Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 567: Not allowed to go upstairs

Li Zongjiu was not polite at all.

The girl heard that Li Zongjiu dared to refuse her! Moreover, she dared to eat the sugar water she ordered, and immediately immediately reached out and pumped a bowl of sugar water in Li Zongjiu's hand.

"If you don't agree, just stop eating my syrup!"

The girl said angrily, I didn't expect that the boy in front of me was so ignorant that he ate his own sugar water, but he didn't agree with himself.

"If it's too few, I can give you two more top-quality stones. This is the highest limit, and I can't add more!"

Said the girl.

Five top-grade yuan stones, which is also the most in the girl's pocket now, if she wants something else, she can't take it out.

"It's not Yuan Yuan's problem. I have promised to give this thing to another person. You are late."

Li Zongjiu said. ,

"But if you want it, you can buy it from her after I give it to that person."

In this way, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds, and Li Zongjiu's idea is naturally good.

But the girl's eyes burned a fire directly.

Who actually dared to seize the limelight of her? I didn't expect anyone to start with it! This made the girl very angry too. She wanted to see and see who this person was.

Not only that, but let this Zongjiu know how powerful.

"Really, then you are out of luck, because now you have offended a very powerful person, and the fourteenth level of difficulty depends on who breaks through first!"

The girl said clenching her little fists.

Glaring at Li Zongjiu, looking at this posture, it seemed that he was about to declare war with Li Zongjiu, and had to say that if this woman got serious, it would be terrible.

When the girl finished speaking, she opened her mouth and poured the two bowls of sugar water directly into her belly, giving Li Zongjiu no chance at all.

This made Li Zongjiu startled.

This girl is too excited.


Li Zongjiu pointed at the girl and was speechless. Li Zongjiu thought that he was also a very rogue person. If he couldn't reach the conclusion, he would start directly and the opponent would have no temper.

However, the girl in front of him was even more rogue than him.

This negotiation was not negotiated, and even this sugar water was not allowed to drink. It is simply why this is the case. There is such a thing, which makes Li Zongjiu even furious.

But the girl also got up and left.

"You checkout!"

Having said that, the figure was a three-step and two-step dash, and in a blink of an eye there was no running.

If Li Zongjiu's estimation is not wrong, then the little girl's body is estimated to have little money at all. In such a situation, dare to invite Li Zongjiu and Tangshui, it's almost impossible to see such a superb girl.

Although Li Zongjiu didn't know the girl's name.

But it is not difficult to know.

Just look at who is the first on the Danshi list.

As for the little girl's strength, even if she is inadvertent, she can easily be squeezed into the top of the Danshi list, and can be hung high in this position that is not the first, no one can shake.

Before Li Zongjiu appeared, it must be a well-deserved hegemony.

It is estimated that the speed of the last sudden increase is also related to the girl's own breakthrough.

"This girl, Niubi."

Li Zongjiu shook his head helplessly.

Although the syrup is delicious, now Li Zongjiu still has serious things to do.

Putting a deposit of 100,000 gold coins on the table, Li Zongjiu got up and left. The stall owner is also an old lady of nearly sixty years old, who has made a lot of sugar water for a lifetime, and many of them are repeat customers. When the old lady went to pack the chopsticks, she found that there was this ten on the table. Ten Thousand Yuan Gold Coins


Immediately, his eyes widened and he took the deposit slip and watched it repeatedly.

This confirms that this is indeed true.

My heart was immediately excited.

"Thank you, thank you!"

There were tears in the old woman's eyes, and her hands were shaking. Li Zongjiu's free deposit slip was enough for the old woman's family to work hard to make a lifetime of money.

Chunhuaqiuyuelou. Li Zongjiu came to such a place of fireworks again. At this moment, it is dark. The serious business of Chunhua Qiuyuelou itself is already closed. Now, what started is that it is the real highlight and really makes this Chunhuaqiyuelou

The root of the world.

When Li Zongjiu came here, he felt that there were more masters in the Chunhuaqiuyuelou.

"Come on, boy, do you listen to the rhythm, play and sing, little girl can do everything."

A woman exhaled all the handkerchiefs from Li Zongjiu's face.

Li Zongjiu raised his hand directly.

"Let your family come to me."

"Yo, this guest officer has come here, what's the reason to stand outside, come with me soon, and it's not too late to wait in." The woman wanted to pull Li Zongjiu, but she didn't catch Li Zongjiu's clothes saw Li Zongjiu's figure flickering in front of their eyes, and the whole person went out. When he saw it, he had already walked into this and spring flowers and autumn moons.

Inside the building.

Tonight is not a dark day.

Therefore, there are many noble guests in the Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon Buildings. Li Zongjiu stepped in, but found that all the guests were concentrated on the first floor. Starting from the stairs on the second floor, there were rows of strong men wearing black military uniforms and standing in military posture. Standing, magnificent, if slightly

Timid person, that didn't even dare to come too close.

"I'm sorry, this guest officer. I'm Xiaofeng. Upstairs is fully booked, so why don't I accompany you for a drink below?"

A flowery woman with a thick makeup also came forward, and that was to put the entire body on Li Zongjiu's body.

"That one in your house, Mrs. Feiyan? Yes, that's the name. Where is it?"

Li Zongjiu asked.

These people are too guilty to admit that they didn't send the money directly to the casino, but they had to do it themselves.

"Mrs. is banqueting VIPs upstairs. It is not convenient now, otherwise I would play with my son, what do you like to play."

"Play with your father!"

Seeing that the woman named Xiaofeng would continue to post it, Li Zongjiu lifted his hand directly, and pushed the person out directly. After a few laps there, he finally flew out.

"It seems to be a toss again."

Li Zongjiu looked at the rows of guards standing at the entrance of the stairs. Although these people said that they changed their clothes, they could still see at a glance that the breath on the body was that of a soldier.

"Stop, idle people, etc., not allowed to go upstairs!" When Li Zongjiu was about to go up the stairs, they were turned around by the two, as if two walls were blocking him in front.

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