Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 533: All dead

Qianwei Cottage.

Huang He always felt restless.

I don't know what the final result will be, and it's not clear what happened on Jiaoshan that day.

But he couldn't just rush out like that. Let ’s not talk about Li Zongjiu. If he was hit by that Han Wuxiu, would n’t he be finished? He must have fallen into the hands of that Han Wuxiu. Although he said that he helped Han Wuxiu this time, he was caught. Be

This Han Wuxiu has been threatening.

And Huang He himself also kept a hand. The box that Li Zongjiu sent to him was not a magic flower!

In this way, when Li Zongjiu was caught, Han Wuxiu had no way to search out the magic tuo flower from Li Zongjiu's hands. In the end, Han Wuxiu could not find the magic tuo flower.

As soon as Li Zongjiu died, he was going to dispose of the magic flower.

With no trace, even after this Han Wuxiu came to the door again, there was nothing terrible.

If you ca n’t do it, I ’m afraid that if you do n’t do it, you have to pay attention to one piece of evidence. If there is no evidence, it is not easy to want to injustice a chief of Qianwei Cottage.

The worst result was that Li Zongjiu was still alive, and that Han Wuxiu and others were all dead. Under such circumstances, Li Zongjiu will surely hate himself. At that time, he only needs to surrender this magic flower, and that will probably save his life. In this way, he can also increase his chance of survival. To the most


Otherwise, it will die anyway.


The closed door was suddenly pushed open, so that Huang He, who was in a state of wandering, suddenly woke up.


"Master, it's me ..."

A thin young man came in, don't look at the kid's small body, but on the errands, it's first-rate.

"Xiao Hei, how is it, what's up on Jiaoshan that day?"

Huang He's heart was naturally uneasy, so he also asked this little black to go and investigate, hoping to be able to make psychological preparations earlier.

And this little black is also very powerful, this time, without a blink of an eye, he returned directly.

"Miss, my god, that place is terrible. I don't estimate that at least 50 or 60 people have died, and I also saw the body of the commander Han Wuxiu."

After Xiao Hei came in, he finally stopped the shock on his face.

When he saw the horrible scene on the mountain, this little black was scared.

I can't believe it.

Especially after seeing the body of Han Wuxiu.

"What, Han Wuxiu is dead! How is this possible, do you have evidence?"

When Huang He heard it, he was shocked.

No wonder there is always a bad hunch this evening. It now seems that this hunch is about to be realized.

"Now, when I went, most of the bodies had been eaten, and I found this."

Speaking, Xiao Hei also took out a waist card in his hand, which was picked up next to the corpse.

When he saw this waist card, the yellow crane was already able to determine that it must be the Han Wuxiu who died.

This waist tag is exactly the identity token of Han Wuxiu. This thing must not be left alone. As an official, it must be worn at all times, even when taking a bath, it must be hung on this neck.

Now that the waist tag appears here, it means that Han Wuxiu is dead.

"It's awful ..."

"How is it going to die ... what to do now ... troublesome."

There was already a hint of fear in Huang He's eyes.

I thought before that, even if Li Zongjiu hadn't died, he would have fled in a hurry, and whether he would return to the city of King Shengyan is not certain.

But what happened now was that Han Wuxiu was dead.

Not only that, it seems that all those Han Wuxiu had taken were also dead.

So many envoys died in one night.

It is estimated that the people in this special envoy are going crazy.

And the person who did all this, there is no doubt that it must be Li Zongjiu.

"It's bad, it's bad, it's a thousand counts, I didn't expect that Li Zongjiu was such a powerful character!"

Huang He patted his thigh immediately. No one would have thought of this. Li Zongjiu, who is so mere, could have the ability to command the envoys, and was able to counterattack them under the ambush of so many envoys. Jane

It's shameful.

Of all the original plans, as long as Li Zongjiu had a little trouble, he would be safe and sound. Even if Li Zongjiu is alive, when there is a chance, I will send this hot potato and collect the remaining money, which is the best of both worlds for Huanghe, but until now Why

I can't believe that all these things are directly reversed.

The one who died was Han Wuxiu, and the one who lived was Li Zongjiu.

"Master, are you okay?"

It seemed a little anxious to see the head of the yellow crane, and Xiao Hei was also a bit surprised. It was the first time that he saw the expression and gesture of the head of the yellow crane.

It really surprised that little black.

"Go back first, there is nothing for you here."

Huang He waved his hand to let this little black go first, and with the goods, Huang He also turned over the box and packed up his own things.

Although it is unlikely that this is the case, there is always a bad hunch in Huang He's new school.

If it continues, it will most likely die directly here.

Even if this is the headquarters of the Qianwei Thatched Cottage.

But how could a person who could kill the commander of the special envoy department not be able to come to such a place, even for the headquarters of Qianwei Thatched Cottage?

"I have to leave the city of Saint Yan quickly!"

Over the years, keen intuition has also guided Huang He to the right path.

There is no doubt that Huang He's choice is right.

But, in time, it's too late.

As Huang He was packing up his treasury, he felt the door was pushed open, and the candlelight in the room was instantly extinguished.



With the emergence of darkness, Huang He's body was frozen instantly, with a murderous imagination.

Huang He just felt that his breath was also fixed and difficult to move.

"How ... how could this be ..."

"President Huang is going to travel."

Li Zongjiu's voice rang from behind the yellow crane, and Huang He's heart snorted suddenly, and it really came to find himself.

Huang He knew that Li Zongjiu would come, but did not expect that Li Zongjiu would come so fast!

At least this Qianwei Thatched Cottage is also a lot of masters.

But even if Li Zongjiu had stood in front of him, there was still no movement at all.

No one found Li Zongjiu was approaching at all.

"Li ... Gongzi ... you listen to me explain ..."

Yellow crane squeezed out a bit of bitter smile, and at this moment can only go through and finally struggle. If you die like this without struggling, wouldn't it be too regrettable.

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