Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 806: Eastern medicine family

In a tall building outside Heima Square.

Several people were sitting idle at the window, one leaned on the swinging bench, holding a melon seed in their hands, and two others, holding a telescope in their hands, were watching Li Zongjiu with interest. .

Later, this lens was also in the middle of the shift, and this eye was put on Li Yan's body again.

"The younger sister looks very flavorful."

"You know the girl who sees others! Study it carefully, this Li Zongjiu, that is a real enemy!"

A girl was talking next to her, but when she was talking, she also used this file, constantly rubbing her fingernails, and blowing afterwards.

"He is so powerful that Li Zongjiu is just one person, and he can't go to heaven. In front of us, this boy has only a dead end!"

The man lying on the rattan chair is looking at a herbal book in his hand.

All three are of similar age.

Two men and one woman, looking at the service of these three people, it is also very obvious, these three people should be from the same family.

"The price of the Wanxianxianpu this time is not low. It seems that it is imperative to obtain the right to collect medicine."

"It's just a patch of elixir. What is there to remember? For such a thing, the battle for life is here!"

The woman seemed to feel uncomfortable sitting, that is, she put her pair of slender jade legs directly on the coffee table, and at the same time she applied some strange colors of paint to her nails.

"Dong Xiubai, don't you need to exaggerate like this? What's the point of applying these strange things to your fingernails? It doesn't look good at all." The standing man looked back at the movement of the woman and couldn't help it. Disgustingly said, the most orthodox straight man, that is also very incomprehensible to such strange behavior, how can anyone like to do this, it really makes

People are puzzled.

Sometimes the five fingernails of this hand are all different in color, which is even more unbelievable.

"You know what a fart!"

Dongxiu Bai was too lazy to pay attention to the views of these big bosses. "Hey, Donghan Mountain, this boy, you can handle it. I don't want to face such a rude person. As for the other people, that guy in Shifang Yaotang can catch the eye, this Li Zongjiu didn't know what it was

Somewhere out there, wild roads are so powerful. "

Dong Hanshan is also the person lying on the rattan chair.

"A trifle ..."

Dong Hanshan said lightly.

Then he looked at Dong Yangbai, who was holding a telescope.

"Hey, you've watched it for so long, haven't you seen enough? Hurry up and ask for something to eat. I'm going to starve to death."

"I'm just glancing at that younger sister!"

Dong Yangbai said, then the telescope in that hand also kept turning, trying to find the figure of Li Yan.

"call out!"


A whistling came, and Dong Yangbai sensed the danger instantly, and quickly let go of his hand, but that overbearing force was already directly hitting the telescope in his hand.

Instantly the telescope was torn apart, and at the same time there was a dark rush towards Dongyang Bai's eyes, but Dongyang Bai did not dodge, there seemed to be a fire in the eyes.

Immediately, the dark energy in front of me was burned clean!

"Good guy!"

Dong Yangbai stepped back, there was a wound on the palm, which was scratched by the broken telescope just now.

"Haha, you're losing it!"

Dong Hanshan looked at that Dong Yang Bai's expression of anger, and suddenly laughed.

And Dong Yangbai's complexion is naturally very unsightly.

You do n’t need to think about it and know who is doing it. This is obviously a warning from Li Zongjiu, but unfortunately, this Li Zongjiu warned that the wrong person!

"I haven't come to you yet, but you have come to teach me first! Very good! I will see how much skill you have!"

Dong Yangbai was unhappy, and one of the alchemists in this secular world was just some talent. Now he dares to proactively challenge him!

This is an extreme provocation for Dong Yangbai.

"Haha, I didn't expect the three young masters of the grand Eastern medicine family to be teased by this secular man!"

Dong Hanshan and others were very gloating.

Although several people are making fun of each other, the previous hand did have some experience, which made Dongyang Bai's heart very surprised, but on the surface it was naturally impossible to say.宗 Li Zongjiu knew long ago that someone was peeping at them, and he didn't want to bother, after all, it was just an idiot from some big family, but who knows that in such a situation, he dared to repeat it twice, which is a bit excessive.

Then, he gave a warning.

A few people found an inn in this black horse town. I want to say that the organizer is really quite stingy. They didn't even arrange this accommodation, mainly these alchemists who came to the competition. What a big tree, but every temper is not small

Tune, then simply canceled.

The three sat at this table, and soon Tian Fei came in from outside the room, and sat down casually.

"I found these tails on the way before, and I packed them up."

Tian Fei took out a **** sign in his hand.

The lines on the top are complicated and you can't see what it is, but the back is engraved with the three words of Lie Zong!

"Don't you go to the hut, did you meet them in the hut?"

Li Yan said in surprise. Di Liezong, this name sounds familiar, when I think about it carefully, it is also recalled. Yesterday, it seemed that I met some of the elite disciples of Di Liezong, and then a few people also met. also

They gave them a stunned meal, and in a blink of an eye, they saw the people of Liezong again.

"Um, almost."

Tian Fei said slightly awkwardly.

In fact, Tian Fei was also the one to resolve the hatred of the Red Cloud Five Saints. Who is who? I do n’t know. He was already dead under the sword of Tian Fei anyway.

"These guys are really troublesome. You two go for a walk and get their boss back for me!"

Li Zongjiu frowned.

You haven't come to trouble you yet, instead you came to your door first.

This also made Li Zongjiu a little angry.

Tian Fei and Lan Kun also got up.

Before, Lan Kun and Tian Fei were somewhat contradictory. Now, fighting side by side, it also has a different feeling. Even this Lan Kun also has a hint of competition, everyone is of the same age.

"Exactly, I also want to see how big the gap is between the elite disciples in this continent!"

Lan Kun said.

Although the content is modest, the tone is extremely proud.

Tian Fei nodded slightly. "I'll let you know."

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