Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 686: Refining

Refining weapons does not mean that the weapons are melted directly.

It is a unique method belonging to the Yuan Masters, using its own power to thoroughly refining this weapon, and refining it into the body.

But this is a process that requires long communication and pregnancy.

If you put it in your body, you can become a very convenient magic soldier.

It can also be regarded as a wonderful use of power.

After such refining, it must be able to communicate this weapon with your soul.

Just like Li Zongjiu's vast flying knife.

You can communicate with each other, and under these circumstances, the power that can be exerted will be greater!

Li Zongjiu did not choose to continue.

It is already very strenuous to come here with his strength now. If you continue to go down, it may be worth the money.

Greed that is human nature, but there are really not many people who can be greedy within their own strength, can hold back their greed,

If you can't control your desires, it will be difficult to achieve a career.

It was in this room that Li Zongjiu began to carry out the refining of this barren celestial body.

And those people outside, after the initial exciting battle, each person's strength itself has been demonstrated.

At the same time, a gap has been opened between each other. Some people desperately can enter the next level, but some people, even if they have exerted their efforts to feed, have never made a breakthrough.

This is surprising.

And Li Zongjiu is in this room, refining the barren marrow of peace.

When Li Zongjiu used his own mental strength to enter the heavenly marrow, it was immediately shocked by the horror displayed in the heavenly marrow.

"In the ancient times, this weapon must have been a deterrent to heaven and earth!" Li Zongjiu has been unable to feel the age of this barren sky, when is it, but the breath left from it is extremely extreme. Ancient, after this battle, now appears in the hands of Li Zongjiu

In the past, these ancient magic soldiers, in the hands of Li Zongjiu, will definitely not humiliate their power!

During the process of refining, Li Zongjiu also clearly felt his own blood soul hell. It seems that with his refining, it has also increased slightly.

"It's the spirit of killing above this heavenly marrow!" Li Zongjiu opened his eyes and wanted to enhance the strength of this blood soul hell, it must be to absorb enough killing spirit, such as above this heavenly marrow Some of the remaining killing gas is also enough to expand this blood soul hell

Almost a tenth.

Now Li Zongjiu is all in hell!

"It seems that the killing business can't stop in this life."

Li Zongjiu could not help but say.

The killing was in front of Li Zongjiu, it was like a regular meal, there was nothing impossible, and there was no resistance, because to be honest, there are indeed too many **** people in this world.

As for someone saying, others should deserve to die, it's not up to you to point your finger.

That is wrong.

Here at Li Zongjiu, I see that you are upset and point at you, as long as I am stronger than you, if I want you to die, you will die!


Li Zongjiu spread his palms, and suddenly the marrow appeared in his hands.

The lingering air lingered on it.

Finally, there was a weapon that went by.

As for the previous thunder knife, thunder hammer and the like, it is more convenient in Li Zongjiu's hands, that is, when chopping people, and did not think about what to do with these things.

With that kind of weapon, it is very difficult to hurt the Yuanhuang class powerhouse.

Even if Li Zongjiu personally comes to the show, the effect may not be better.

With the strength of Yuanhuang's strong body, it is easy to block these forces out of the body.

Unless it is some special effects element, they can be hurt.

This is why Li Zongjiu has been avoiding a direct confrontation with the Yuanhuang-class powerhouse. Even if a Yuanhuang-level powerhouse stands in the same place and lets you master Yuanyuan master take the knife in his hand to chop, you cannot What effect is cut out.

But the Yuanhuang class powerful people only need to gently shake their own breath, and they will be able to shock you even with a knife!

Only by holding these magic soldiers, can they compete directly with the Yuanhuang-class strong.

As long as the latter is unprepared, he can escape directly and smash it with a stick to smash this emperor-level powerhouse into an intellectual disability!

"Huh? So soon?"

Li Zongjiu felt the fluctuations around him, and then there was a gentle force that sent Li Zongjiu directly.

Before Li Zongjiu came, the longest time in this secret realm was 21 days.

However, Li Zongjiu spent a whole month in it!

Thirty days, it was so easy to spend.

When Li Zongjiu opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in front of the originally entered Shimen.

Except for the two elders, there is only one side, Lan Kun, with a dog's tail in his mouth, squatting and waiting.

Lan Kun stayed inside for 18 days, which is relatively long this time, but he just hovered outside the mountain gate and didn't get too close.

If you want to enter the gate, at least you have to be in the realm of the Yuan King.

Therefore, Lan Kun is also slightly weak.

Everyone has been sent out in the order of strength before.

Lan Kun did not see Li Zongjiu.

I don't know if Li Zongjiu died directly in it.

But Lan Kun knew that Li Zongjiu was so strong that it was impossible to die so easily.

So I was waiting.

Where do you know this waiting is almost half a month, all the students of Tianchen Medicine House have already been on vacation directly.

So Lan Kun was also worried about what Li Zongjiu was doing.

"Boss, you're out!"

Seeing Li Zongjiu's appearance, Lan Kun also quickly got up, and the dog's tail grass in this mouth was also thrown aside.

Looking at this Li Zongjiu, the breath on his body was once again improved, and it became clear that he became strong again.

The two elders, Bai Ku and Sui Rong, saw that Li Zongjiu had stayed in it for 30 days, which was also deeply incredible.

"Boy, you're inside, what did you meet!"

The elder Baiku sang immediately.

At the same time, the figure flashed, and it appeared not far from Li Zongjiu. The elder Baiku wanted to be closer, but when he approached Li Zongjiu at this moment, it was inexplicable with a sense of crisis. It seemed to warn him in this meditation, if he exceeded this distance , Then what bad things will happen,

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