Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 427: Sky Incense Moonstone

Most of the items auctioned were some appliances such as elixir, and even precious items such as Yuan Jue never appeared.

Of course, if you get Yuan Jue or Yuan Ji to auction, then the scale will be more than that.

So far, more than ten items have been traded.

Only a few things went missing.

"The next thing is special, come up."

The old Zhao family said that someone had brought it up. "One Tianxiang drunk moon stone, according to the appraisal, this Tianxiang drunk moon stone is more than a hundred years old, and it is a well-deserved stone king. It can be used to recuperate and prolong life, and the effects are not listed here. In short

I'm sure you won't suffer if you buy this! "

"The starting price is one million purple yuan, and the price increase is 100,000 purple yuan each time!"

After the old man of the Zhao family spoke, he knocked the hammer in his hand.

It made a crisp sound, this is to remind everyone that you can start to increase the price, and the second is to make those who doze off awake.

However, after the hammer fell, the audience was silent, and no one offered a bid. For some Yuanli practitioners, this thing is not really useful, but the most important thing is that some people who know the doorway naturally know that this thing is a royal thing, if it falls into the hands of others,

That must bring some trouble.

Although it is easy to give away a favor even if you collect this thing and then change hands, it is not necessary to be so troublesome.

"Miss, this seems to be Princess Jing'an ..." Song Jiechi raised her hand to signal to the maid to stop, blinked, and looked around. Song Jiechi herself had nothing to hide, so she sat directly In the lobby area, but also in this lobby area,

Previously, some people knew this Song Jiechi, and some did not.

But sitting around a beautiful woman, more or less squinting.

Song Jiechi naturally also sees that this thing is not simple.

So let the maid stop, don't keep talking.

"It turned out to be a stone king. The one million purple yuan coin is indeed a bit low. If anyone dares to bid, it should be at least about three million." Said Mu Qingyun, even if it was so far away. , Still can feel the gentle breath released from the incense drunk moon that day, for many girls, the effect of incense drunk moon is still very good,

After all, many women's bodies are insidious.

"What, you can sell three million !?"

Shuiyue was startled again.

"Yeah, if the stone king, then this value is at least five or six times. This thing is the best. No matter how bad it is, as long as it reaches the peak of his own quality, it will Qualitative change. "

Mu Qingyun said.

When I was shocked at first sight, I didn't care much about it. After all, this month seemed to be inadequate.

"I have two million!"

Lan Kun suddenly shouted in the box.

Shouting at the people on the stage, the people in the box could not help looking at Lan Kun.

In Li Zongjiu's eyes, Lan Kun's behavior was full of disapproval,

"Aren't you mentally retarded? Have you heard anyone calling for a fare increase in this VIP seat?"

Li Zongjiu said bluntly.

After Lan Kun shouted, he seemed to find that it had no effect.

"Well, why can't he hear it!"

"If you want to increase the price, you only need to pull down the joystick. From this, it is 100,000, 500,000, 1 million. This one is 10 million. Don't pull it down casually."

There is a joystick on the table, which corresponds to five gears.

"That's the case. If you don't say it, I don't know."

Lan Kun said with a smile, Mu Qingyun and Mo Suli were both in vain. Lan Kun had a look at everything. He had n’t been there before. He was also very familiar. Look like.

Later, Lan Kun also increased the price by one million yuan.

"The VIP seat is increased by one million yuan, and there is no higher one."

The original cold situation was finally saved by the sudden increase in prices. Immediately, I was in a good mood, and finally someone bid.

"What do you buy this thing for?"

Li Zongjiu asked Lan Lankun. Obviously Lankun was a man and he wanted to wear this thing, wouldn't it be a big sissy.

"I bought it for research."

Lan Kun thought that no one would increase the price.

When I was ready to sit back and enjoy it, suddenly someone in the lobby area raised his hand and directly added 500,000. "Someone is bidding 500,000 yuan, and now it is 2.5 million yuan of purple coins, and no one is bidding. The incense drunk moon stone is rare in the world. , Can at least use thousands

It takes only less than ten thousand purple coins a year to enjoy these gems. How fast! "

Someone raised the price, and the old man who presided over it naturally became excited.

