Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 722: Congratulations from the Quartet

In the past Hong Shisan, although he had the practice of the Yuan Dynasty, in the face of this Xuan Yuanzong, it was natural to dare not to conflict directly, and to kill some people in the Yuan Dynasty, it was not painful for Xuan Yuanzong Not itchy.

But those killed today are all very important characters in this Xuanyuan sect.

Just the fall of these two Yuanhuang-class powerhouses is enough to make Hong Shisan happy.

Just killing these five law enforcement guards just now also directly stretched out his own heart. Even before Li Zongjiu's hands, then Hong Shisan may not really dare to kill.

After all, they have not been fully prepared. Otherwise, these people may gather terrorist forces at any time. The two killed him, Hong Shisan, and he would take revenge. He must not die like this.

However, Li Zongjiu's words also inspired him at that moment. If even these enemies were in front of him, he would not dare to do anything, let alone let him kill Gong Wuliang in the future.

Perhaps when they saw the enemy, they were scared even to move.

It was finally a revenge at this moment.

"This is just some interest. One day, I am Hong Shisan, and I want to destroy your Xuan Yuanzong Manmen!"

Hong Shisan made up his mind. For many years, it has been dormant in this king city, so this Xuan Yuanzong did not say to deal with Hong Shisan specifically. After all, Hong San Shih hiding here is also very good, as long as he does not continue to harass them Zong, that has been in exile

It doesn't matter outside.

Unexpectedly, after Hong Shisanyi found Li Zongjiu, his temperament changed greatly. He had never defeated the enemy for many years, and now he is finally flattened out.

Hong Shisan thought.

"Haha, boy, you really have a species, even this Xuan Yuanzong people dare to kill!" Tao Nan Gong Wuji admires Li Zongjiu's behavior style very much, because he used to be like this before, but after this poisoning, that changed It's quite low-key, and in the process, I also realized a lot of things, the more I learned

Wu, it is even more believed that such behavior is extremely correct.

Revenge is reported, blood debt blood taste, if you have been waiting, when will it be a head.

"If my Li Zongjiu's place becomes a place where others want to come and want to go, how can I stand in the future." Li Zongjiu said lightly.

Although killing these people will be very troublesome, if they are not killed, they will come and kill themselves.

So, of course, you have to start first.

"But with the strength you show today, there must be a lot of people who want to shelter you. You don't have to worry about it, even if this Xuan Yuanzong came, you don't dare to do it!"

Nangong said slowly.

At the same time, he looked at Li Zongjiu with great curiosity.

"You ... really made Liupin medicine?"

Li Zongjiu didn't have any extra nonsense. He stretched out his hand, and Wan Changsheng Dan appeared in his hands. After it was displayed, when Nangong Promise and others saw it, his eyes glowed straight.

This is Liupindan medicine!

Such a young Liupin Alchemist!

For any power, it is very precious.

"Congratulations Li Xiaoyou!"

Nangong Wuji and others did not finish talking.

Someone can't wait to rush out and flew towards Li Zongjiu and others.

"I didn't expect to say goodbye on that day. On the occasion of goodbye, it was Li Xiaoyou's breakthrough day. Feng Mou congratulated him for coming late. This millennium Phoenix grass is a congratulation.

A smile of Feng Tengfei appeared in front of Li Zongjiu.

When I saw this Feng Tengfei appeared, Li Zongjiu and others were not surprised at all.


"Go down."

Li Zongjiu and others flew out, and returned to the White Deer Manor again.

Feng Tengfei also handed over the millennium phoenix grass, and the shadow fox on the side came forward to take over the box. Even among the six herbs, the millennium phoenix grass was considered a top-level existence.

It can be seen that this hundred medicine Xuan shot quite strongly.

No problem.

"Your Bai Yao Xuan is really generous. It is these six Pinnacles!"

Nangong Wuji joked aside.

To know that in order to find this medicinal material these days, it can be said that he has worked hard to get all these medicinal materials together.

