Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 234: Go together

Followed by Yang Hongyu, there is also a female disciple who is also Wuxue Danzong, but Li Zongjiu does not know her name. It seems that this is coming back to see her parents.

"Have seen the law."

The girl also said respectfully to Li Zongjiu.

This is the youngest long mist protection method of Wuxue Danzong. The strength and luck demonstrated on that platform is enough for them to look up.

"Protection law comes here, but for the matter of Langya Valley?"

After Yang Hongyu saw Li Zongjiu's appearance, he knew it, but he was also amazed. It took only a few days for this matter to come out, and Fa Fa could obtain this information and rushed to it, apparently with good energy behind him.

Li Zongjiu nodded.

The main purpose is to hunt down Li Changjiang. Now that I know that there can still be something that can enhance mental strength in the Langya Valley, Li Zongjiu is even more interested. How can such a good thing be missed.

Even if it can only increase the speed of cultivation by 1%, it is also a priceless treasure. "If the law of protection is not unreasonable, you can go with our Yang family and set off. It is our group that is also rushing to that Langya Valley. Langya Mountain is complicated and has many traps. It is easy to be careless. Go wrong

Let's protect the law together, there is a care on the road! "

Yang Hongyu's eyes had an urgent desire, eager that Li Zongjiu could go with them. In that case, there would be a master sitting in their team, and there would be no panic.


Li Zongjiu didn't think too much. Now that he has said it, it is just right. Anyway, these are just the junior juniors. They are free to master life and death, and they will not become a threat. Moreover, if they go on the road together, it will definitely save a lot of trouble. The Langya Valley has become a hot place, and many people also All wait

While chaotic, if this time is unstable, then it is very likely that various small battlefields will erupt.

Become the land of hate directly.

Hearing Li Zongjiu's promise, Yang Hongyu's eyes were full of joy!

"Master, all of us are recruited."

Just then, a man dressed like a middle-aged housekeeper came to Yang Hongyu's side, Gongshou said. ,

Behind the steward, there were also some mercenaries dressed as hunter-killers.

These people were recruited just now.

The leading forces of the Yang family and other families have already set off. Their group will also be used as a support force, and they will be continuously sent to the battlefield. However, the support operation must be beautiful.

If you have an advantage, you can follow the trend and crush the enemy.

If it's weak, it can make up for it.

If it doesn't work, there may be a break after the escape.

"Master, is this ...?"

The middle-aged housekeeper frowned when he saw Li Zongjiu aside.

Now is the extraordinary period. Not all good friends and brothers can believe it. There are many people who don't know how well they usually dress up, so that they can strike you at the last critical moment.

So you have to pay attention.

"Uncle Niu, this is our Wuxue Danzong protection method, Li protection method, Li protection method is willing to follow us to Langya Mountain."

Yang Hongyu introduced, but the person called Uncle Niu said nothing, and there was no exaggerated expression.

After all, the strength of Wuxue Danzong, in their eyes, seems to be a group of country people to get up and play with themselves, there is really no talent.

Even such a young child can become a law protector.

Is there anything wrong?

This method of protection is bought for money, it depends on the skin.

"Young master, you have to bring this girl, you have already touched the bottom line of the homeowner, and now you need to bring this unidentified outsider, this is what makes it difficult for the young to do ..."

The cattle steward could not help saying. To be honest, this time will also be a training experience. Although this Yang Hongyu is the one who blew out, it is also the blood of the master. If he performs well, there is also a chance to be reused. After all, the master is still optimistic about this


I specifically told myself to bring this Yang Hongyu. The young masters in the front room are already set off, that is, to keep this Yang Hongyu in the back-up force, in order to keep this Yang Hongyu, don't run into those big brothers, otherwise, now Yang Hongyu, maybe he will eat many

Less loss. And the girl next to Yang Hongyu is also a woman brought back. In theory, she ca n’t follow them, but in the face of Yang Hongyu, the steward of the cow did n’t stop too much.

These are.

If there is any problem with this woman, it is a very normal thing for them to kill in place. But now it is necessary to bring an outsider, which intangibly increases their risk. If Li Zongjiu is bought by the enemy, take care of them to spy on them, or to make a mess, then Extremely

It may cause a great disaster!

Such things can't be sloppy.

"Uncle Niu, rest assured, I guarantee my life!"

Yang Hongyu said.

"Niu Guan, it's just a child. Don't worry, we have the Black Diamond Group, show you, let's get on the road now!"

At this point came a muscular man with strong muscles, and the person behind him was also a uniform black clothing, and they were also muscular men, such a body, that is extremely eye-catching no matter where it is placed.

And their lineup is the notorious Black Mighty King Kong Regiment in this city.

The fiercest and strongest man headed by that is said to be able to single-fist a second-level beast!

This mighty strength and power are here, what else can you say, of course, you are the best.

Obviously, these people of the Black Mighty King Kong regiment never took Li Zongjiu as their eye.

Even if this Li Zongjiu wants to do something, it can be easily beheaded.

This thin body couldn't hold a punch in front of him. This cow steward is not making this thing. After all, he is just a steward, and he is not even surnamed Yang. If something really happens, then it is impossible for the Yang family to kill a prostituted young master and leave him. This foreigner's domestic slave

Since Yang Hongyu insisted on requesting it, it was Yang Yangyu who brought it.

"Let ’s go, please ask the Lord to take care of it, do n’t go around and talk about it." Every time you prepare for strength, it is extremely confidential, so it must be kept secret, otherwise the other party knows you How many people and what route to take in a wave can also be better prepared, even beat you in advance

It is not strange to drop it.

Li Zongjiu naturally knew the concerns in the steward's mind, but it didn't matter to Li Zongjiu, as long as he set off quickly.

These men of the Black Mighty Diamond Group even have their own war beasts.

Some will cultivate war beasts from an early age.

Bring them around, cultivate together, fight together.

Some people who are more determined, after they break through the realm of the Yuanzong level, if the potential of the war beast is enough, they will choose to sacrifice the war beast to become their own spirit.

Of course, most people have not reached this level. Before then, they were still their best partners.

There are a total of seven people in the Black Mighty King Kong regiment, and each person has different primitive beasts beside them, and their functions are different.

Those who can raise this primitive animal have a certain foundation, otherwise the daily food and drink expenses of these primitive animals are also a huge expenditure, and the average person cannot bear it at all. Obviously, the strength of these people is good. In addition to the Black Mighty Diamond Regiment, there are also some idle mercenaries who follow this team, but they report to the group alone. Many times, these individual soldiers Those who fight are more dangerous, but under the general trend, they are also likely to become cannon fodder!

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