Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 66: Initial cooperation

Then the Li family killed someone on the street.

And still killed a whole three people, if it is not properly rectified, then what will the atmosphere of the Los Angeles City become, it is simply impossible to imagine.

It is exactly such a thing.

This is clearly, open one eye and close one.

And the eyes are too casual.

"Oh? When did you learn to question my decision?"

Ye Chao glanced at the eagle column beside him.

Immediately, this hawk-row felt the sharpness like the blade.

The Eagles immediately bowed their heads.

At this time, he also knew that he had reached the bottom line of Ye Chao. Although he was the first conspirator in the city's main government, if Ye Chao wanted to dismiss his post, that was just this sentence. Talk thing.

There is no trouble at all.

"Dare, subordinate, go immediately!"

The Eagles retreated at once. When they went out, they were shocked with cold sweat, but when they turned around, their eyes gradually became sharper.

"Sooner or later, this Lord of Xiacheng City will fall on me!"

"By then, all of you will be stepped on by my feet!"

The Eagles thought.

Soon afterwards, a penalty order was drawn up in accordance with the order of the owner of the city.

These five hundred gold coins may be an astronomical number for ordinary people, but for the huge Li family, it is only a matter of eyelids.

Not even the meat hurts.

How could there be such a thing.

It's hard to believe!

Even when Li Tianqing received such a punishment, his eyes were widened, and after Gu Xuanwu pondered for a long time, he was considered to understand the intention of the city's main government.

It turned out to encourage them to be hostile to this Northern Medicine Alliance.

Such a long and powerful force can even be involved, but in any case, the city's main government opened one eye and closed one eye, which is considered a good thing for them.

If the city ’s main government really wanted to attack them, it would be really difficult to solve.

Li Zongjiu, who is practicing, also heard about the city's main house punishment.

Could not help but smile.

"It seems that the old guy, the city owner, does have some friendship with Grandpa, but I don't know how deep this friendship is."

When there was a problem with the Li family in previous lives.

The city's main government also dared to intervene, but the effect of this intervention was not good. At that time, Li Zongjiu didn't care about so many things. It was a thing of the past.

The reason why this world did not operate on the city's main mansion, then Li Zongjiu wanted to see what attitude the city's main mansion had.

Now it seems that it is quite good, at least at this time, there is no stab in the back.

"Speaking of the granddaughter of the city's owner, Ye Chao, the past life and I have some origin."

Li Zongjiu remembered.

When I grew up after suffering, once in the Yuanshou Forest, I accidentally shot and saved this granddaughter of Ye Chao. It should be called Ye Tianshui.

Life in the previous life is not necessarily useful in this life.

After all, this experience is not the same, but we must also know that most of the things will follow the development of the previous life.

Because their thoughts have not changed!

Since the owner of Ye Chaocheng chose to remember his old feelings and stood on the side of the Li family for a while, Li Zongjiu didn't mind to help Ye Chao in the future.

Li Zongjiu is a man with clear grudges.

So when this life comes, there is revenge and gratitude.

However, Li Zongjiu received not a lot of favors. He will be the one to look for in the Shui Yao Ling City where he will go tomorrow.

Let Li Zongjiu remember deeply.

At the same time, things about the Li family are not so simple now.

Although the previous life said that the most direct enemy was destroyed, in fact, the black hand behind the scenes has not been found so far.

Since these people have not been taken out of previous lives.

At this time, Li Zongjiu will find out all of these people and calculate this account clearly!

The second day.

The Bai family also heard the punishment from the city's main government.

And early in the morning.

The elder Li Jiuyan of the Li family took the five hundred gold coins to pay the fine in person.

What is the identity of Elder Li Jiuyan, but that is the elder of the Li family.

In charge of alchemy.

Just pay a fine, such as where the elders need to go, and also an elder of alchemy, the tricky one, as long as it is a person with a mind, you can see it.

"It doesn't seem to be able to offend the Li family for the time being. Although the Northern Medicine Alliance is powerful, it is a foreign force after all. If you want to reach our local forces in Los Angeles, you still have to ask Wuxue Danzong and the city's main government!" The heart of the mark secretly said.

Behind the Northern Medicine Alliance, there are some ancestors supporting it. In the same way, they also have the Wuxue Danzong as their support, as well as the main city of the court, so it is not so simple in this dispute over the interests. of course

To see Wuxue Danzong refused.

Who does not have a force behind it?

Moreover, the Wuxuedan Sect is itself a member of a medicine alliance, which is mutually beneficial.

When that step is really reached, it is a battle involving great interests. Bai Luoxue was relieved when she heard Bai Wuchen's words. She was really worried that Bai Wujin would give up this opportunity with great risks in front of her, but would bury the future of Bai ’s family and please him. Northern Medicine Union, if so

In that case, there is no room for recovery.

"Homeowner, then the medicine of the Li family is here."

A family guard said.

The elixir is exactly what Li Zongjiu personally came before and talked about. In the sales of this elixir, he handed it over to the Bai family. Of course, most of the benefits also flowed into the pockets of the Li family. .

Of course, if this cooperation becomes larger and the Bai family becomes more famous in the future, then the money will come in.

"What is it like?"

Bai Wuzhen said impatiently. I did n’t have much expectations. Although the Li family ’s elixir is good, it ’s actually not much better, because in the Lost City, it ’s impossible to find any family with better alchemy. This is in itself Very difficult

Got things.

"Going home, here is the list."

The guard handed the list in his hand.

When Bai Wujin saw this first line of words, he was already sitting upright.

By the time I saw this half, my **** was already sitting on this stool.

Just stood up and shouted. "Hurry up, elixir, get it up!"

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