Firewood door.

The treasurer has been watching for a while.

But nothing has happened until now.

How long has it been, haven't you succeeded yet? Is something wrong?

The shopkeeper couldn't help wondering.

"You two, follow me up."

The anxiety in my heart was also more intense, and I simply took people to see for myself what was the situation.

However, before the shopkeeper went upstairs, I saw that the roof was already lit with some black smoke, and at the same time, the irritating smoke smell struck these people.

"Slum, what's the matter!"

"The treasurer seems to be on fire!"

on fire!

Looking at the shopkeeper, he suddenly saw the fire in front of him, and at the same time, there was a commotion in the entire room.

"Hurry up, take someone to fight the fire, hurry up! Hurry up!"

At this moment, the shopkeeper is not clear, but if his inn is on fire, if the loss is heavy, how can he account for it? This restaurant is just the manager of this shopkeeper.

The flames burned instantly.

Many people rushed out of this building crying, the scene was chaotic. In the chaotic fire, a fat figure rushed directly to the counter, and two clicks directly pried open the dark cell in the counter, and took a large amount of paper in the dark cell. All the banknotes were caught, and some

Rare gem.

They were also stuffed into the arms by this king whale.

"You're really welcome."

When Li Zongjiu saw the hand of the king whale, he was surprised and said that he had never imagined that the king whale had such a means. Even the secrets of others were so clear.

"Hey, these are all the private house money that the shopkeeper has saved over the years. Anyway, I won't come back anyway, of course, I will take them with me!"

Said the king whale.

Li Zongjiu said nothing and greeted the king whale and immediately swept away in the direction of the white crane.

Passing by the door of the firewood room, I saw the treasurer bringing someone to fight the fire.

"Wait a second, how did the two guys who just ran past feel a little familiar ?!"

The treasurer just blinked and didn't see clearly.

"Treasurer, some tenants left without giving money!"

"What, get me all back!"

The scene was chaotic. When I got dressed, I ran straight out, because some people had lived for several days and had not paid the room price. Now they want to escape.

Where can this be tolerated.

When the shopkeeper rushed into his own counter.

Immediately, he found the dark grid with his money, and was pried openly, and the shopkeeper was almost irritated with myocardial infarction.

Covering his heart, he was extremely surprised and extremely distressed.

"I ... mine ... my God ..."

The shopkeeper's head was almost congested, and a burst of blood rushed directly onto the head, leaving the shopkeeper's eyes black, and the entire person was stunned and fell to the ground with a creak.

This is a premeditated arson!

"The treasurer, the treasurer ... you wake up soon!"

One of the shopkeepers shook the shopkeeper constantly, and finally it woke up the shopkeeper.

And the treasurer finally woke up.

After seeing the shopkeeper's wake up, Xiao Er in that shop suddenly got excited.

"Treasurer, you woke up, the little fat man ran away!"

Another bad news told the shopkeeper.

When the elderly people can withstand this kind of toss, they just creaked, and the whole person fell into a coma again.

These bad news can't stop for a while and then talk about it.

How many people can you bear like you!

Li Zongjiu and the king whale rose up into the air on a white crane.

The body disappeared into the night sky.

The two directly left the distance from the Shui Yao Ling City. If the delay continues, then the gang of gangsters will arrive, and at that time, even Li Zongjiu can't get rid of him.

"Huh? It looks like a tail is coming."

In the dark night, there are several black eagles, and while that night is still, they are chasing Li Zongjiu.

"It was them, I've seen it, Black Hawk helped."

Said the king whale.

These Blackhawks are indeed arrogant. They dare to pay attention to this Wangxuelou.

On the surface of Wangxuelou is a restaurant, but in fact it is a stronghold for selling stolen goods. At this stronghold, there are already millions of gold coins in circulation.

What King Whale took just now is only part of it.

There are many more that have not been obtained, it is estimated that they have been turned in.

Blackhawk Gang.

Li Zongjiu can't remember it anymore. After more than three thousand years, not everything can be remembered, but looking at King Whale in such a hurry, it should be planned.

"You fly over there, and there are natural enemies from their Blackhawk gang. They dare not pass."

Li Zongjiu also listened to the king whale, and let He Baihe fly in the direction that the king whale pointed.


The shape of Baihe crossed an arc above the sky. When I saw the direction in which the Baihe was flying.

The black eagles chasing behind him seemed to be anxious, one after the other, all chasing bravely, and the wings kept shaking.


"Let you chase, let you taste it today, my master is terrific, and he usually bullies me!"

King Whale took a slingshot from his backpack and grabbed a few iron beads in his hand.


The slingshot stretched straight in his hand and seemed to break at any time. The king whale closed one eye and aimed tightly at the rear figure.


call out!

The iron beads in his hand whistled and broke out.

In the course of this flight, the bead also banged, and it turned out to be a flame!

This is the fatal extinction of Wang Fatty!

Alchemy fire.

In other words, this is the natural soul of Wang Fat.

Those who can awaken the Yuanling before the Yuanzong level realm are counted as natural Yuanling, and the sooner they wake up, the stronger they become.

Wang Fatzi has such stunts, but he is helpless and dangerous and has to hide it.

In fact, if it weren't for the sinister nature of the rivers and lakes, the number of geniuses would surely increase.

Most geniuses simply hang out because they have exposed their talents, but they don't rely on them.

There are very few geniuses like Wang Fatty who have a sense of self-protection. Most of them like to show off their abilities, and then get caught by someone with ulterior motives. This kind of situation can be said to be endless.

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