The price goes up. If it exceeds the original estimated price of these things, it must be able to reap a lot of commissions, and it is precisely for this commission.

"Sir, the person who increases the price is Shadow Fox. The box that was first shot was the box where his friend Li Zongjiu was."

The rich old man immediately stepped forward and said.

Although it is said that some of the information in the Tianxilou auction is confidential, in front of Ye Lantian, what secrets are there? If you want to know anything, you have to say everything!

"The shadow fox is doing things very strangely, and we're ready to light a fire. I'd like to see, this Li Zongjiu, what can I do!"

After speaking, Ye Lantian also directly added a million purple yuan coins. "The VIP seat bids three million purple yuan coins, is there any higher, fast hand, slow hand!" The old Zhao family suddenly excited, three million, already three million, come a little bit, then There will be a high commission,

Who can be unhappy, you must add it, continue to add it!

Lan Kun originally thought that no one would fight.

But now it has been lifted to three million people. If the price continues to increase, it will be a little over the standard.

It's not worth it if you buy it.

"There are still people who dare to grab what my brother wants!"

Li Zongjiu suddenly became angry.

Anyway, Lan Kun is also his younger brother. If his younger brother loses his face outside, wouldn't his boss have no face, and immediately pulled the joystick directly to the bottom.


Mu Qingyun saw that Li Zongjiu was going to hit the pole by the end, and he was almost scared of heart disease.

This is too terrible.

That's a stall of 100 million purple coins!


But it was too late, the old man knocked the hammer directly on the table.

"There are 100 million VIPs! 100 million Ziyuan! My God, this VIP really has vision and courage!"

If it hadn't been seen in a big scene, if it hadn't been an eye disease and a fast hand, then this hammer would not have fallen so fast.

When the hammer fell,

The old man clearly felt that his heartbeat accelerated.

In the lobby area, there was also a stir.

It's not because there are a lot of this one hundred million Ziyuan coins, although it is also a large number, but it is not to the extent that the audience is upset, mainly because the value is not equal. The incense drunk moon stone that day was a maximum of three million, and now it was directly fired to 100 million people. This is how people can accept it. It is like spending 100 million purple yuan coins and buying a stone on the roadside. And people are already very

Tell you clearly, this is a quick stone.

"Should someone come to launder money?"

"Maybe! The price of this thing is 100 million, right?"

"Which two big men aren't crazy about it?"

Various voices also muttered, and for such a situation, there are many speculations among each other. However, in the past, there were often some vindictive situations on the auction floor. The two big men threw money at each other. If anyone was unhappy, they used the money to pass it. In the end, they lost both. but

In the end, this thing is of great value.

The shadow fox sat at that corner and looked up slightly at the box above the head. , I originally wanted to play tricks on them intentionally, but I didn't expect that with this situation, Shadow Fox could not continue to increase the price. It was also reported on the chest with both hands at the same time, and it was also sensing above the head. Fox's

Above the head, it is the VIP seat where Li Zongjiu and others are located.

That night Lantian wanted to play with these young people to tell these young people what is the essence and what is invincible.

But the emergence of this situation almost caught Ye Lantian by surprise.

"Afu, can it be said that the young people are so angry?"

Ye Lan Tian Shen said.

Even the rich old man's face was a little embarrassed.

If Ye Lantian continues to increase the price, naturally it is not that he can't get the hundred million, but after all, as a court official, if he insists on it, it is likely that he will soon have trouble himself.

Ye Lantian can inspect the Quartet because it does not have many handles.

There are no flaws exposed to others, and naturally there is no problem.

In the end, the old man's three hammers settled and the deal was concluded!

"This ... really costs 100 million?"

Mu Qingyun could not help but be injured by Li Zongjiu's pride.

"Boss, you won't know you're going to die, so spend all that money."

Lan Kun looked at Li Zongjiu with a look of emotion.

And the happiest, on the contrary, is Shuiyue, slap directly on Li Zongjiu's shoulder.

"Good job, refreshing enough to admire people like you!"

Li Zongjiu looked at Na Lankun innocently.

"No, I'm shooting for you. I'm afraid you won't be able to get it. Just be prepared to pay for it," said the uncle, and the door knocked directly.

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