Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 762: Yuan emperor group attack

Li Zongjiu stood in place, and now this vitality cultivation has reached the level of the Jiupinyuan king, but the physical cultivation is slightly worse, it seems that there are only about seven Qiyuanyuan state.

As for the spiritual realm, it is even more general.

No breakthrough has been made in this period.

"It seems that the next step is to strengthen this spiritual cultivation."

Li Zongjiu thought.

It must be this all-round balanced development, and then a breakthrough will be possible in the future.

To break through to the sacred realm, we must be fully prepared to not covet this short-term breakthrough.

When Li Zongjiu felt his own change.

Then he looked up at the people in front of him. Menacing, these eyes, one by one, seemed to eat Li Zongjiu directly. In such eyes, even saying such things as not killing you, would it be impossible for these people to improve their realm? Need acting

No city.

"Want that vitality dragon vein, yes, how much?"

Li Zongjiu said very blandly, even if surrounded by so many people, there is no tension at all.

When speaking, the tone was extremely bland.

"court death!"

Hearing Li Zongjiu's arrogant words, this is clearly their dragon vein, and now even dare to collect money from them, it is simply shameless!

Feng Hui heard the same words, and exchanged eyes with the others, but did not expect a fool to come.

At this moment, they have realized that Li Zongjiu's realm of the Yuan Dynasty was repaired. In the presence of these four Yuan-level masters, they were simply catching up without any suspense.

Among their speculations, there must be some artifact to help Li Zongjiu survive in this vortex intact.

In this way, it can be regarded as smooth.

Therefore, Li Zongjiu was not taken into account in the slightest.

"If you want to collect money, then who of you is willing to give him money."

Feng Hui glanced at the three of them, which meant that who would teach this lesson to Li Zongjiu and let this Li Zongjiu know what the situation facing the boy is now.

"Come on, I recently made a windfall, kid, you have to catch it!"

Guan Guan took the initiative to ask, and a long black knife appeared in his hand.

"My soul-breaking sword, you see enough!"

Guan Jue coldly hummed, and then the figure also leapt, and swept away towards Li Zongjiu.

Diving down, it also mobilizes the power of the whole body, converging on this soul-breaking sword. This sword must have a little strength, just to reach the state of the peak of the Yuan king. I thought that I only needed to severely injure Li Zongjiu. After all, I still had to explain where the vitality dragon vein was hidden by this boy. Before he was sure what the artifact was, he would not dare to arbitrarily

Zongjiu beheaded, because there are some things that are mysterious. If the owner is dead, if he wants to open, the procedures will be very complicated.

In order to alleviate some unnecessary trouble, this knife also cut Li Zongjiu into serious injuries. When the slayer ’s soul-breaking sword swooped down and rushed to Li Zongjiu's body, Li Zongjiu watched the corner of the squeegee slightly lifted. At first, the stunned eyes were full of disdain, but when Li Zongjiu raised At the time of the hand, the look is also

It changed in an instant.

"Oops!" I said secretly in my heart, but it was too late, and I saw Li Zongjiu reached out. The five fingers became a sharp claw, and he grabbed a hand directly at the closed neck. How did this happen? Yes, I do n’t know


When Li Zongjiu's finger came up, Guan Jue knew that he was finished, and a sense of fear suddenly appeared.


Li Zongjiu grabbed Guan Ju directly, and dropped the figure over the shoulder on the ground behind him.

When this smashed body smashed down, Li Zongjiu's more than a million pounds of force all acted on this smashed body. The original vitality defense that the segment itself had released automatically collapsed in an instant!

Because the power that burst out suddenly is too powerful.

At the same time, the bones of the stricken body were directly shattered, and no one could withstand such a large impact.

哐 Dang.

The broken soul sword fell aside.

The entire person was shut down by Li Zongjiu and he couldn't move.

However, Feng Hui and others are able to feel from the changes just now that the breath of shutting themselves off seems to be falling rapidly.

"Dead ... dead ..." Li Zongjiu also retracted the action at this moment, and then took out a gray gown from this Southland ring, and it is still in the state of his upper body, anyway, as a strong man, he himself Of course, you need to pay attention to the image


Picking up the soul-cutting sword, Li Zongjiu looked at the others.

"This knife is not enough."

Li Zongjiu said lightly to the people in front of him.

"Old pass ... dead ... dead?"

Guan Guan, who was lying on the ground, did not get up again, because he could no longer do anything.

In just one move, and relying solely on the power of the flesh, he directly cut off the barrier to death. A Yuanhuang-class strongman was thus stabbed to death by Li Zongjiu.


Several people haven't responded yet, and can't even believe the picture they see.

How could this happen?

"This son is weird. I'll take this off first!"

The number of days was also shouted, and then a scroll was thrown directly from this hand. The scroll was also surrounded by the existence of the elementary stone, and a sense of mutual complementation was going on.

When the book rolled out, a force of terror was released immediately.

It seemed that from the scroll, hundreds of Yuanshou rushed out and slid towards Li Zongjiu. The number of days has long seen that this seems to be a problem with Li Zongjiu, but I wasn't sure at the beginning. Now I see that Li Zongjiu is actually in a trick, killing off, such fierce and powerful strength, How to be careless


"Destroy this person first!"

Feng Hui also roared, and was the first to release his own spirit.

The power of Yuanhuang-class powerhouses, like a force that crosses between the heavens and the earth, is released at once. The spirit behind Feng Hui is a six-eared fire monkey. This monkey's ears are burning with a blue flame. Feng Hui reached out and caught the flame on the ears of the six-eared fire monkey. In his hand, Li Zongjiu suddenly turned forward

Shake it off.

A turquoise flame appeared, and the surrounding vegetation seemed to ignite a ray of fire.


"Taiyin sword!" There was a purple long sword in Yin Shengwu's hand. With a wave in his hand, this Taiyin sword was like a scary purple python rolled towards Li Zongjiu.

Yin Shengwu's Yuanling is a purple-body python.

However, this purple body through the sky python, has been regarded as an instrument of the Taiyin sword.

"Tianxu shines on the sun mirror! Give me!" A copper mirror appeared in the hands of Yun Taixu. The copper mirror seemed to glow with turbid light. When the power in this mirror emerged, it was like a god. Light, fell on Li Zongjiu's body instantly, Li Zongjiu's whole body

Up and down are bound by this golden light.

This metal weapon has a fixed effect,

Four masters, all hands together. It seems that Li Zongjiu can't escape his birth days!

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