Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 273: Xicheng Medicine Forest

In a tall building opposite to Yuelai Inn.

The two figures clasped their chests with their hands.

With a wide hat on top.

Looking down all night was watching what happened inside that Yuelai Inn.

The identity of the two of them is a special guard in this city, also called a special envoy!

Their role is to monitor the emergence of special circumstances, such as some underground gangs in negotiations and the like, for such occasions, they also need to monitor.

If there is a conflict between these people, it is also necessary to take action to prevent the conflict from expanding. After these crimes are committed, all of them will be arrested. Generally speaking, as long as no one is killed, then no shot will be taken.

Since the Shengyan dynasty calmed down the world, it naturally required Guotai Min'an, third-class cities, and some small counties. There is no way to take care of it for the time being. However, similar to this second-class city, it must also be strictly governed.

These envoys are usually attached to a certain city.

For example, they enforced the law in the Xuanbei Giant City, and that was the special envoy of Xuanbei.

Sometimes, some fugitives will also hunt across the city.

No matter if you escape to the ends of the earth, it will capture you back.

"The kid's strength is pretty good."

"It was a good deal to deal with this matter, not only for the benefit, but also for the sister-in-law.

The two have been monitoring the situation here tonight. If Li Zongjiu killed someone, they would certainly not let Li Zongjiu pass.

And if Bei Houliang wants to kill, they will come out to stop it. Recently, this coincides with the enrollment of universities and colleges. There are many things, and there are more accidents. Some people from outside the country are really indistinguishable, and often people will break the law. At this time, the knife in the hands of the envoys is Not light

Easy to let go.

"Although he did not kill tonight, he is also a more dangerous person. Write it down first."

One of them said that he then took out a booklet from his arms and quickly painted a portrait of Li Zongjiu, leaving a line of records.

"I heard he was riding a red-maned horse from Qianmacheng."

"Oh? Is Thousand Horses coming ... that's more careful."

After talking to each other, they saw Li Zongjiu let go of everyone and went straight away. If there was some movement in the rest of the place, they must also rush to the scene to monitor it.

That night's work was still quite busy.

Throughout the night, only these Xuanbei envoys flew around in the sky. Sometimes they were tired, so they walked on the ground for a while.

No one knows how many special envoys are walking on this street.

The number of special envoys in the entire Xuanbei Giant City is enough to cover every street, which shows how horrible this number is.

Even if you want to do something bad, it may not be easy.

The strength of a special envoy is at least the level of Yuanzong!

This is the power of the Holy Yan Dynasty!

In contrast, any third-class city can be said to be climateless.

The next two days, Li Zongjiu never encountered any trouble.

I bought a batch of medicinal materials and spent a day refining a lot of medicinal herbs in an alchemy building.

Similar to the alchemy tower in this city, that is the real alchemy tower.

Various facilities are complete, and some medicinal materials are also sold incidentally.

And even if it is the highest-ranking alchemy room, there is no need for other things, just give money. ,

Because this best alchemy room also has advantages in refining elixir. Even if it is not refining four-pin elixir, or even five-pin elixir, it can be refined here with a higher success rate.

But the return of value and the like depends on you to calculate it yourself.

You can't make a potion of elixir, so rent a room for refining elixir.

Even if you make a hundred pills of elixir within an hour, you won't make money back.

Li Zongjiu only spent one day.

It is the Sanhua Juyuandan that has been refined for nearly twenty, and has been cultivated and taken by the Yuanzong class strongmen.

"This Sanhua Juyuandan takes one tablet every three days, and these are enough for me to eat for two months."

Sanhua Juyuandan is among the strongest in the Yuanzong class, which can be said to be very sought-after.

If you take it out for sale, the price will be around one million purple coins.

It is equivalent to 100 million gold coins.

If twenty Sanhua Juyuandan are sold in packages, the conservative three billion will be sold, which is such a horror.

The cost of this medicinal material is not more than five million yuan.

