Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 872: Not finished

Qi Yanran rescued Li Baicao and two other Li family disciples, Li Qin and Li Yu. When the three men saw Qi Yanran coming, they could hardly believe their eyes. In the underground structure of Lingbo Hall, a dungeon was directly created. Although Li Baicao and others were not tortured in this dungeon, this was the first time People are locked in such a dark place

In the lower room, it was also weird.

So when Qi Yanran rescued the three of them, she almost saw the fairy.

"Quick, they have been here for a while."

Xu Sha said extremely anxiously. When she was still halfway, Xu Sha ran directly to this Tiandan Pavilion for help. Just finding this Xu Hong was of no use, then she still had to find a master in this Tiandan Pavilion. To be able to block Li Zong

It ’s a long time, otherwise, with this violent temper of Li Zongjiu, I really do n’t know what kind of things will happen and what kind of things will happen.

Of course, Xu Hong also followed.

It happened that within the Dan Pavilion, there were also some masters from the King City who were negotiating the way to the Heiqu Dynasty.

The home field of this competition has been changed to the territory of the Heiqu dynasty, so this trip is naturally to be equipped with sufficient masters.

So as to avoid any problems along the way, the stigma of the flames is the Holy Yan Dynasty.

So never let such a thing happen.

There is a martial arts hall in the city of King Shengyan. The owner of this martial arts hall is a strong emperor, with a clean background and a good relationship with the Tiandan Pavilion.

When the owner of this pavilion came here, he felt that the place was unusual.

"Zhou Guanzhu, hurry up!"

When Zhou Zheng's figure flashed, he came to the Lingbo Hall and saw Lan Kun and Shuiyue, as well as the disciples of the Li family who had just been rescued by Qi Yanran.

Zhang Tianfeng, the **** of war in the city of King Shengyan, fell into a coma.

No one else was there.

Zhou Zheng glanced at the wall on the left front, there seemed to be a broken hole, and he rushed out first.

Xu Hong and Xu Sha walked in quickly.

"Oh my god, how could this be done and save people first." When Xu Hong saw this Lingbo Temple being demolished like this, it didn't feel much, but seeing the blood on the ground and the down Zhang Tianfeng on the ground suddenly felt that his head was expanding rapidly, but he just came out.

Such a thing happened.

"Where is Li Zongjiu!"

Xu Hong anxiously asked.

On the way, Xu Hong also knew why Li Zongjiu came, and also knew that Li Zongjiu was specifically looking for that ancient Chen.

To say that this ancient Chen is the treasure of Tiandange.

If Li Zongjiu was killed, it would be a terrible loss.

"Seems to chase it out."

Lan Kun was also sitting on the ground and resting, pointing to the direction of a broken hole. During the fighting just now, Lan Kun could also be said to have exhausted his own energy, so he also sat down on the ground directly.

Just after pointing in that direction, I suddenly heard a very painful scream.

This seems to be the cry of exhausting all his life, and it is full of pain, even if this normal person listens, he has a feeling of scalp tingling.

"Oh no!"

When Xu Hong heard this voice, his face became iron-blue.

Although it was a scream, Xu Hong could hear that the sound was the voice of Gu Chen!

Apparently this ancient Chen was abolished.

"Stop! Li Zongjiu, listen to me, he can't kill!" Wu Zhouzheng saw that Li Zongjiu had already stubbornly pulled off one of Gu Chen's arms. The scene was so **** and bright red that it was for Zhou Zheng Brings a strong sense of impact, but this arm belongs to this

The alchemy genius of the ancient city of King Shengyan.

To say that Zhou Zheng has been in the city for almost forty years.

The changes in the city are all clear and clear, and they know it in great detail. This ancient Chen is indeed a rare character and an extremely proud person.

But now looking at this ancient chen, it is like a dying wild dog, and his eyes are full of fear and fear.

