Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 285: Wuding Shengguan

And three copper as if not heard, still eating noodles in the bowl, at this time, three copper has already eaten a full three bowls of noodles, which is definitely edible.

"Boy, is this your chick? It's mine now, let me go!"

Talking about the big man, he pushed it towards Li Zongjiu's shoulder.

And at this moment, three bronze shot.

I saw San Tong's hand suddenly pop out. When the big man was about to touch Li Zongjiu's shoulder, he grabbed it, then twisted it easily, and suddenly clicked. The other's finger was directly caught by San. The copper was broken.

"Ah! Lao Tzu's hand!"

"you wanna die!"

In the next moment, San Copper picked up the bowl in front of him directly, and then slammed it on the opponent's head. The big man was thrown out by San Copper directly, and fell to the ground all at once.

There was blood on the forehead.

"Look to death, smelly girl!"

The big man's men saw it and crowded around. ,

San Tong also got up without hesitation, blocking them.

As Li Zongjiu said earlier, killing him turned upside down.

"Waste this woman for me, and the kid over there!"

The boss whose head was broken, also roared directly.

After hearing the boss's speech, these people were also very polite, plucked up their weapons and killed the three coppers in the past.

But the three coppers are faster.

And with her three bronze blood clothes guards reaching out, these ordinary robbers are simply not enough for her to kill.

This time, the three coppers did not stay in the slightest.

He never gave the **** knife, but used a dagger around his waist.

In a short period of half a minute, a stab in the neck of these people.

Most people were not killed directly, but the blood never stopped flowing, and kept flowing out of the fingers.

Some people simply sat on the ground, waiting to die here, waiting for their own blood to flow, the star jumped up, feeling the blood flowing away, and their consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Don't, don't, don't ... don't kill me ..."

The leader who had broken his head lived to the end.

He had never seen such a **** and cruel, dehumanizing killing method.

After cutting their necks, they looked at their blood flowing a little, without any soft hands. When they were done, they looked at him very calmly.

"Say, who sent you here."

Three copper said coldly.

Her years of experience in the blood cloak also let her know that this is not so simple. The killer on the ship, and then the robber of this hotel, these people are obviously employed by the same person.

Because they all seem to have one thing in common, that is not professional.

It is not the means of Qingyuan Villa, it is other enemies.

Knowing oneself and knowing one another can make them win.

Now that he has turned to Li Zongjiu, of course, he has to do some credit under Li Zongjiu's hands. Otherwise, why does Li Zongjiu bring a dangerous character with him?

"Yes ... it's from Xuanbei Giant City, Beihouliang! Beihouliang gave us money and let us come!"

After the leader had finished speaking, he felt that his neck was cold.

Whether he said it or not, it was the same.

Blood squirted out of that throat. The leader immediately covered his throat, pointing tremblingly at the three coppers, his eyes glaring like bronze bells. It seemed to say that I had already recruited, why Also kill me.

But this look didn't last long, but his neck was crooked and fell to the ground.

These dozen bodies would soon be cold.

"Xuanbei Giant City, Beihouliang ..."

The three bronzes looked at Li Zongjiu.

When Li Zongjiu knew this, he didn't have the slightest surprise, it seemed he had already guessed it.

"Let's go."

Li Zongjiu rose to the horse and fell on the red-maned horse, and Santong quickly caught up.

The dozen or so corpses on the ground were left at this place.

The shop did n’t know what to do, so many corpses, and the identity of these people was the king of the mountains nearby. I heard about it before. I did n’t expect that the legendary characters died. Right now.

"This ... what can I do ..."

Zhang Luo.

In the early morning of the second day, a few more figures appeared before the noodle shop.

Wearing a pointed hat and green boots.

One of them had four copper wires wrapped around the long knife handle around his waist!

This person's eyes are like that of a griffin. When he stares at you, he feels that his body has been dug out by the opponent, which is fierce.

I randomly glanced at the corpses on the ground, all of which were on the neck, and were killed with ease.

And before these people died, they also felt the pain of that life passing by.

This means of execution.

Extremely familiar.

"It's the blood-seal knife of the gold and silver birds."

"The shop, those hands-on, where have they been?"

Wuding wins.

There are 70,000 heavy infantry and 20,000 iron riders in this pass. Within a day, they can dispatch troops for three hundred miles and reach the next pass. It only takes less than three days. step.

In the vicinity of Wuding Shengguan, there are three places where the beasts gather. These places are extremely dangerous, but they are also rich in resources.

In Wuding Shengguan, troops are often drawn to these places for training.

Li Zongjiu and Santong came to this first gathering place of Yuanshou.

If you want to go to Wuding Shengguan, there are other ways to go around, but then it will take more time, if you go directly from here, the speed will be faster.

Here is a vast bamboo forest.

These bamboo forests are not simple bamboos.

In addition to some emerald green, there are some dark red bamboo hidden in it.

These bamboos are called blood bamboos. For some bear-type beasts, this can be said to be absolutely delicious. That's why. In this blood bamboo forest, you can often see some thick stones sitting on the roadside. Once these stones appear, it is best Leave directly

Drive as far as possible.

Because of these stones, not all of them are actually dozing.

Once they sense your approach, they must bite your neck.

Even the blood-maned horse's footsteps slowed down, walking slowly in this bamboo forest.

Except that the bamboo is red, the fallen bamboo leaves are also a kind of faded red.


Suddenly the three bronzes stopped in front of Li Zongjiu and said softly,

Li Zongjiu also stopped. For a moment, around the bamboo forest, there seemed to be a strong wind.


It seemed that a fierce beast had woke up and sensed the arrival of the two. After this anger, he was also giving Li Zongjiu a warning. Tell them, don't run!

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