Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 884: Mass destruction

Immediately, the flying boat crashed and fell from the sky.

But Li Zongjiu's response was quick.

The Fire King naturally needn't worry, Li Zongjiu grabbed Li Yan from the cockpit.

Liu Yong summoned the icy bear and wolf, holding him down from the air.

Xu Baichuan has his own means.

The people of the jungle hunting group also used their means to fall to the ground.

Li Zongjiu and others fell.

"Who dare to ruin my flying boat!"

Jiang Lei roared suddenly, and these possessions on his body were directly a flame in the distance.

The flying boat was completely crashed.

The strength from the other side is very strong.

Obviously prepared.

"All right."

Li Zongjiu also put Li Yan on the ground. This flying in the sky is to make such mental preparations and be shot down at any time.

"I'm fine."

Li Yan shook her head and said.

Then Li Zongjiu also glanced at the Fire Ghost King who was beside him.

"In front of."

The Fire Ghost used his sharp chin to raise it, signalling that the other party was ahead.

Several figures fell from the front, enclosing Li Zongjiu and others.

"He who seeks revenge is troublesome!"

Jiang Lei's flying boats were all destroyed, naturally it was extremely unpleasant, and shouted directly at the seven figures coming out of the front.

No matter what these people come from and ruin his flying boat, it will naturally pay a price.

And everyone behind him was ready to fight.

"Whatever it is, give me this flying boat first!"

Furukawa walked out with people and saw Li Zongjiu. There was a flash of light in his eyes. Although there were a large number of people on the other side, and Furukawa had only seven people, he had never fallen slightly in harmony.

"Li Zongjiu, I can wait for you."

Furukawa said to Li Zongjiu.

"Who are you."

Li Zongjiu looked at Furukawa and wondered where these people came from.

How dare to attack them under such circumstances, and to say that these people are seeking revenge, it is too time to find them.

"Don't you want our ancient family to apologize, we are here now."

Furukawa sneered. Li Zongjiu understands that these people were originally from the ancient family, and only the first two looked a bit like they had reached the realm of the third emperor. It is no wonder that they were so arrogant and stopped directly in the middle

He Li Zongjiu's flying boat, and also gave their line so clear.

That must be adequately prepared.


They directly bombarded their flying boats, and they were embarrassed to say it was an apology.

Jiang Lei understood that this was the enemy of Li Zongjiu Xun, but they accidentally destroyed their ship.

However, Jiang Lei also waved his hand at this moment, letting the brothers put away their weapons first. The situation at the scene, Jiang Lei couldn't be more clear. The current strength on Li Zongjiu's side was not used to worry at all, and the appearance of the four Yuanhuang Yuanyuan Beasts was enough to make these people fart. Before these people

It's not enough for those beasts to grit their teeth.

It's just that these people in front of them seem to be confused.

Looking at the arrogance of these people, Jiang Lei and others were all waiting to see the show.

Furukawa noticed at a glance that the hunting group and Li Zongjiu were not in the same group.

"If you have nothing to do with this, give me a break, otherwise you won't be able to leave in a while."

Furukawa said lightly.

"This is as compensation for your flying boat, hurry up!"

Furukawa then threw away a bag of purple gold coins.

Clearing the court in this way, but in fact it is also an act of humiliation.

"Collect your money and buy a coffin."

Jiang Lei kicked back with a bag of coins. He was so dead that he didn't know it yet. Seeing Jiang Lei and other idle people dare to fight against his ancient river, that ancient river's eyes suddenly became cold, then it can only be resolved at that time, originally I wanted to control the scene, at least not Out of one

What kind of trouble is fine, it now seems that it is a last resort to kill people.

"No more nonsense, since you are here to apologize for apology, then kneel down, and the few hidden behind, come out quickly, are all the rats hiding?"

Li Zongjiu glanced behind the rock that was not far away.

With these remarks, a few figures came out of the back of the mountain.

Gong Wuliang has long wanted to destroy Li Zongjiu.

