Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 575: Southern Territory Division

Tiefeihe put a storage ring on the table.

"You don't know if you look at it yourself." After speaking, he picked up a pot of tea next to him and took a sip, Wang Ding looked at you with a suspicious look, and then reached out and placed the table Took the storage ring, and infused the spirit slightly, that was immediately

See everything in this ring clearly.

But when Wang Ding saw clearly, he even thought that his eyes were already blurred, and he couldn't feel the existence of these things at all, because at this moment he was already fainted.

"I ... this ... mine, is there something wrong with my eyes?"

When Wang Ding saw this scene, he couldn't even believe his eyes,

They all thought that there was something wrong with their eyes, or something went wrong with their brains, and they even misread something like this.

But after seeing that Tiefeihe's expression was smiling, then Wang Ding continued to confirm it again. This time, Wang Ding directly confirmed these elixirs in front of his eyes, which are all real existence. On top of each elixir, it exudes a vigorous atmosphere. The quality of this elixir, That is definitely not from this search

The hand of the usual alchemist.

"Here ... these, shouldn't you be robbed of any elixir shop!"

Wang Ding's breathing has become quicker, even if it is just the breakthrough mood, it is not as fierce as holding a large amount of resources in this hand.

If Wang Ding would like to take these elixir directly away, the elixir alone would be enough for him in the second half of his life.

Of course, Wang Ding would not do such a thing.

However, if Li Zongjiu waited for someone to ransack this elixir shop, then the trouble would be great. There is no one behind the elixir shop in King Shengyan City.

The alchemist's worth is not the same as that of the blacksmith.

The identity of the alchemist is transcendent, and there will also be a special medicine alliance to manage and safeguard various rights and interests. It is not something you can move.

Even the friend of the alchemist is himself an alchemist. If you offend one, you are offending a group. This is more trouble than destroying a casino or a gang.

After all, you need to know that many masters are unwilling to help a gambler and a helper, but they will be very happy to help an alchemist and get the alchemy's favor, which is a very rare thing!

That's why Wang Ding is so worried.

"Rest assured, we are not so stupid yet, don't you know that Master is a master of five-grade alchemy?"

Tie Feihe shook his head and said that Wang Ding also remembered that Li Zongjiu was a true imperial alchemy master. If he could obtain this status, he could be an ordinary person.

"I know that, but, but this is too ... too, so special!"

Wang Ding finally uttered these words, which was so shocking that Wang Ding couldn't find other words to describe his mood.

"Here are 1,500 Sanpin Pills. The master said that you should use them at your discretion."

Tie Feihe stood up and said that Wang Ding was very excited.

What a trust this is, just give him the 1,500 Sanpin Pills without giving a word! And before that, he was also given a five-pin elixir directly. Otherwise, Nanjing Street in this body did not know when it would be possible to make a real breakthrough. At this moment in front of the elixir donated by Li Zongjiu It's easy

It has broken the imprisonment for many years, and this Wang Ding has the capital of hard work in the future.

"Master's kindness, Wang Ding is memorable!"

Wang Ding hammered his chest and said.

The flame of loyalty that burst out in that eye, even if Li Zongjiu really did not have a picture, but those who can see it can see it, they are all impoverished and can be pictured.

It's all this way.

The support of Li Zongjiu and Tie Feihe let Wang Ding see hope and confidence thoroughly.

Holding such a large amount of wealth is naturally excited in my heart, but as the leader of this fangfang battalion battalion, there is no problem to protect this property in hand.

"The barracks will open soon, otherwise, stay for two cups?"

Wang Ding said.

"No, I have other things. The business in the casino has to be taken care of. I can't get out of here at the moment. Next time, let's have a drink during your vacation!"

Tie Feihe said that drinking alcohol is prohibited in this and military camp itself.

Of course, as Wang Ding, it is not a problem to drink a few sips in a small range.

So it is not anxious to say this.

After the two talked a few words, Tie Feihe also took the lead to leave.

After a period of excitement, Wang Ding calmed down in his heart. When he calmly laid out his heart, he also found some problems in his heart.

No matter how many things you get in this hand, and how many benefits, it will always be a reward, and you will never say that there are big things that take advantage.

There is no free lunch under the sky.

Wang Ding understood these truths.

Sitting still in this place and meditating for a while, at the end, Liu Pei and others were called in. The 1,500 Sanpin Pills in the hand are enough for Wang Ding to train these people under his command to become elites in the city guards. However, the same problem exists, that is, how many people are under this hand. With several other battalions

Undercover and the like. Of course, this plot is not serious. At most, these actions of staring at him are difficult to cause much impact. In fact, it is the situation of many people, and these people above are also clear. Yes, just

Such a person, you remove one, you will also send, or even remove one to send two over, there is no need to waste time on it.

"The eldest husband has a life and death, and wealth is in heaven. This time, Wang Ding is going to fight a turn!" Wang Ding clenched his fists. At this moment, a golden opportunity was in front of him. This is an opportunity to change one's own destiny. There will be no hesitation or reservation.


time flies.

A month passed in a flash.

Even during these times, there was no peace in this city of Emperor Yan Yan, and it seems that something more serious has happened.

First of all, it was the official announcement of the death of Han Wuxiu and others under the command of the special envoy.

Designed and killed by a group of worm divisions who are good at casting poison!


A profession that can control some strange bugs, everyone in these professions stays away from everyone. But recently, the scope of these insect divisions has gradually spread to the point of this city of King Shengyan.

It was even heard that these worm divisions had invaded several cities in succession. The situation at hand is at stake.

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