Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 223: Kill all

This is just a blink of an eye.

Three masters were killed in Jingyue Building.

Li Zongjiu has branded in their souls, so when they approach, they can feel clearly.

This should happen soon, and I did not send any signal.

How did they know.

But when it comes, it's up to them, and they don't have to do it themselves.

If everything needs to be done by himself, Li Zongjiu's three heads and six arms are not enough.

The two men were beheaded instantly.

Did not even respond.

The three masters locked the breath to this last one.

Rao is a man who has experienced strong training and can't stand so many murderous masters.

"I only ask once, who are you."

Li Zongjiu turned around and talked about killing people like hemp, he was the real ancestor, and the two dead bodies lying on the ground were not in his eyes at all.

From Li Zongjiu's eyes, he could see that if he couldn't satisfy his answer, he would be dead.

"We are ... subordinate to the Emperor Xuan Alliance, the Deacon of Black Blood ..." When he reported his name in the past, this person was also full of pride and murderousness. This name was like a mountain, whether Speaking on any occasion, it will overwhelm the opponent.


But at the moment, telling who you are, you have a sense of remorse and fear.

Because this is a little careless, it will be removed.

This end is too terrifying.

I dare not think about it at all.

"Dark Blood Deacon? What is it ..."

Li Zongjiu has not heard of this, but Li Zongjiu knows that Emperor Xuan Business League.

"It turns out that you are a member of Dixuan Business League, and you have the courage to take the initiative to provoke me."

Li Zongjiu also nodded. Since these people want to send their necks up and see if Li Zongjiu has the guts to do it, then Li Zongjiu must take a good shot and show them a killing.

"Let me go, I can, let you Li family, escape this disaster ..."

The man said that, in his capacity, he might still have such strength, but for him, he only needed to gain a little trust and give him time to leave.

"Oh, my family needs to escape?"

Li Zongjiu laughed suddenly when he heard his words.

"Take his head off."

The voice fell.

That Changhe did not hesitate to chop off the opponent's head, and it was too late to escape. When this head was chopped off, his eyes turned into a look of panic and unwillingness.

After beheading people.

Li Zongjiu opened the door, and when he heard the noise, the blood-red token fell to the ground. ,

"It turned out to be so arrogant."

Li Zongjiu really lamented the arrogance of these people's behavior style. Just putting such a sign on this door and killing people inside, such behavior was extremely arrogant in Li Zongjiu's eyes.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple ..."

Then Li Zongjiu's gaze looked at the distance, and immediately he saw the Zixiao Tower. In the previous life, Li Zongjiu was an extreme master, and he was extremely keen on this murderous power, even if it was a hundred meters away, if you leaked a little murderous power, it would be enough to be captured, even at the level of Li Zongjiu. of

Masters also have this ability.

This is the experience accumulated over the years, and ordinary people cannot learn.

And at that moment in the building of Zixiao, Teng Teng's murderous spirit was brewing. How could a lot of killers sit there?

"Three of you, take down that restaurant."

Li Zongjiu said to the three of them, the words fell, and the three of them showed their statures and killed the Zixiao Tower.



The body rushed up, feeling a strong wind around.

With the strength of three people, in this Feiyun City, I am afraid that no one can stop. Lin Baoquan was waiting to watch the show on the top of the Zixiao Tower, but just now, it seemed that something had happened. The head of the Black Deacon Group around him couldn't help but stand up, frowning frantically, and deadly Staring at that front


Seems to want to see something coming, but in the process.

However, Li Zongjiu came out of the Jingyue Building with a big swing.

"how is this possible!"

Lin Baoquan shouted silently.

However, the words fell down, just to see the three figures rushing towards them.

Found them?

So far, they did n’t even do anything. How could they be found? Is it because the people inside revealed that the news was not possible, but this is also impossible. How can they know here.


Powerful air waves swept out.

There are four floors in this building.

Luo Sha rushed in one by one.

"not good!"

The head of the Black Blood Deacon immediately realized it was bad.

The restaurant below was already a series of collisions.


Broken gold knife, blood splattered.

Countless people fell to the ground.

Inside this Xiaoxiao Building, it was suddenly filled with this blood, and the blood was soaring into the sky.

The head of the black blood deacon wanted to take a shot, but it was too late.

By the time he went down, he had already seen the heads falling to the ground, and the surrounding tables and chairs had been spilled with blood. This Zixiao Tower has become a blood-stained style.

The Emperor Xuan Business League spent a significant price to train the elite troops.

A sharp knife cultivated.

It was killed in such a short period of time.

Double counter is not a level at all!

These black blood deacon groups are just the realm of the Yuan division level, among which there are one or two captains, reaching the realm of the first pin general.

However, in front of Luo Sha, it was still a kind of end, easily shot, and harvested the life of the other party.

In the eyes of the three Luo Sha, these people are just some ants, and they are easily killed.

There was still blood on Luo Sha's fingers.

Then Lin Baoquan and the old man in black rushed down.

Lin Baoquan's practice is in the realm of Sanpin Yuanjiang. If so many black blood deacons chase him down and pay the price of serious injuries, he can escape.

But trying to kill them back is almost impossible.

However, in this pool of blood in front of us, we can see that these people clearly have little room to fight back, basically they are directly abolished.

These horrific means are what this person is doing right now.

There were three people killed just now.

In addition, the people at the bottom two floors have also been killed.

"court death!"

The old man in black roared, but this black blood deacon was devoted to his life, but now it is easily destroyed by this Roxa, that is to destroy his life's work, it can be said that this life is also directly destroyed Lost.

"I am going to kill you!"

The old man in black roared, and his own breath burst out instantly.


Liupinyuan will be realm!

In this Feiyun City, you can still find the masters of these six Pinyuan generals.

In this Emperor Xuan Business League, the strength of the old man in black can also be ranked in the top three levels.

However, these strengths are still not enough in front of Luo Sha.

Luo Sha smiled coldly, his fingers turned into claws, and he grabbed at the old man in black.

Huh! However, the number of the three tricks, the bones of the old man in black, has been almost removed.

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