Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 908: Away from home

Come to Qingfeng Mingyuelou to redeem!


Xu Sha shook her head to prevent herself from accidentally hearing it wrong. Is Li Zongjiu's statement true? Is it really necessary to do this?

On the way just now, Li Zongjiu's thoughts that he instilled in himself did not seem to be like this, which made Xu Sha's heart completely shocked.

Qi Yanran seems to have been mentally prepared for Li Zongjiu's behavior.

Therefore, when Li Zongjiu said such words, he didn't feel any problem at all, but it was normal, and he could fully understand the reason why Li Zongjiu did so.

Xu Sha did not understand at all.

Why Li Zongjiu has to achieve such a point, this obviously has the upper hand, and now has to do so many things.

"you you……"

Xu Sha didn't know how to talk about Li Zongjiu, but one thing was going to be so big, but looking at these people around, except for Nan Pei Xuan who was extremely upset, the rest were all looking Excited.

"Yes, I thought that the people in King Shengyan City would not be bullied! Let the adults of your Qian family lead you!"

Ling Yan also said directly.

With a look of frustration, Qian Feifei watched the group take away her two brothers.

He was arrested directly in the magnificent Heiqu King City.

What exactly are these people?

Qian Feifei has never encountered such a situation, and all his men brought down.

No one can fight.

"Miss, there is no other way, quickly return to the family for help."

Hu Yong stood up and said that he came to Qian Feifei's side and was hit hard by Li Zongjiu's move. He only got up now. The strength of the boy just now is really terrible.

Only when you really face him can you deeply feel the horror of the other party.

Fortunately, Qian Feifei was not beaten by the other party. Otherwise, Qian Feifei's life is directly accounted for here, but looking at these people, it should be a bit of a spectrum.

"Ok ... we ... we go back ..."

Qian Feifei never encountered such a stubble. In the presence of so many people, the two Qian family's sons were taken away. This method and courage are absolutely very fortunate. Fortunately, Qian Feifei was not completely frightened, and quickly arranged under Hu Yong Back to Qian's house

Love, originally told her father.

Qian Tianding.

Of course, in this process, too much of his own part is hidden.

Rather, it was arrogant and overbearing to describe the other party. If not, how could they dare to capture the two grandsons of the Qian family on the street.

Qingfeng Mingyue Inn.

Qian Liang and Qian Fei were tied directly to the door post. The owner of this inn is used to seeing the world, but when he saw the two of them, they were the two young masters of the Qian family, and he was slightly surprised. This was very incredible, it was so direct. Give people

Caught here, it seems that these people from Tiantang Pavilion are really very difficult to mess with.

"You guys got Qian's son? What's the matter?"

The shopkeeper personally brought two pots of tea to several people.

"Nothing big, personal grudges."

Li Zongjiu responded faintly, looking at the shopkeeper is also a lively mentality, then knowing that the inn behind this inn is not simple, otherwise the Heiqu Dandian will not arrange them here.

"Or send someone back."

Xu Sha was a little worried that the kidnapping has never been done. Although it is still a little irritating to think about it now, but it has been so stimulating. If you ca n’t stand it, something big may happen.

"When you go out, you must be ruthless, otherwise these people think we are all bullies, no matter how, we can not weaken the reputation of Tiandange!"

Li Zongjiu patted Xu Sha's shoulder and said.

"Yes! That's right, I agree with what Li Xiaozi said. These people messed up things and wanted to solve them easily. No way!"

Ling Yan also said with a clapper.

Be united when you are out, and you must not counsel anything if something goes wrong. They will take the initiative to find faults when they are counseled. This matter can't be justified. At that time, people will always find opportunities to bully you. Only the opponent who fights is completely afraid and knows that you are the kind of person who can't afford it. Will rest

Honestly. "Huh, you're afraid you don't know if you live or die. This money family is one of the top ten families in the Heiqu dynasty. If you have wealth, you can throw in a lot of money at random, and you can buy countless killers. Angry at them, wanting to leave

It is not easy to drive this Heiqu dynasty! "

Nan Pei Xuan sneered.

He wouldn't be associated with these people, he was just seeking his own way of death, and he was too self-righteous, thinking that he was something that he dared to challenge the position of the Qian family. I just don't bother to care about you little people, but I still don't know how to do it. I even kidnapped the two Qian family members. If people find a reason, then they can deal with you.

I don't know yet.

"Throw him out."

Li Zongjiu glanced at Nan Peixuan.

He said.

Hearing what Li Zongjiu said, Lan Kun got up without a word and walked towards Nan Pei Xuan.

When Nan Peixuan saw Lan Kun walking towards himself, he immediately became nervous.

"What do you want to do, deacon Xu Sha, aren't you the person in charge? Do you want to watch this kid to deal with your own failure? After returning, I will definitely go to Tiandange to complain to you!"

Nan Peixuan immediately moved Xu Sha out. After all, Xu Sha was responsible for the whole film, and of course it was responsible for everyone present.

But this time, Xu Sha did not speak for Nan Peixuan.

Because at this point, at least it is already on the same boat, and no one can get rid of it. Nan Pei Xuan said that it is no different from a traitor. For such people, Xu Sha is inconspicuous.

Lan Kun carried Nan Pei Xuan directly and threw it out of this window.

"Dare you provoke me, you're dead! I will never let you go back!"

Nan Pei Xuan was thrown directly out of the window, and a pass came.

"The window over there is a river ..."

When the shopkeeper saw Lan Kun's movement, he just wanted to remind him, but when he saw that the person had been thrown out, he naturally closed his mouth.

"I'll have some side dishes"

Li Zongjiu said that the rest were sitting at this table, and Xu Sha was a little worried. What would happen if the Qian family came.

As soon as I thought about it, I saw that the entrance of the inn was lined up with a large crowd.

Then three figures came in, and the rest were waiting outside. "Oh, my husband Qian Tianding, the old man's Qian family owner, I don't know where my two unsatisfied sons offended a few little brothers?"

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