Being able to force a genius to such a degree, this Li Zongjiu in front of him is really a cruel man. Zhou Zheng was a person who experienced a lot of life and death. When he was young, he also offended many people, but later these enemies were also cleaned up by Zhou Zheng, which can be seen by Tiantang Pavilion and is important. Human, naturally

Too easy.


Li Zongjiu stepped on Gu Chen's face with one foot in his arms, holding the arm that had just been unscrewed.

"In this world, are there anyone I can't kill?"

Li Zongjiu's eyes looked at Zhou Zheng. Even Zhou Zheng, who was in the realm of Yuanhuang, had a cold heart. I want to say that when this killing was done, some people were too excited, so in the end they suddenly acted out of their minds, causing the incident to fall out of control and fell into the abyss. It was a loss of reason, but it looks like Li Zongjiu


From this look, Zhou Zheng felt that it was extremely confident, and even this self-confidence had reached a level of madness.


When it is truly fearless, it seems that even if this day falls, there is nothing he can do about it.

It is such a terrifying momentum.

This momentum makes Zhou Zheng dare not act lightly, because if you break into the other party's range, then maybe you will be given a target for murder.

"help me……"

Zhou Zhou who saw Gu Chen said weakly and trembling.

This day, it must be this ancient day, the most underestimated day.

His hands were the hands of the alchemist, but Li Zongjiu's arm was directly broken by him.

But this hand is also useless.

Because before the arm was broken, Li Zongjiu had already broken Gu Chen's Dan Tian.

Now I can live, and I can breathe, that's also because Li Zongjiu hasn't planned to let this and the guy just die.

"He ... he's dead, killing a dead man is meaningless."

Zhou Zheng glanced at the situation of Gu Chen.

If you dare to treat Guchen this way, the entire city of King Shengyan can't find a second one.

It's really amazing.

Zhou Zheng was right. The ancient Chen now is indeed a scrapped person.

Seeing that Li Zongjiu was going to continue to dismantle the other arm of Gu Chen, Zhou Zheng could not help but shot.

Xu Hong finally felt it.

"Stop, Li Zongjiu, absolutely! Never!"

Xu Hong quickly shook.


The crunching sound of the broken bones turned out to be so pleasant and pleasant, but after seeing this scene, Xu Sha covered her mouth directly, lest she scream loudly.

"I stopped ..."

Li Zongjiu grabbed both arms of this ancient Chen, and raised both hands to signal that his hands had left this ancient Chen's body.

Throw those two arms aside.

Li Zongjiu also wiped the blood on this body.

"This matter is not over yet, Gujia, you have to pay for it!"

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

In his eyes, it was domineering like the heavens and the earth. It seemed that the whole world was not able to stop him.

Since he dared to touch his Li family, he would have to pay a price.

All families and ancestors are looking for their accounts, at least they must be cleared up.

"You ... you're in trouble ..."

Xu Hong saw that Li Zongjiu had removed Gu Chen's two arms. This was a complete waste of Gu Chen in front of him, and it was no longer useful.

Gu Chen passed out in pain.

Zhou Zheng saw that Li Zongjiu had deliberately let it go, and that was to step forward quickly, first to give this Guchen a power to ensure that this ancient Chen's life would not die.

But when Zhou Zheng saw Gu Chen's forehead.

Suddenly took a breath.

The forehead of the ancient Chen was marked by a flame, which is the Yuanhuo that the ancient Chen cultivated.

It is said that the level of Yuanyuan fire is still very high, but now the sign on the forehead of this ancient Chen is missing.

In its place is a blood hole!

It was dug down.

Li Zongjiu's hand is really fierce!

But Zhou Zheng was also fortunate to have this ancient Chen, at least one breath, as long as this person did not die, there are discussions.

"Elder Xu, it's not that I don't give you face. I have always been reasonable, man. I will take it with you today. In addition, you will help me to pass a message. Within three days, let the ancient family send me to me Deer in the manor house. "" Otherwise, I will kill this ancient family. "

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