Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 715: Jiupin Yuanhuang

The fire ghost king is interested to look at these and these people.

Then the gaze fell into the room where Li Zongjiu was closed.

His eyes were slightly condensed.

At this moment, Nangong Wuji and others were already feeling the badness of the person in front of him. The point of this vision is exactly where Li Zongjiu is located. Shouldn't he be coming at Li Zongjiu.

This kid really provokes people who shouldn't.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Nangong Wuji's complexion was gloomy, and even he was a member of the former Emperor's Palace who could know it clearly.

With the momentum of the other side, Nangong Wou-ki could not even raise the mind of rebellion, which made Nangong Wou-ki's heart feel a strong shock. This person's strength is far above him!

If they fight, Nangong Wuji is not necessarily the opponent of the person in front of him.

"You are not qualified to know me. When Li Zongjiu leaves the customs, let him come to see me."

"I've come to him. This is my sincerity. Otherwise, I'll find him to settle accounts." Said the beast of the fire ghost, between this behavior and the eyes, that is also full of a charming feeling It ’s very heart-warming to watch. For Nangong Wuji, etc., this person's every move can affect their intellect.

That is definitely a horrible thing.

When Nangong Wuji and Na Hongshisan reacted, they were all shocked.

When looking at the Fire Ghost King, they all disappeared directly.

Without any trace, to be able to do this, the strength of this fire ghost king is quite terrible.

"His! This person's strength is at least above that of the seventh emperor!" Said Hong Hong thirteen in a terrified voice, and that look also looked extremely shocking. It really scared Hong thirteen burdens. Some hidden in this city The strong are countless, and even this Hong Thirteen is just the realm of the second emperor.

There is nothing in this city at all.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is already the highest level of cultivation.

But in the eyes of the Yuanhuang realm, this is already a very low-level edge.

"No, at least, also the emperor Jiupin!"

Nangong's infinitely deep voice sounded extremely solemn.

Once this Nangong Wuji was in the realm of the sixth emperor, but now it is directly down to this level.

However, it does not mean that Nangong Wuji has never met the top powerhouse. Before that, Nangong Wuji also saw several strong men in the realm of Jiupin Yuan Emperor, who can be at this level, and there is a transcendent realm and level, just like the red woman just now, it looks like But one

An ordinary person, but if you look closely, only the stronger person can feel the pressure on these strong people.

If an ordinary person is in front of the woman in red and is looking at the woman in red, she will not feel the slightest pressure, and it will feel like an ordinary person.

"It's so strong! Come on, are you here to find revenge, then I must tidy up and leave!"

Hong Shisan originally only wanted to deal with the Xuan Yuanzong, but the woman in red just now looked more terrible than the Xuan Yuanzong.

At least one Jiupin Yuanhuang class strong.

If this particular is a supreme powerhouse, then what else is there for fun, you don't even have to report revenge.

"You pack a fart, don't you just break a bowl and a crutch!"

Nangong Wuji said jealously.

"It's getting late, and I should go and have dinner, or I won't have dinner today."

Holding his bowl and stick, Hong Shisan stepped out of the manor step by step. Suddenly, the visit of a top powerhouse really scared these people.

But Dou Linger was not nervous at all.

"That older sister was very beautiful just now. Why are you all looking scared?"

Dou Linger curiously looked at the performance of the two, and expressed some incomprehension.

"Ahem, I almost forgot that you are also a little monster."

Nangong Promise naturally knew that Dou Linger's identity was good, but he didn't expect it to be so good. The woman in red just couldn't see through Dou Linger.

That only shows that this Dou Linger can't be aroused.

"Oh, this casino has to open. I have to hurry. Otherwise, there will be no good place."

Dou Linger saw that it was too late, and quickly took the Xiaoxiao Wolf King out.

The state of the howling wolf king also gradually recovered after the woman in red just left. Otherwise, it would be a forceful look, just now hiding in the corner and shaking.

Really lost the face of this wolf king!

Such a thing is really shameful for a wolf king, and this human world seems too dangerous.

Howling Wolf King also counted when he was empty. In this small yard, there were four or five people who had the ability to kill him.

This makes him how the Moon King Wolf is still mixed, no status at all.

It seems that I have to bully some other primitive beasts, take them all, and then grab them and bully them!

When the Moon Lord Wolf first came here, it was all prestigious, but now I gradually feel deeply that my physical strength can no longer keep up.

For the Wolf King of the Moon, such a day is really too miserable, so we must get rid of it as soon as possible.

"No, right, these strong men actually came to the door ..."

Nangong Wuji managed to wake up from the shock of the fire ghost king.

Now when I look at it, I have a very surprised thought in my heart.

Even such masters came to find Li Zongjiu in person, wouldn't it mean that Li Zongjiu is even more famous!

Just thinking about it feels terrible.

Nangong Wuji's eyes also showed extreme shock.

Look in the direction of Li Zongjiu.

My heart was secretly determined, we must understand the boy's whereabouts, it seems that something happened to the boy, it is extremely exciting!

At this time, Li Zongjiu did not know that the Fire Ghost King came to him in person.

Even if you know it, you don't take it too seriously.

Because he is now refining a vital elixir.

Taking Li Zongjiu's cultivation as a practice, he has refined it for almost three days.

On the third day.

Above the sky of the White Deer Manor, a horrifying thundercloud was already brewing.

Then Hong Shisan poked his head out of this tree.

"This is the big sun just now, why is it so dark all of a sudden!"

"Fuck, this is going to thunder!"

Hong Shisan saw a dark cloud in the sky, exclaimed immediately, and jumped down directly from the tree.

Now Hong Shizhui sleeps until noon every day, and then goes out for dinner in the early afternoon, and returns at night, making him seem very busy.

And living on top of this tree house, that's also a dead face to stay here.

No matter how urged by Nangong Wuji, he couldn't leave.

In addition to Nangong Wuji, in addition to practicing, pressing is to carry out the design of an open space next to it!

As a former master of architecture, Nangong Wuji's technique can also be said to have been silent for many years. At this moment, it has to be picked up again, which requires energy.

"Huh? Why doesn't Lei Yun look like it's going to rain, but it's eating people!"

With a pen and a carving knife in his hands, Nangong Wuji looked up at this dark cloud with a skeptical look. On the rest of the sky, there was no such dark cloud at all.

Obviously, this dark cloud was specifically aimed at them! No, exactly, it was for Li Zongjiu who was retreating!

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