Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 441: Little soil dog

The pants were bitten directly

As soon as Shadow Fox lowered its head, it saw a puppy-like thing standing at its feet. Isn't this the guy who just fooled himself with a chicken leg, did you eat so fast!

Although the Shadow Fox was surprised, it was also patient, and then pulled out a chicken leg, first swaying before the nose of the howling wolf king, and then threw it directly into the corner of the wall.


When Shadow Fox saw the howling wolf king flew out, he sneered in his heart.

"Hey, stupid dog." Observing the shadow fox, Li Zongjiu's breath was looming in the atrium, it seemed to be hiding, but he wanted to hide under his shadow fox search. Possible thing so need to start from the small

Tao walked into the atrium.

However, before the shadow fox went out a few steps, he saw a figure appearing in front of him, and a haraz was flowing towards the shadow fox, and his tail continued to shake.

"Well, why did you swallow it? Don't you chew such big bones!"

Shadow Fox didn't dare to speak up. After saying a word, it was necessary to drive away this annoying guy.

"Since you love to eat so much and die under the food you like, this is the greatest kindness of this seat to you."

Shadow Fox grinned sneer, he also has many ways to deal with these cute little animals.

Immediately, a bottle of venom was taken out of the bosom, and a drop of venom in this bottle could make a senior general master half-hearted, unconscious, and quite powerful.

Take out the last chicken leg in the storage ring.

Just two drops on the chicken leg!

In his opinion, if such a small native dog dies with poison, it only needs one drop, but he is more generous and makes you die more decently. This way, you can brag about it below. .

"I'm so sad, but I have an exclusive recipe. I can't buy it if I want to buy it outside. It's cheaper for you!"

Then Shadow Fox also threw the venom-contaminated chicken legs toward that farther place.

Howling Wolf King is also very happy running towards the chicken leg.

This time ShadowFox was not in a hurry to leave. He had to make sure that the annoying dirt dog was dead before he could continue his action. Otherwise, if the silly dog ​​barks casually, he may be found.

When I saw that howling wolf king rushed forward, I was deeply surprised.

Because he found that the speed of this little native dog seemed to be faster than that of a normal dog. In a flash, the chicken leg was bitten by the latter without even landing.

Then he also clicked and clicked twice, and the chicken leg was directly chewed and swallowed.

"Come here." Shadow Fox calculated time in his heart.

That venom attack also takes a little time.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven ..."

Howling Wolf King this time did not run back directly, but settled in place for a while.

The shadow fox was also meditating in this heart. When he counted five, he suddenly saw the little native dog slap.

I thought the little dog was going to die directly, but I saw that the little dog turned and ran towards him again.

"I wipe, why is there no response, this is impossible!"

Ten seconds have elapsed, but the little soil dog in front of him is still jumping and seems to beg for repulsion.

But for Shadow Fox, there is no other way.

And he couldn't understand why this guy wasn't poisoned. Couldn't he have made it wrong. In theory, it should have been violent.

"You are having a good time here. I didn't say, who dares to come in and kill him directly?"

Suddenly in Shadow Fox's heart, he heard a cold voice coming from behind him.

I didn't know when Li Zongjiu actually appeared behind him.

When he saw this Li Zongjiu, the shadow fox's face suddenly became sullen.

"Being within twenty steps of me, it seems that you have also practiced the method of concealment!" Wu Yinghu took a few steps back calmly, but saw that Li Zongjiu stood still, but kicked in Then on the **** of the howling wolf king, the howling wolf king also reacted. Li Zongjiu was the one who gave him meat

That person.

And the person in front of him came in through the wall. He should have killed it at the first bite, but forgot about it because of the temptation of the chicken leg. For the Moon King Wolf, it is simply a failure in his career.


Immediately, the howling wolf king roared at the shadow fox, and the low voice was extremely penetrating. Even the low roar made the shadow fox's heart tremble.

This shocked ShadowFox.

He couldn't believe it.

Is this the little dirt dog just now, how can it release such a loud roar, this is just to scare people into a fright,

However, what made him even more shocked was that the body size of the howling wolf king was changing rapidly.

It is directly transformed into that huge Wolf Moon King. Under this moonlight, the posture of this Wolf King is also quite strong and overbearing.

The shadow fox was also stuck in place at this moment. He has traveled south and north for so many years. When has he seen such a terrific beauty, he is able to turn a little soil dog into a wolf king-level existence.

At the same time, that fierce atmosphere let the Shadow Fox know deeply that the strength of the Moon Wolf King in front of him is far above him.

"not good!"

The Shadow Fox instantly realized that it was bad, and turned and ran away. Anyway, I have already got half of the money. As for the remaining half, it does n’t matter if I do n’t take it. Anyway, the owner is dead. As for the thing of planting the bad guys, the hate seems to be less so now. Important


If such a thing has been going on for a long time, there will inevitably be some misunderstandings.

This is a common thing.

It seems that at this moment, Shadow Fox also opened up everything, and now I just want to get out of this wall.

But before rushing to the wall, it was directly bitten by the howling wolf king, and then pulled back stiffly.


Shadow Fox's figure fell to the ground instantly.

Then the Moon King Wolf also slaps his paw directly on his body.

Hold the body of the shadow fox, without a word, just bite it.

But there was only a cloud of mist.


There was also a flash of light in the eyes of the howling wolf king. It turned out to run away under his eyelids. When his nose moved, he instantly saw the other side, and a figure was running fast. "Roar"

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