Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 650: Who wants you to save

Rich dark sword in hands.

The sword king of Montenegro had a sneer of disdain, followed by a stature, flew directly and landed in that room.

For the sword king of Montenegro, entering such a place is basically like entering a realm without people.

"Prevention is so lax, there is no challenge at all. I'd like to see, what kind of formation is there in your room!"

Immediately after the Heishan Sword King finished speaking, it was immediately felt that there was a thick white mist flowing in front of him.


White mist flew quickly, like a giant beak opened his mouth to swallow, and immediately swallowed the sword king of Montenegro.

The Black Mountain Sword King stood in place, like a towering mountain, suddenly and sharply. In the face of the raging white fog around, there was no surprise on his face, or any fluctuation.

Even standing so calmly.

The invisible momentum is already gradually suppressing this diffuse breath around.

"Sculpture of the eagle worm, broken!"

The sword king of Montenegro whispered.

The sword qi in his hand also vibrated instantly. When the long sword whistled, a horrible momentum came and instantly split the white mist ocean in half.


The white mist dissipated instantly.

The shape of the sword king of Montenegro is still standing still without moving.

In this corner of the courtyard, a yuan stone engraved with Yuan Wen Zhen was also easily turned into powder.


Just in front of the Black Mountain Sword King, a figure appeared. When he saw the appearance of the Howling Wolf King, the black Mountain Sword King's eyes also raised a slight contempt.

"It turned out to be a little wolf. How many years have I cultivated! Come here!"

The sword king of Montenegro took the wrist and put the sword in his hand, and his body suddenly rushed towards the howling wolf king, and suddenly the surrounding area suddenly raised the meaning of terror.

In the eyes of the Sword King of Montenegro, it seemed that a horrific catastrophe appeared in front of him, and as these horrific forces spread, they attacked the Sword King of Montenegro.


How could such a horrible sight appear in the city of King Shengyan? It is impossible to see that the horrible volcanic magma can fall on the body. This is the sword king of Montenegro.

But as the magma fell.

The Black Mountain Sword King also realized that there was a trace of fault. It seems that the momentum hidden in this magma is not simple and very real, and the Black Mountain Sword King finally took a step back.


A few drops of magma stained the sword king of Heishan, and immediately penetrated the sword king's clothes. These forces were still true.


Xiao Yue Wolf King suddenly separated two figures and rushed towards the Black Mountain Sword King directly.

One of those horrible movements was a spiritual avatar.

At the same time attacked the sword king of Montenegro.

When the black sword of the Black Mountain Sword was shot, from above the sword body, two horrible rays of light were released, and they rushed to the Howling Wolf King separately.

But the power of that formation has not weakened.

At this moment, it seems that the sky is turning in general, trapping the Sword King of Montenegro in the array. ,

"I don't know the heights and heights. Since you like to do these crooked ways, let me tell you what is the real power! Black devil, come on!"

The Black Mountain Sword King immediately summoned his own spirit.

A dark devil with a black body and a length of nearly three feet, the texture of the forehead is white, which adds a chill to the night.

The two avatars of Xiaoyue Wolf King tore up that Guangman and rushed towards the Black Mountain Sword King, wanting to pounce on the Black Mountain Sword King directly.

As for this elementary beast.

Even if the enemy is powerful, but in the face of the crisis of life and death, it must not be allowed to slacken like this. It must be done with all its strength.


The dark claw of the dark devil grabbed it with a swift slap, and shot the howling wolf king on the ground. The figure of the howling wolf king immediately flew out,

Another spiritual clone was also struck by the dark devil's tail, and it was directly smashed into pieces.

In the face of this howling wolf king, the dark devil can basically reach the level of spike, which can be said to be completely out of sight.

In addition, the surrounding Yuanwen array, which was also under the violent bombardment of the Black Mountain Sword King, was already on the verge of fragmentation.

After all, the power of these sword kings is by no means fame. The Dark Devil wants to continue to wreak hawk wolf king, but found that after the shrink of the wolf moon wolf king's body, he was taken away by a person directly, and immediately the dark devil opened his mouth with a dark light Clean up the comprehensive shadow fox

Boom in the past.


The shadow fox was hit by the whole person, but anyway, he was wearing an inner armour, and in addition to the recent breakthrough in this repair, he stopped this trick.

Gritted his teeth and insisted, and took the howling wolf king out of the wall.

The dark demon tiger, as the soul of the Black Mountain Sword King, could not leave the Black Mountain Sword King too far away, so he could only watch the Shadow Fox leave with the Moon Lord.

But now the Yuanwen array is also about to be demolished by the Sword King of Montenegro.

The sword king of Montenegro did not continue to pursue, and his mental strength swept away. He immediately found the Eluwen Mountain that was locked in the stable.

At this point Lu Wenshan was already nervous all day.

It was absolutely impossible to loosen this thing. If this stone fell to the ground, maybe his stomach would be crushed.

And at this time, Lu Wenshan did not have enough mental strength to force things out of his body.

So I can only hold that yuan stone, and dare not let go.

Several shocks came from outside, and then the figure of the sword king of Montenegro rushed into the stable.

"Elder Lu?"

The sword king of Montenegro smashed the shed in front of him.

Lu Wenshan hidden in it.

When Lu Wenshan saw that the stable he had been living in for several days suddenly fell down, he suddenly became nervous.

"Fuck, what do you want to do!"

Lu Wenshan saw the sword king of Montenegro suddenly tense, was imprisoned for so many days, and beaten for such a long time, it was inevitable that he was a little panicked, and his mental state was obviously a bit wrong.

Being able to make a Liupin alchemy master like this in such a short time, Li Zongjiu's ability is really not small.

"Elder Lu, I'm here to save you."

"Pick you paralyzed, whoever wants you to save, hurry up!"

Lu Wenshan pointed at the Black Mountain Sword King and said politely.

What save him, if there is a half-minute movement, maybe this person is gone. So Lu Wenshan is also very nervous now.

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