Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 494: Buy money

Therefore, in Xiao Zhao's view, Li Zongjiu's request is completely nonsense. What kind of talent might destroy this sword and axe court? Do you think it is impossible to play the family, even the family I dare not think so.

This Li Zongjiu is clearly making trouble for Song Jiechi.

After Song Jiechi listened to Li Zongjiu's request, he was silent for a moment, and those eyes stared at Li Zongjiu.

This is undoubtedly also a war.

It's just different from the real war, this is a commercial war.

If Song Jiechi agrees, it will surely become the leader of the battle. If any problem arises, it will require Song Jiechi to take responsibility.

If it doesn't work out, it may end up in nowhere.

The surroundings seemed extremely terrifying to be silent.

Xiao Zhao didn't know what the lady was thinking, but being able to see the lady's eyes seemed to be gradually becoming dangerous, and she wanted to speak out to discourage the lady, but she still couldn't say the words.

"Okay, within two months, I definitely want that Axe Pavilion, and completely withdraw from King Shengyan City!"

Finally, Song Jiechi said out loud.

This can only be achieved with great determination.

If you don't go to war, you risk everything.

In a short time, Song Jiechi himself will be fired, and he will eventually serve as the elder of the family.

Be regarded as successful.

But there is absolutely no right to ask questions about this seven-star fire room.

Because this seven-star fire room has gradually established its foothold, the next thing does not need Song Jiechi to worry about, there is naturally someone in the Song family to do it.

Even if Song Jiechi is the daughter of the Song family.

But the end is still similar.

Therefore, Song Jiechi must seize the opportunity to give her rights and status completely stable!

Otherwise, Song Jiechi ’s hard work over the years will be put to naught, and gradually become the wedding dress of others, which makes Song Jiechi tolerate, but this is a sadness in the family.

Because Song Jiechi is not a man.

Although the same can accomplish great things, letting women take power, even if Song Jiechi's father is willing, the rest are probably not willing to do so, and some people will hold on to this.

After meeting this Li Zongjiu, I saw the potential of Li Zongjiu. Although Song Jiechi said that he did not know much about Li Zongjiu, even that Li Zongjiu was an extremely dangerous person, anyway, what Song Jiechi was doing was also a very dangerous thing in his own right. correct

. "Okay, then come to me when you are successful. If you are a partner, then I will also help you. If you encounter any trouble, you can go to my residence for help, as long as it is below the level of Yuanhuang Trouble,

That can usually be resolved. "

Li Zongjiu said.

With Song Jiechi's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to find out where Li Zongjiu lives.

In order to make Song Jiechi more convenient and direct, Li Zongjiu also left a note. Although Song Jiechi is powerful and can use a lot of resources, it is not so easy to do some private affairs, so Li Zongjiu also chose to help the other person, of course, he did not do it with all his strength, but

It's not difficult at this crucial time to help.

Li Zongjiu left Jinshan afterwards.

Before Li Zongjiu left, Song Jiechi could not help but remind him.

"That sword and axe court and the Blue Tiger Gang have some intersection. This time you broke their good deeds and snatched their thunder knife, which will definitely be against you."

However, Li Zongjiu left as if he had not heard it.

If these people dared to come, then Li Zongjiu really didn't care.

These gangs are just named after these animals. They want to increase their murderous power.

On the golden hill.

There was a smoking gun in the main mouth of the Deputy Pavilion of Dao Ao Ge. When he heard that Li Zongjiu left from the Seven Star Fire Room, he immediately dropped the smoking gun in the hand and stepped on it. Go up! ,

"Go, that **** boy, dare to stare at me. I've been fooling in this city of King Shengyan for so many years. Do you really think that I'm foolish?"

After the pair of cabinet masters ended the game, they felt that they had suffered a shame and shame. In addition, Li Zongjiu was also taken away by Li Zongjiu. If they did n’t take it back, how would they explain to the people in Qingyuan Villa.

However, the people in this Qingyuan Villa are indeed a bunch of waste, and they still hate him.

Trash one.

If you are dead and you want someone else to collect the corpse for you, can you not collect it for yourself, you have to trouble others. Prior to this, the lord of the cabinet was also the four kings of the Blue Tiger Gang. The Blue Tiger Gang used their sword and axe court weapons, and the cooperation between them was closer. Then the benefit itself has

Multiple entanglements.

Therefore, if there is any trouble that cannot be solved, it is naturally to inform this Blue Tiger to help.

The four Dafa gangs of the Blue Tiger Gang are the four super thugs from this Blue Tiger Gang. They are extremely powerful.

The recent development of the Blue Tigers is also good.

I don't know why. Suddenly, the first gang of Qinglong gangs were beaten so badly. It was also taking advantage of this opportunity, and then they directly competed for a large number of sites.

Suddenly it grew stronger.

The original Qinglong gang is now taking care of itself. It is engaged in fierce internal fighting. Except for the main sites, the other sites are basically lost and robbed.

The original second-year-old second child suddenly stunned. Therefore, the Blue Tiger Gang has been walking with wind recently, and its strength is extremely strong. Now the income of these four great kings has soared. It is even more important that they do not put anyone in their eyes. After the call of the Lord, he brought people

Go down to the foot of the Jinshan to stop people.

As the Blue Tiger's help to the four Dafa kings, it can be said that they are under one person and over ten thousand people.

Today, this Blue Tiger has helped more than 8,000 people. This is just a full member. If we add some non-staff members, the number is huge.

"Mr. Eagle Eagle, we saw someone come down from the mountain."

Above this official road, four horse-drawn carriages were crossed directly and blocked directly in the middle of the road. If you want to pass here, you must first move the carriage away.

Of course this is just a meaning.

Before Li Zongjiu came to these carriages, he stopped.

Immediately someone jumped onto the carriage and waved the long knife in his hand. That was also a torch. The torch instantly lit a pile of firewood stacked on the road.


The flame suddenly illuminated the surrounding scene.

"This road is for me. I want to cross this road and stay for money!" "Boy, hand over the things in your hand, then go!"

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