Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 780: Four great shaved

Yingzui Ridge! If the entire Yingzui Ridge looks down from a very high place, the shape of the mountain is like an eagle's eagle's beak. The whole state of turning around, although it is a dead end, it is definitely This is easy to defend


In the deep jungle of Yingzui Ridge, there is a secret manor.

Around the manor, guards were tight.

From time to time, you can hear the sound of some birds and animals.

The name of this place is called Yuanjufang! Qingyuan Villas and talents have naturally emerged as a group of special talents who can control Yuanshou. If they can be organized into a powerful Yuanshou army, such as the people of the Black Eagle Banner before, it is from Middle tone

Gathered Black Eagle Primal.

Except for the headquarters of Qingyuan Mountain Villa, if it is the most threatening place, it should be here!

At the moment Yuanyuanfang.

Because the Qingyuan Mountain Village was destroyed, they also brought together the four major owners.

Discuss these big things.

After all, this family has been destroyed, but they still need a way to live, not to mention, intuitively tell these people that this enemy of Qingyuan Villa will not easily let them go!

The four big square owners are all here at the moment.

The most gloomy face was that Lei Gong.

Today, Lei Gong also knows who this shot was, but Lei Gong couldn't believe it. The kid turned out to be relying on his own strength to burn out the entire Qingyuan Villa.

It was a devastating disaster.

Even to this day, Lei Gong has not responded, and has been thinking about it.

"Why, how could that kid be!"

"It's impossible!"

At that time, the highest craftsmanship of Minglei Craftsman's Workshop, the thunderbolt sword and thunder knife in the hands were directly snatched by Li Zongjiu. For this matter, Lei Gong directly killed the Holy King City and wanted to find this Li Zongjiu's trouble. However, at that time, with his own strength and the power of the Benglei Sword, he was defeated by Li Zongjiu. If it was for a Yuanhuang class strongman in Qingyuan Villa, it was estimated that Lei Gong at that time could have Where to explain


Where do you know that this has happened in such a short time.

"This Li Zongjiu and Qingyuan Villas have resentment!"

The four main square owners are sitting in this chamber, Yuanyuan Square square, Yun Ran. Now everyone is gathered in his Yuanshoufang. Of course, it is necessary to show some strength. After all, the defense of the other places is not so strong. Even the strength of these people is also Not as good as them

Beast Square.

Nowadays it is necessary to arrange it.

Yun Yan's brow almost squeezed together.

"Why is it not important for Qingyuan Villa? Now we have to discuss, if this guy comes to your door, what should we do!"

The owner of Ghost Doctor's Workshop is called Live Tomb.

The name of the live tomb is probably also taken by the ghost doctor's workshop.

It sounds scary, but the medical technique of this living tomb has a transcendent realm. Among the current medical experts, the reputation of the living tomb can rank at least among the top five.

"I haven't even noticed anything about these things before!"

The host of Qianjifang, Xu Baichuan, was also annoyed. To say that the role of Qianjifang is to collect intelligence from all over the world, and also to do some publicity and other work, after all, the public is foolish. You only need to give these publics in the process. Flicker,

That's basically no problem.

Therefore, the work led by this Qianjifang is to guide these ordinary people to cover up the sky and cover the sky with their hands. Xu Baichuan should have known this movement of Li Zongjiu long ago, but this movement of Li Zongjiu was too fast. From the destruction of the Eight Banners to the killing of this Qingzhou city, it was only three days before and after. How people can react


Even when Xu Baichuan noticed it, it was too late.

It has even reached the point where no one is available. The three big cities at the foot of Qingyuan Mountain were basically abolished. Above Qingyuan Mountain Villa had the strongest power, but there was still no way to resist this Li Zongjiu. Although the four of them were sitting safely at the moment Here

, But it seems like sitting on a needle felt.

It seems that the head on this neck will be removed at any time.

"Anyway, there is only a way out!"

Lei Gonghan said in a voice that there was a contradiction between Li Zongjiu and himself, no matter if these people die, anyway, as long as he is here, basically this one will kill him!

Therefore, Lei Gong must also teach these people to unite with him.

"Even the landlord was beheaded by this man. Do you think he will let us go! Xu Baichuan, you can say that there is still living on this Qingyuan Mountain Villa !?"

Lei Gong said to Xu Baichuan, Xu Baichuan also shook his head very regretfully.

"Nothing is alive!"

A person who can achieve such a level of madness, do you still expect this person to be able to sit down and talk with you. "Don't think about it. The Qingyuan Villa was attacked. It must be this Li Zongjiu. What kind of strategy was used. Now I mainly wait to be vigilant and support this opportunity to capture the Li Zongjiu family. Li Zongjiu

From! Lei Gonghan said in a loud voice. Among many things, Lei Gong has already studied it. The only dead point of Li Zongjiu is his own family. As long as the people in this family are arrested, Come here, this Li Zongjiu, that

Never dare to act lightly!

The live tomb of the ghost doctor's workshop was slightly moved, and when preparing to speak to support it, it was heard a sound in the empty hall,

"Oh? You want to catch my clan, you think very thoughtfully." When this sound sounded, Xu Baichuan and others immediately felt like a black and white impermanence came to the door, this seems to be the one The demon king from **** is walking towards them, and it is an entanglement with high mana.

Deep grudges appeared.

At the door, a person came slowly.

This person is Li Zongjiu!

Even those guards outside the door never found this Li Zongjiu, but they came to their main hall silently.

"Li Zongjiu!"

Lei Gong exclaimed directly, as if to shout out the fear in his heart.

The other three also felt their chests tight, and immediately felt a sense of suffocation.

Powerful pressure came. Which one of the four big squares is not overwhelming, they all have their own status as rivers and lakes, and have their own proud strength, but in the presence of Li Zongjiu, it is completely like a weak and weak baby.

Like, life is all in the hands of Li Zongjiu!

"Li Zongjiu, you!" Before Lei Gong was finished, he saw that Li Zongjiu's figure suddenly appeared in front of Lei Gong, and when he raised his hand, he directly held Lei Gong up and died. Deadly choked Lei Gong's neck, so that Lei Gong's even rose.


Lei Gong also wanted to run his own power to break through the restraint of Li Zongjiu, but this power has never been able to condense in the body, and has been completely blocked by this Li Zongjiu!

Good strength!

The other three people could only watch the scene quietly from this side.

Anyway, this Lei Gong is also the realm of King Jiupin Yuan, but he can't resist the power of Li Zongjiu. For him, it is almost impossible to defeat Li Zongjiu.

"唔 ..." Lei Gong struggled constantly, but everyone could clearly feel the pain of Lei Gong, and his strength disappeared little by little. In the end, Li Zongjiu also exerted his strength lightly. Break Ai Lei Gong's neck,

A corpse fell to the ground weakly.

"Who else said that I was going to take my tribe?" Li Zongjiu wiped his palms, glanced at the remaining three, and said slowly.

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