But now that this hundred medicine Xuan is a six-pin medicinal plant, how can this balance Nangong Wuji?

"Hehe, if Nangong adults are interested, they can sit at our Bai Yao Xuan at any time."

Feng Tengfei naturally did not dare to drop this Nangong Wuji.

To know the identity of Nangong Wuji is not simple in itself. Although it has been quiet for such a long time before, it suddenly pops up now, but the former majesty also exists.

If you can win Nangong Promise, that's naturally a wonderful thing.

"But the place where Master Li lives, I and others are all immortal shops, and here I have come to congratulate Master Li for making a breakthrough ... and sending a pot of Changchun Mountain Wannian Qingquan!"

Three old white-bearded old men appeared at the door, and Li Zongjiu motioned for the shadow fox to open the door. Today, this Bailu manor is naturally difficult to calm down.

"Feng Guanshi's eyes are dying, he has arrived so early ..."

"The three of you are still industrious and you rarely see each other on weekdays. Today, they are all three at the same time. It is really a rare thing."

The people at the Magic Fairy Shop also arrived.

The three major herbalists in the Holy Yan Dynasty have already reached two.

"Shi Fang Yaotang Wu Qingfeng came to the door to congratulate him and presented her with a pair of Songshi ancient teeth, one inch of Baiyun camphor ..."

Shifang Yaotang, someone also came, Wu Qingfeng, who is the deputy chief of the Shifang Yaotang.

In this hand, there are at least ten first-class city herbal medicine businesses. When such characters travel, they are basically protected by experts. Today, Wu Qingfeng comes alone.

But let the rest of the people look at each other's eyes, Wu Qingfeng will be too sentimental.

The three major herbal giants are already gathered at Li Zongjiu's Bailu Manor.

Lu Wenshan hiding in the horse shed saw this scene, and his eyes were full of envy. Although the state of Liupin Alchemist and Wupin Peak was only a small step, it was a real big one. step.

It's not unusual to want to take this step out.

One step to the sky, if he can also have this encounter, Lu Wenshan would have no regrets in this life!

Tian Fei on the other side shivered. When I saw the law enforcement guard from this door, I was scared and scared. After all, Tian Fei knew the means of these law enforcement guards, but did not expect that these brutal law enforcement guards turned out Li Zong

They have been beheaded for a long time!

The room for these flips really surprised him Tian Fei.

It can even be said too fast.

Never imagined.

These people, Li Zongjiu, are so strong!

Many people from outside came to congratulate and gave a lot of gifts. Li Zongjiu received all of them according to the order, and one of them didn't pull down, so what's the thing to deliver to the door?

As for anything after that, if you want to find Li Zongjiu's help, then you also need to give money.

Anyway, you sent this thing. I didn't ask you for it. Human relations, that is, only the weak will care about it. Li Zongjiu and other strong people will not remember these things, one yard at a time. If you do n’t want to help you, then you will directly Don't help, you can

how is it.

Only when you become a real strong person will others beg you, or else you will give as much love as possible, and they are unwilling to ignore you, that is, they are unwilling to ignore you.

"When the gift is delivered, people can leave first. If there is anything going on in the future, let's talk about it later."

Li Zongjiu opened his mouth and said to these people.

Because the arrival of this people has even made this white deer manor in Li Zongjiu a little crowded.

"Master Li has just broken through and needs to be strengthened. I will not let you bother before I leave. If Master Li has any needs in the future, just come to Shifang Yaotang to find me Wu Qingfeng!"

The others were still in a daze, but Wu Qingfeng was the first to say that, holding a punch in front of Li Zongjiu, he left directly.

Any need?

This mouth is quite large,

You know, just ten minutes ago, Li Zongjiu, together with Nangong Wuji, and others, directly killed and killed the two Emperor Yuan Xuan Yuanzong, five Yuan Wang masters. Before that, a little investigation, the account of Xuan Yuanzong's master, that is also counted on Li Zongjiu's head!

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