Emperor Xuan Business League. Before that, I also had a good relationship with the Jingyue landlord. They have a close relationship with each other. The most important thing is to pay tribute. Once you have a patron, you will naturally pass by. Easier


There are a total of ten directors in this Dixuan business alliance, which together form a council to take charge of various development issues of this business alliance.

And the most important thing is this Emperor Xuan Business League, each director also has its own power behind, and this strength is also belong to this Emperor Xuan Business League. If this director suddenly dies, the power he represents is to launch a new person to run for the position of the director. If the election fails, the position cannot be replaced, and the power will be divided up.


Only in this way can the business alliance continue to grow. Some time ago, a director was hung. The forces behind it were almost completely divided up and cleaned up within a few days. There was no way to succeed, and no one was able to gain a foothold in this business alliance. Then naturally This way

The end.

The position of this council member is still in a vacant state, so naturally it is necessary to recruit people. The original owner of Jingyue pushed the Xu family, and also pointed out the way. Who knew that at this critical moment, it was Li Zongjiu who had been killed and turned the matter back and forth. This is for anyone. Are also extremely

Bewildered, and extremely surprised.

The cooked ducks flew off, and whoever changed them couldn't bear the same.

The headquarters of Dixuan Business League is also located in Beicheng District of Feiyun City.

Here, the three real families are also located here!

The Xu family and the Huang family are all located in the Southern District, but the most developed and prosperous urban area is still the Northern District, which is also in the same city, but the economic level before and after this may not be the same.

The same watermelon may have sold as high as ten silver coins in Beicheng District.

But in this Nancheng District, it is estimated that there is only one or two silver dollar coins.

Within Beicheng District.

Dixuan Business League is located in the middle of this most prosperous main street, named Xuanwu Street. The Chamber of Commerce has a special hall. No matter what business you have and you want to cooperate, you can come to this Dixuan Chamber of Commerce to match. There will be merchants in the Chamber of Commerce to connect with your resources. Successful transaction

If so, the business union itself will draw a certain commission.

The amount of such commissions each year can reach a lot.

As the top ten directors of the Shangmeng League, under normal circumstances, they do not need to be concentrated. Only some emergency situations or major conferences will be held.

Xu Youliang looked at the gate of Dixuan Business League. The moment I walked outside the door for a long time, it was originally vowed, thinking of handing over the deposit of the 100,000 gold coins, and passing on Li Zongjiu's words once again, it was to complete the task and leave directly, but once I came here Time

When I did, I felt something was wrong. There is even a kind of feeling, if you go in yourself, it will definitely feel like you can't live out.

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