Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1661: Teleport

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When the evil spirit eyes appear.

Obviously, Li Zongjiu also saw the snake demon's body shake slightly.

But the serpent demon was coming in fiercely, and the momentum was not weakened.

Li Zongjiu was also very surprised. He was also stunned for a moment. Could it be said that his evil spirit eyes failed?

If the evil spirit eye fails, Li Zongjiu will not do other thoughts, and quickly runs away.

However, Li Zongjiu has not yet escaped.

I saw the figure of the snake demon booming.

Fell to the ground.

Li Zongjiu was also shocked with cold sweat.

I thought this guy had an immune effect on his evil spirit eyes.

And now it seems that this guy is also able to win the trick, since the hit, it's easy to say.

Li Zongjiu himself was relieved.

Seeing the figure of the snake demon fell to the ground.

The figure also landed slowly, and began to arrange formations around him, because Li Zongjiu did not know how long his formation could last, if he could not hold on at this time. ,

The consequences are unbearable.

So Li Zongjiu also needs to grasp.

Now that the latter has hit the evil spirit eye, it is impossible for Li Zongjiu to try to make evil spirit eye in the latter, and the latter itself will also enter into such a state of defense.

There will be some resistance again.

The success rate is very low.

The rest of the city saw this scene.

When Qianyue saw that the snake demon fell down, the whole person was also stunned.

"My God, he, he killed the demon!?"

Even the Master Qianyue cannot believe it.

Watching this scene appear in front of me.

The body of the big snake demon really fell to the ground, but he didn't know what method Li Zongjiu used to defeat the big demon demon.

It was really terrifying.

Such strength is unexpected.

Even when Ling Yue and others saw this scene, they were very surprised and never thought of it.

Li Zongjiu has the ability to defeat a demon at the pinnacle of heaven and earth?

But they soon discovered that it was not the defeat, but the method by which the latter temporarily passed out.

This also relieved.

At least Li Zongjiu is not so terrible. If he can slay the demon at the pinnacle of the human world, then Li Zongjiu's strength will also be very terrifying. At least the Red Soul City Lord will also choose to recruit the latter. Some.

The position of the leader is naturally a matter of course.

"But it's enough to delay it!"

A man next to the Lord of the Red Soul, dressed in cold silver armor, looked back at Li Zongjiu's direction. When he discovered that Li Zongjiu had turned down the big demon demon, he was also very surprised.

But it is also a little unpleasant to Li Zongjiu, and there is a cold light in his eyes. This is a look specifically aimed at Li Zongjiu.

She is the leader of Hanyue!

Li Zongjiu seized the Hanyue Mountain Villa, and destroyed the Tiansha League created by her hard work, the master behind the Tiansha League.

Han Yue command.

Originally, Hanyue Commander had a heart to kill Li Zongjiu.

But seeing Li Zongjiu actually has some skills.

Li Zongjiu also has a little relief for himself. As long as Li Zongjiu is willing to surrender, then there is no problem, and the latter can be spared.

This is still a bit of a skill in the latter, and is willing to come forward at this time, then give the latter a chance.

Even the Master Qianyue can find out Li Zongjiu's identity, not to mention Hanyue Commander. Hanyue Commander only needs one sentence to figure out who is doing the thing behind this.

It's just that he hasn't had time to deal with Li Zongjiu.

If this Li Zongjiu is willing to contribute to protect the main city of Red Soul, Hanyue Commander may consider li Zongjiu to be taken lightly.

Otherwise, it must be to give Li Zongjiu a little color to see.

In this red soul main city, there are people who dare to play such a conspiracy against her.

Li Zongjiu didn't know that Hanyue Commander had decided to let him go for a while, but now he can ignore these things.

Instead, they are arranging the formation in full force.

The latter must not have such a long duration. Once the effect of the evil spirit eye passes, the snake demon will wake up I. It is conceivable that once the latter wakes up, its own violent spirit will also Will be even worse!

Three minutes, the past is in the blink of an eye.

At last, the spirit of this big snake demon burst out completely.


The giant snake demon in front of him erupted instantly.

It was finally awake.

There is no hesitation.

Just under these circumstances, open your eyes.

At the same time, a horrible poison in the whole body quickly condensed.


The color changed between heaven and earth.

They have become extremely rich and dark.

Li Zongjiu directly covered it.

After seeing Hong Long and others in the distance, they were all stunned.

With this monstrous gas coming, what talent can have a way of life?

From other people's point of view, Li Zongjiu himself is definitely dead, and will be directly killed by the poison gas.

Even Ling Yue in the formation.

I was shocked when I saw this scene.

I couldn't believe it in my eyes. Such terrifying power is not something Li Zongjiu can resist!

Could it be that Li Zongjiu was so easily poisoned to death?


The handsome man next to Ling Yue was already in his heart, already applauding, and was also very happy for Li Zongjiu's incompetence.

With such strength, I still want to seek the position of command.

This is the end of self-restraint, these monsters will not give you a second chance, killing is killing.

You will not have any chance to come again.

"do you died……"

Master Qianyue couldn't believe it, at least in her heart. In her opinion, Li Zongjiu would not die so easily.

There must be other reasons.

Maybe there will be miracles.

next moment.

A ray of light appeared directly around this large array of poisonous gas.

Then an extremely horrifying force of eruption broke out.

The serpent demon also looked at him very surprised, and there was also a trace of surprise in his eyes.

It seems that this force is constantly pulling into it.


Finally, the serpent demon and the poisonous gas around them disappeared at this instant!

And Li Zongjiu itself disappeared.


The fluctuations in the space around them have made the masters in the city understand.

This Li Zongjiu actually arranged a teleportation array!


At this moment, even this Red Soul City Lord could not help but glance in the direction of Li Zongjiu.

But now, Li Zongjiu and the Great Snake Commander also disappeared cleanly.


Li Zongjiu sacrificed himself and sent this big snake demon out!

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