At a glance, Li Zongjiu saw the old man with the so-called dragon axe.

With lean muscles and dark skin, his eyes were dazzling, he kept glancing back and forth, but the place where this gaze landed was basically some young women.

It's all this age, but it's okay.

Li Zongjiu's heart suddenly sneered.

"Are there any rules on this platform?"

Li Zongjiu asked. "If the rules are followed, the game is based on the way of defending the platform. In the end, you can challenge the victory. The winner who successfully defends the platform to the end is the winner. At the same time, you can't exert extra power in the process. You can only use this hand.

In the device. "

"Of course, this competition is naturally a proposition. So far, if there is any accident in the process, then it is naturally irresponsible. After all, this is a yuan device, not a child's house."

After listening to Li Zongjiu, he was very satisfied with this rule, and nodded immediately, that's good.

"Where's my element?"

Song Jiechi raised his hand, and someone brought a rectangular box about half a meter long and put it in front of Li Zongjiu. The contents of the box seemed very heavy.

"Here, this is the latest offensive element of my seven-star fire room.

When talking about this instrument, Song Jiechi himself has a sense of pride.

After all, the birth of this Yuan Qi, but it took a great deal of effort of their Seven Star Fire Room.

Li Zongjiu opened the Yuan Qi, and immediately saw a familiar face appearing in front of him. In this look, there was a kind of nostalgic feeling, and in that eye there was a kind of nostalgia for old friends.

Compared with some people in the world who are gullible and can speak, Li Zongjiu prefers to stay with these icy elements because they will not betray you!

Instead it will help you to kill.

Such thinking is naturally extremely terrifying, but if you think about it, it is extremely normal.

After all, who has been staying for a long time, more people like these non-emotional things. The shape of this angry dragon capture in front of me is quite advanced. It looks more like a fully equipped sword box with several buttons and switches, and a trigger. If ordinary people do n’t have instructions, it ’s still

It's really hard to get this angry rage to the right, or even fire directly at yourself. ,

There is a mouth inlaid with three spar placed next to it. These are the power of energy. Without these elemental spar, there can be no way to start the angry capture dragon.

I thought that Li Zongjiu would sniff at the angerware in this hand and capture the anger.

After all, many people think that this thing is flashy, and it seems that it is useless.

However, when Song Jiechi saw Li Zongjiu's eyes, he did not show the slightest disdain and contempt, but rather an appreciation and nostalgia, which was also a great affirmation for them.

To be able to build such a device, at least to get the recognition of Li Zongjiu, that is naturally quite good.

"Now I announce that this year's Yuanqi Dabie officially begins!"

"Which one is willing to be the first one, as the master, to meet the challenges of the Quartet!"

After a song and dance performance, another bad-haired old man told a lot of things on the platform.

Now this conference has finally begun.

As soon as the voice fell, someone jumped directly onto the ring. Hold a fist at the old man, and then arch one by one at the people around him.

"I spent a hundred years of research and improvement in the Sky Hammer Blacksmith's Workshop, and now it is finally a finished product. Here is someone here today. Holding my Sky Hammer Blacksmith's Hundred Star Blade, I look forward to your understanding.

Someone on the stage held a long, wide knife.

On the back of the knife are nine heavy copper rings inlaid with majesty and domineering. "The Hammer Blacksmith's House is an old-fashioned force passed down from generation to generation. The quality of their knife is really good, but in most cases, this knife is only suitable for the strong type. Sometimes the dynasty In the military

If you don't have enough face, it will also make this a standby with Sky Hammer Blacksmith! "

Song Jiechi beside him explained patiently. As an expert in weapon sales, it is natural to know oneself and one another in order to be invincible. There are also many top workshops on the market. The Seven Star Fire House can be achieved step by step until now.

I have a lot of people to support my own ability, so I can achieve what I am today.


Li Zongjiu didn't know if he heard it.

Just looking at the book in this hand, he did not raise his head. Song Jiechi saw that Li Zongjiu turned out to be such a pair of gestures, and she was naturally very angry. The young lady of her magnificent seven-star fire room was here to talk to you. Even if you do n’t understand, you must pretend to understand it, and give a little response. Perfunctory

What does it mean, polite reply!

"Hehe, if it is better than a knife, it is naturally my sword of the Axe Pavilion, and the world is dominated! Senior Dragon Axe, bother you."

One of them stood up and said respectfully to an old man next to him. The old man hummed when he heard the words. It seemed that this vanity had been greatly satisfied, and he got up slowly.

He took a heavy axe from the hand of that axe cabinet.

"My sword and axe court invites the old man of dragon axe to fight, this warrior, iron sword and axe!"

A scorching axe released from the sun appeared under the sun. When the sun was seen, everyone's face seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light. This golden light shone Li Zongjiu Already.

"Huh? Is this old man playing?"

After seeing the old man with the dragon axe, Li Zongjiu also subconsciously grabbed the anger to capture the dragon, and almost rushed forward.

Fortunately, Song Jiechi was caught.

"What do you do, people just came on the field, the game is one-on-one, others can't step in, and it's a foul for you to rush up like this!"

Song Jiechi said quickly.

"Oh, so, I'll wait a bit longer."

Talking about Li Zongjiu, he sat back again, and Song Jiechi kept holding his forehead.

In the beginning, you should find a normal person to do a favor. Even now, I don't know if Li Zongjiu knows how to perform this angry capture dragon.

The dragon axe on the field itself is extremely powerful.

When Yuan Lie of the Yuan family saw this, although there was some fear in this heart, they still rushed up daringly. After all, this is a competition to compete against the Yuanqi. .

Good weapons, of course, need this master to show, in order to be able to exert its power.


Then Yuan Lie roared, and suddenly a terrible momentum broke out on the long knife in his hand. If the star was in front of him, he could easily break it.

"Wasteful waste!" The old man with a dragon dragon axe saw that, and just dismissed it.

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