Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 866: Frozen Bird Plague

Li Zongjiu did not look at him, but just knocked at the table, signalling that the other party could sit down.

But the stall owner was a little dim.

Because of the two people sitting down, one of them is the Lord of the Winter City, and the other is the master of the Winter City.

I never expected that these two great men in the sky would come to his noodle stall to eat noodles! I was so scared that I immediately knelt down to salute, but a fat man in casual clothes helped the boss and took him to the side. He was surrounded by an apron and used some of the things on this stand skillfully. , Fast

Made two bowls of scallion beef noodles.

"In the next Winter City, Tang Xinghai, dare to ask the two to come to Winter City, but there is something important?"

Tang Xinghai said to the two. Li Zongjiu naturally knows the purpose of the two men, and he is very worried that they are here to do things. After all, in such a place, people who have nothing will not really come here. Adding Li Zongjiu The two of them already

Not from this Winter City.

No matter what the situation is, it's all about investigating.

"Passing by."

Li Zongjiu said.

"You don't have to worry, the two of us just came here to set up a flying boat."

Listening to Tang Xinghai and Xuelao, they were also the first to be relieved, at least listening to the way Li Zongjiu talked, then this matter was still talked about.

At least some talk is easy to say.

"Okay, two people holding my warrant can let this flying boat arrange for you in advance, and all expenses are counted on the head of our city's main government."

Tang Xinghai gave Li Zongjiu a travel brochure.

This booklet is the official post of the city's main government.

Getting this booklet is equivalent to rushing for eight hundred li. Any civil organization would not dare to delay it.

"Good to say." Li Zongjiu didn't come to do things, and Li Zongjiu also knew that this Winter City was important. That was a bit sloppy. Even some people in Dongyinzong were afraid to do things here. I know the important process of Winter City


"I think your side is also delicious, fat man, give me a bowl too."

"I also want."

The Fire King on the side also quickly said.

"Two bowls."

Li Zongjiu put up **** and said.

The fat man is a dedicated cook in the main city of the city. Although the craft seems to be just the ordinary two, but it must be known that the craft has been deposited for decades.

So the skill in this hand is not bragging about it.

Soon, they gave Li Zongjiu a bowl of noodles each.

"Since it's here, eat the noodles."

The four were eating at the small noodle stand, eating the noodles this ordinary people ate. There weren't many people watching in the surrounding area, but there were many people in disguise posing nearby, and they had already pressed these ordinary people back and evacuated to some extent, but the whole street looked like this Happening

But that seems to be normal.

After eating noodles, Li Zongjiu also relied on the booklet in his hand, and in addition to that Xue Lao personally led the way, the city's owner Tang Xinghai was able to sit down and eat a bowl of noodles, which is already pretty good.

Now that the noodles are eaten, it is naturally necessary to continue to work.

It's not very busy to watch, but recently there have been some notable movements in this glacier.

"These days are not stable in the city. If you have a chance in the future, you are still welcome to visit us in Winter City."

Xue Lao said arching to the two.

"Will do."

Li Zongjiu said that in front of the snow old, it should be the vein of the royal guardian Zongmen, so this strength, but was arranged to be stationed here. Therefore, Li Zongjiu still chooses to be good to these people. Otherwise, if he offends these people, then often he will not get better. If he is followed by these people, then he really has to leave this saint. Yan Dynasty


Xue Lao arranged a flying boat for Li Zongjiu. This flying boat is relatively advanced. Seeing the flying boat that the two of them were slowly taking off, this Xuelao's heart was relieved. If the two of them stayed here, they would have a feeling of uneasiness, as if they were two at any time. The giant that explodes

The type bomb is generally, once activated, it is estimated that the entire Winter City will also collapse.


Suddenly, a loud horn sounded suddenly above this winter city.

"not good!"

Xue Lao, who was still in the center of the flying boat, immediately lost his eyes when he heard this voice, and then the whole person rose into the air and rushed to the north wall.


Tang Xinghai also came to the city wall under the protection of the guard.

In front of the wall, there seemed to be a terrible storm.

A thick cloud of white mist, extremely cold, suddenly swept in the direction of Winter City.

As a result, a frost quickly condensed on the city wall. When this frost appeared, Tang Xinghai also felt the coldness very clearly.

"It's a frozen bird!"

Xue Lao's figure fell on the city wall.

I came to Tang Xinghai's side and looked at the terrible momentum in front of me, and my eyes were full of this shock. This white expanse is nothing like the Olympics.

It is a kind of frozen bird that can bring low temperature.

These frozen birds can be said to be quite cold and ruthless. No matter where they fly, they can bring very terrible cold. Extremely low temperatures are also equivalent to bringing great disaster.

Many creatures in this mountain are frozen by the frozen bird. Every time the frozen bird appears, it is a disaster for this winter city!

"Ready to fire a Molotov cocktail!"

Tang Xinghai said in a deep voice.

If the army of Frozen Birds rushed into the city, it would only take a few minutes to freeze the entire city into piles of ice sculptures.

The entire winter city will become an ice sculpture city, so that the entire city will die.

"what is that?"

In front of the mighty army of tens of millions of frozen birds, a very small flying boat suddenly appeared. In their eyes, it looked as if this was a leaf, and was rushing into these army of frozen birds. .

Everyone was stunned when they saw the flying boat approaching slowly. It was because they were going to commit suicide.

"That is……"

Xue Lao clearly remembers that when Li Zongjiu was sent to this flying boat, the appearance of the flying boat was not the flying boat that was flying up, wasn't it the flying boat that Li Zongjiu was riding on.

"What do they want to do!"

The next moment, there seemed to be a terrible flame above the flying boat, and the flame spread like a road paved with flames.

All the frozen birds were covered by this flame.

These horrors, such as the death-frozen frozen bird in the snow and ice, were also very easily burned by this flame at this moment.


The flying boat was crushed away directly from the bodies of these frozen birds.

After the bodies of the frozen birds came into contact with these flames, they were like burned clean matches, and their bodies fell from the sky.

Piles of ashes appeared.

This flying boat seemed weak, but it directly blocked a disaster for Winter City.

Because they are far apart, the scene in front of them looks like a silent picture.

At the intersection of red and white, a flying boat is slowly breaking through the opponent's lineup.

The mighty Army of Frozen Birds was just burned clean.

Then the flying boat got farther and farther, and finally disappeared into the sky.

When people above the Winter City saw this scene, they didn't know what to use to describe their mood.

I thought there would be a **** battle today.

Because this group of frozen birds and birds is inhabited by itself, and it is also a characteristic disaster at the glacial border.

"Thanks to those two shots."

Even Xue Lao himself felt very lucky. Tang Xinghai was also relieved.

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