But I also want to see what is happening at the scene, at least I have to wait for the people of this ancient family, and destroy some of Li Zongjiu's followers. After some loss of Xuan Yuanzong last time, now Gong Wuliang must also guarantee the situation of this Xuan Yuanzong, so the fearless sacrifice is best to be avoided. It seems that this ancient family is also extremely Want

This Li Zongjiu's life.

At least let the people of the ancient family consume it first and try Li Zongjiu's truth and reality.

After all, this Xuan Yuanzong also suffered a lot of Li Zongjiu's losses before.

But now I heard the provocation of Li Zongjiu's teachings, and he couldn't help coming out.

"Li Zongjiu, if you can leave safely today, then Gong Wuliang will send your head to your house!"

Gong Wuliang came out with three elders in the realm of Yuanhuang.

Just the Yuanhuang-class strong, there are already as many as six people opposite.

Such a lineup is more than enough even for a siege.

"Oh? What's the use of your head, but now that you're all ready to die, come on."

Li Zongjiu snapped his fingers.

From the wreckage of the flying boat, three huge figures flew up suddenly.

Coming here with the rolling terror, when the momentum was released.

The Tianchi Emperor Lion roared, as if running through mountains and rivers, almost the roaring ground was shaking with clusters.

That Gong Wuliang and others felt the rush of these primitive beasts, and his face changed instantly.

"how is this possible!"

"These primal beasts!"

Although it was in my heart that I couldn't believe that these primitive beasts obeyed the command of Li Zongjiu, within a thousand miles of this place, there would be no trace of wild Yuanhuang-level primitive beasts.

And looking at the places where these primal beasts rushed out, that was not exactly the position of the flying boat. Obviously, at the beginning, these primal beasts stayed on the flying boat.

"Soul animal!" Furukawa whispered.

Then he shot with that ancient sea and rushed directly towards the most threatening Tianchi Emperor Lion.

Huge elemental forces are intertwined in this space, and there are sounds of broken waves.

The Tianchi Emperor Lion directly took that sturdy posture. After the figure fell down, he patted him directly with a paw, and flew the whole person out of Guchuan.


Furukawa's defensive inner nails were broken directly, and even a sharp claw mark was added on this chest,

A spurt of blood spurted out, and Furukawa never expected that this lion would be so strong.

The ancient sea was even worse, and the whole person was pressed to the ground by the paw of the Blazing Emperor Lion.

The other paw patted down directly, and it smashed Gu Hai's head directly.

The brain was spilled directly to the ground.

Such a shocking picture, in the eyes of Gong Wuliang and others, immediately knew that it is not appropriate to fight with Li Zongjiu today. The power brought by Nima is too powerful.

This Tianchi Emperor Lion is at least the realm of Emperor Liupin, who dares to rush up.


Gong Wuliang was immediately under the leadership, and with the three elder emperors behind him, he was about to go away.

Suddenly a huge black figure rushed out from the dark side.

Tian Yan Huang Boa! Tian Yanhuang Mang, who was huge in size, was hidden in the darkness, and only then did he sneak attack. An elder of Xuan Yuanzong was swallowed directly by this Tian Yanhuang Mang.

The other was too late to escape.

Directly entangled by Tian Yan Huang Mang.

"The lord saved me!"

The captured elder shouted quickly. The next moment, across the distance of more than ten meters, he could clearly hear the sound of the elder's body being crushed into pieces!


When Gong Wuliang came out of this trip, he had a bad hunch, and now it is fulfilled.

"Lord go!"

The elder was preparing to **** Gong Wuliang to leave, but suddenly a huge figure fell from the sky, and the sharp claws instantly caught the elder's head.


The figure of the black wind and blood carving appeared, but it disappeared instantly.

A Yuanhuang-level Yuan Beast is already very difficult.

But now four of them rushed out, who could bear it.

As for the five Jingyunweis, they have already been torn to pieces by another Black Wind Blood Carving.

This is why ordinary people are cautioned against pretending to be casual.

If you don't know how much power the other party has, you dare to jump out and pretend, and the end is often very miserable. Except for the badly wounded Furukawa and this Gong Wuliang, all were destroyed.

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