Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 302: Seven Star Fire Room

Early morning.

Li Zongjiu opened his eyes.

Although the vast stone is not around, it is still working hard to cultivate this spiritual power.

Because of his previous cultivation experience, Li Zongjiu also knew the importance of this spiritual power.

When this elementary spirit joins up, to what extent can it fit with this elementary spirit, it depends first on how your mental strength is. If your mental strength is insufficient, the degree of fit between this primitive spirit and you Will be very low.

This is so, so the cultivation of spiritual power is very important.

Bai Shenfu has already broken through to the second level, so Li Zongjiu's own mental strength has also grown rapidly.

There are still things to do today.

Although Li Zongjiu is confident in his own strength, this is not an ordinary place after all.

If something really happens, it is still necessary to prepare some necessary means.

When Li Zongjiu opened the door of the room, San Copper had already been waiting at the door.

"Little Lord."

"Go to the Seven Star Fire Room."

To say that the familiarity of this king city, Li Zongjiu completely surpassed the three coppers, and the three coppers rarely performed the tasks in this king city.

Therefore, Li Zongjiu took these three bronzes directly.

In this city, most people are not qualified to ride horses, but there are some fixed carriage services on the side of the road. Once you get on the carriage, you can go to the place in the city where you want to pay.

This method is also very convenient to use on the road, it only costs some money.

But this is exactly what makes this king city look more orderly. If everyone is riding colorful horses, there are even some beasts walking around the city.

But the confusion caused by this is a troublesome thing in itself. In the event of a hurtful incident, it is not so simple to define the crime.

Therefore, Wang Cheng's decision-making also fundamentally prevented such things from happening.

After a half-hour drive, the two finally arrived at the largest Seven Star Fire Room store in the city. The Seven Star Fire Room is worthy of wealth and wealth. In this King City, at least seven or eight stores have been set up. They are all similar, but only the general store and the things sold are slightly different.


Of course, the price of these things is quite expensive. When Li Zongjiu broke into the rivers and lakes before, it was because he did not have a body protector in his hands, so he suffered losses in the battle with the enemy. Previously, he was poor and could n’t afford the weapon, and some **** felt that they were about to die. of

At this time, the self-destruction program was triggered directly, and all these devices were destroyed.

This is of course the result of both losses and the death of the fish.

But such people also have a lot of existence, the more precious the element. , The more they are unable to get the enemy.

Such a defensive mechanism, for a lone knight like Li Zongjiu, was originally intended to be a fierce vote, but in the end, nothing was obtained.

This is very unpleasant.

It's different now. Now that Li Zongjiu has money, of course, he has to go out and equip himself.

Seven Star Fire Room main shop.

As the prestigious existence of the Holy Yan Dynasty, the things in the Seven Star Fire Room are all guaranteed by quality, and only they can build some top-level weapons.

With the assistance of the Yuanwen division, it is only natural to forge some powerful elements.

Although Li Zongjiu in the previous life became an evil respect, he has no interest in this seven-star fire room. For a truly powerful Yuanyuan device, it is still necessary to find someone to refine it. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to succeed. of.

For Li Zongjiu now, some of the elementary levels in this seven-star fire room are enough.

Walk into the main shop of this seven-star fire room.

The hall alone is as big as the other courtyard, and the surrounding decoration is also very delicate.

It can be seen that there are different exhibition areas, and each area has a dedicated waiter to explain and introduce.

Some elements are quite strange in themselves, and no one knows what effect this thing will have. They will ask about it out of curiosity, so sometimes someone needs to introduce it here.

Of course, there are some prices and the like.

In this hall, in addition to many buyers who stop to watch, there are also many waiters to guide. Once the commission is paid, it is also a very significant number for them.

When he saw Li Zongjiu and the three bronze men looking around, a young guy knew that his opportunity had come. ,

This is definitely a big list.

First of all, the most eye-catching thing is the three coppers. The three coppers with black long yarn skirts are very attractive wherever they go.

At first glance, people would think that people like Li Zongjiu would be guarded by the three bronze servants' bodyguards.

But only those who have some experience can see at a glance,

Of the two, Li Zongjiu was the backbone, because the woman's footsteps always followed behind Li Zongjiu, and it was the beauty, not Li Zongjiu, who was always alert to the surrounding environment.

If you can hire such a beautiful woman as a guard, this Li Zongjiu is either rich or has a lot of money at home. Such a target person is naturally the favorite of their recommenders.

In this aspect of the Yuanqi, the water is too deep, and many flashy Yuanqi are very popular.

Many people are going to pre-order some of the more powerful devices, fresher and more popular ones, so that they can be seen at this critical moment.

Sometimes, when a yuan device comes out, it is very popular.

Even as a salesperson, it must be pinpointed. The young man's eyes were sharp and poisonous. Some of the brighter elements were placed there and never caught their eyes. They were just swept away. They didn't care about the common goods here.

It can be determined at one point, what he is looking for is not an ordinary element.

"This boy, I'm a recommended person in this shop, but the Yuanqi here can't meet the boy's requirements?"

The man is not too old, but in his twenties, but his eyes are a bit polished, apparently this young man has been here for a long time.

"It's killing, isn't it?"

Li Zongjiu asked directly, there is not much nonsense, he came here to buy things, not to force a chat.

"Yes, of course. Our Seven Star Fire Room is best at killing swords, but those weapons are not on display. Please follow me."

The young man said, and then guided Li Zongjiu to the second floor.

There are relatively few people on the second floor, because the price alone will be ten times or more higher than that on the first floor.

Many people don't even dare to watch.

"This is the second floor of the Seven-Star Fire Room. If you want to have great lethality, you can look at these pieces." The effect of the explosion, at the same time, releases the power of the fire, with a burn effect. If put into this army camp, the only one

If you need this one, you can rebuild a camp! "" Most importantly, it is only as big as a slap! "

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