Therefore, alchemy is also a very profitable skill. As long as you can live and successfully refine the elixir, then a large number of people will invite you to refining the elixir.

Of course, this success rate is also required.

Li Zongjiu's success rate was basically 200% after the Bailong Yuanling's assistance was turned on. Refining the Sanhua Juyuandan has not failed.

If it is not enough materials, then Li Zongjiu can continue to refine.

"One more day, practice."

Three days were just two days away.

On the last day, Li Zongjiu stayed in this room, taking Sanhua Juyuandan, and revising his strength first.

As a Sipin Pill, the effect of this Pill is very violent.

But Li Zongjiu's body was like a bottomless pit.

This is only two hours, it is already refining two Sanhua Juyuandan.

And the absorption effect of Sanhua Juyuandan in the body is much more than ordinary people.

"How can this be, this body, is it a bottomless pit!"

But Li Zongjiu soon understood.

Others have only one spirit, or no spirit.

But Li Zongjiu owns four.

Just these four are placed here, then no one can compare with Li Zongjiu.

So many elemental spirits naturally require a lot of elemental power consumption, and only by absorbing the elemental power can they grow up.

Even if a strong emperor of Yuanzong came to refine this Sanhuadan, its medicinal power could last at least seven days before it could be fully refined.

Li Zongjiu has doubled his own standard and refined one in three days.

But when it is actually put into practice, it is still not enough.

One night.

Li Zongjiu consumed a total of seven Sanhua Juyuandan.

Even when it was dawn the next day.

Li Zongjiu is still energetic.

Induced his own realm of power.

Li Zongjiu is also quite satisfied.

"Qiyuanyuan is in a good state. It's pretty good."

One night, Li Zongjiu jumped from this Pin Yuan to Qi Pin Yuan.

With such an effect, here Li Zongjiu can only get one.

If this is heard, then he will vomit blood directly.

Only Li Zongjiu's body can reach such a state.

"Today is the day of assessment. See what these people are going to test. It really is fun."

Li Zongjiu could not help shaking his head.

Xicheng Medicine Forest.

Occupying the southwest corner of the Xuanbei Giant City, covering an area of ​​nearly 10,000 acres, you can't see it at first glance. In this medicinal forest, there are also some very precious secondary plants. This medicinal forest belongs to the city's pharmacist alliance. .

Since Tianchen Yaofu is going to conduct a test, it is a great honor for this pharmacist alliance to requisition the site of this pharmacist alliance.

Naturally, I dare not make any slight remarks.

The leader of the Xuanbei Medicine League also came to meet in person.

These are all mentors of Tianchen Medicine House.

Not to mention how the alchemy itself is, just the disciples they have taught over the years, there are too many.

These people have powerful energy and cannot easily offend.

What's more, this Tianchen Yaofu is itself the top academic institution in the Holy Yan Dynasty. The energy and resources it possesses are not conceivable by the medicine league of a second-class city in your district.

So the lord also appeared in person.

As the leader of this medicine alliance, Han Qingliu is naturally respected in this Xuanbei giant city.

Han Qingliu is wearing a pharmacist's robe issued by Dange that day.

The four gold leaves embroidered on this robe's mouth also show the identity and grade of this Han Qingliu.

Turned out to be the Sipin Alchemist!

However, I do n’t know what level is the fourth grade, but this level of strength is already in front of everyone, directly pulling a long line.

I don't know how many Sanpin alchemists spent their entire lives, and there is no way to reach this level.

And the number of Sanpin alchemy masters is not much in this Xuanbei giant city.

Han Qingliu brought someone here early to wait, and there were many waiting students around, all of them were waiting here and preparing for the exam.

Many of these people have such great potentials. If they are developed well, they will certainly be able to become a generation. For the content of this assessment, even Han Qingliu and others are completely unclear.

I saw a few mentors of Tianchen Yaofu coming forward.

Han Qingliu and others immediately greeted with a smile. "Director Shang, come early ..."

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